
What's your personality type?

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High Sensation Seeking (HSS) means that you really enjoy high-energy, thrill-seeking kinds of activities. You seldom follow the crowd. Your idea of a good time is a thrilling emotional experience that challenges you to the max. Because you seek out high-energy experiences, other people probably think of you as a risk-taker. The people in your life may admire you as an avant-guard, leading-edge kind of individual who is likely to be tuned into new trends ahead of the curve. People are drawn to your adventurous spirit.
Go figure.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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High Reward Driven (HRD) means that you are a motivated person who actively seeks to work the hardest. Some people might think of you as a 'Type A' personality: someone who takes charge of a situation, someone who is firm in his or her convictions, and above all someone who is committed to winning. And the motivating factor here is the reward: whether it’s money, higher standing, or first place. People who know you probably think of you as professional, solid, and a high-performace person.
!!!!!! And there is me thinking I'm a lazy so and so! I dont mind loosing either! Wierd.

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Introverted Personality Style (IPS) means that your predominant inclination is to follow your inner thoughts, feelings, and motivations. People who know you may think of you as a person in whom "still waters run deep." While you probably tend to stay away from situations that require you to talk with people you have never met, you can do it when necessary. People who know you may say that you are difficult to get to know, but those who do get close to you discover that you can talk for hours about your rich inner world
Thats me all right.....:)"I only have a C license, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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That's funny Zennie cause I thought the same thing. I would have chosen ying and yang but the colors were just too dark. BUT I did like the abtractness and colors of the Extrovert one which is NOT me at all....
Make up your own ending,let me know just how you feel....

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High Reward Driven here.
How odd that I was gona write "type A" without taking the test. There I go and look and end up with type A. Damn, now I have to go fix something before I go crazy.
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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