
got into a wreck!!

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Well that just sucks! Go to the doctor for sure; even if there's nothing major wrong some strong anti inflammatory's will make the next few days more bearable - you're gonna be sore.
And hang in there. It's gonna get better :)pull and flare,
I'll be in the bar... you'll find me...

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every one in the wreck is ok found out if i would have hit the front half of the car(instead of the rear half) i probbly would have killed the girl that caused the accident i feel lucky not to of had that happen thanks every one
if ya can't dodge it RAMM it!!!!!!

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damn kreg,
glad to hear your okay...guess i really won't be seeing ya at gold coast this weekend..... i'd offer a ride but i don't think my van will make it to moss point let alone N.O........

"i may not go to heven, i hope you go to hell"-C.C.

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pretty sore today laid down all day(hydrocodone works wonders) went to school took mid term(97)going sat to take some photos of the truck and get a few things out of it
still waiting for the police report till then its wait wait wait
i brightend the other pic up a bit
if ya can't dodge it RAMM it!!!!!!

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Ya what Marc said,,
and ya sounds like a country song,, good thing your dog wasn't in the truck and your mother in law in the back,, and your not in jail,, no train involved,, things will pick up bro,, congrats on the 97% score,, not bad considering,,,,
Don't read this shit down here,, it's nonsense,,,

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Almost forgot,,
went to a scene few years back,, this lady driver ( no flaming gals!) leaned forward & was looking up at some skydivers North a Spokane,, she rear ended the car in front of her who also slowed down to watch,, air bag deployed and broke her neck,, was dead when we landed,, it was a sad situation,, again glad your all otay!!
Don't read this shit down here,, it's nonsense,,,

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Dude, all I gotta say is that I'm glad you're alright.
I'm surprised at how little damange there was to your truck.
I'm reminded of years ago, when I was a kid, I t-boned an early model Tercel (my fault). The tercel was a right-off, my old man's Camray had a few scratches...
First Omri going down with the plane, now you whacking into a DD, this's been a weird month.
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look at the pic again... the dog was in the back, he just dropped his girlfriend at the train station, got arrested for drinking (Jack Daniels), mother in law is calling the police, cows broke down the fence, and billy (bob) is boycotting the Am-trak reform bill...

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