
What's your personality type?

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Low Reward Driven (LRD) means that you are more motivated
by personal enjoyment than by simply "winning." People who
know you may admire the way that you seek pleasure in life, to
"stop and smell the roses." Outer rewards such as money, high
standing, or first-place ribbons take a back seat. You're the
person in the crowd who is most likely to say, "But are we
having fun yet?"
Standing behind him even when he's wrong~JumpingKayAus

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My real personality type however is ESTJ.
that means that I am an extroverted sensing thinking judging. Don't have time to explain it here but you can look it up if you want to.
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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You Chose:
High Sensation Seeking
High Sensation Seeking (HSS) means that you really enjoy high-energy, thrill-seeking kinds of activities. You seldom follow the crowd. Your idea of a good time is a thrilling emotional experience that challenges you to the max. Because you seek out high-energy experiences, other people probably think of you as a risk-taker. The people in your life may admire you as an avant-guard, leading-edge kind of individual who is likely to be tuned into new trends ahead of the curve. People are drawn to your adventurous spirit.

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