
The Worst thing to happen to you.

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1996 loosing my grandfather after only a 5 month battle with liver cancer. then three months later my grandma fell in her room and ruptured her galblatter(sp) she had very bad knee's and couldn't get to a phone for three days. She died the day that me and my brother got done with school. him his senior year and my freshman year. It took two years and cousaling to get over that.
2002 My other grandfather passing away one day short of his 99th b-day, after i helped take care of him for 6months. I took this much better mainly b/c i had a chance to say goodbye this time. and the shitty part is my grandmother is starting to give up. probly in like 2 years its gonna happen. I hope i am wrong.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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My favorite uncle (and my personal hero) died suddenly of a heart attack 3 days prior to my wedding. He was the core of our family, and I seriously considered postponing the ceremony. We went on with it, but my wedding day was bittersweet.
Also, when I got kicked out of college for a bogus charge of violating the honor code. Ugh. Fortunately they let me back in, but at the time, it was the worst thing ever...

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The worst thing to ever happen to me wasn't physical, but rather psychological. I used to talk to one of my grandfathers every Sunday, with the only exception being when I was visiting him and my grandmother, for as long as I could remember. Well, one Sunday he called for his office, where he had gone to do a little work, as I was running out the door for a soccer game. I told my mom I didn't have time and that I would call him later when I got home. Well when I got home I found out he had died of a heart attack about an hour after the call. Felt like complete crap for not taking that call for a long time.

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1) I was about five yrs old when I threw some of my father's medical charts out the window of our house. He made me go get them and I threw a temper tantrum over having to do so. I pulled a plant out of the hillside by the roots when I lost my temper. Unfortunately for me, there was a honeybee nest underneath and I was stung over a hundred times. Luckily my father was a doctor and took care of me. I can still remember running up the driveway with bees crawling all over me.
2) I was working on a ranch in Montana for the summer when I was 16. We used to ride bulls every night after dinner, and I broke my L5 vertebrae, so I've had back problems ever since. I get by, but I have gone through some painful moments since then.
**** True story, didn't happen to me. My friend was getting the roof on his house inspected, and happened to ask the guy doing it how he got into this business. The guy told him the following story: he was working as a longshoreman, and had hurt his back and had to go into the hospital for an operation. While he was undergoing the operation, the surgeon cut too deeply and nicked his heart. They had to immediately turn him over, cut him open and fix the heart. After the operation, as he was being placed into the a stretcher to be take to a room for recuperation, someone slipped while moving him and he fell partway off but his leg got caught in a side railing and he tore some knee cartiladge. Back into the operating room. When he finally was well enough to leave the hospital, he went back to work just to see his friends there. Walking into the warehouse, he opened a door to an office, and can only remember a bright light and loud noise. When he woke up in the hospital, he was told he had walked into an armed robbery and had been shot in the stomach. God knows why he didn't retire at this point.

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Read your web page with Kelly's memorial. Tears now streaming down my face. What a beautiful child. What a wonderful family.
I lost my son at 10 1/2 weeks. Never found the strength to share this with my skydiving family before.
May God continue to watch over you and yours.

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When I first started going out with my girlfriend, about 2 years ago, she was sitting on my lap in a chair and we were watching the Man Show. I was drinking water and when someone on the show said something about women never wanting to hold your nuts, I gagged on the water and spewed all over. Luckily not to much got on her and she stayed with me... although I don't really know why.
-So, how hard is the ground?!

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Holding my 3 and a half year old daughter as she died

Yeah, that's pretty much as rough as it can get. My thoughts and best wishes go out to you.
As far as the worst thing to happen to me? I can't really say because even the bad things shape your life in one way or another. What's "good" or "bad"? It's hard to say because they're events that make you who you are now. "Good" & "bad" is just a label for our interpretation of the event.
I mean I pretty much pissed away my entire college experience. Four years pretty much gone (with 2 DWIs in there). I lost my job at Enron last December. My Mom has had cancer once and my Dad twice.
Bad things. But I am who I am now because of them and I'm pretty content. If those things hadn't happened, who knows where I'd be now, who I'd be married to (if anyone) and what I'd be doing.
This isn't meant to take away from anybody's pain. But I guess I see life as sort of a journey. The road has been pretty rocky sometimes, pretty smooth sometimes, but here I am.
:)"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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I feel incredibly odd posting this after reading of lost children. I simply can't imagine what that must be like.
My first real "date". I was in grade nine, we went to Harveys - a Canadian burger joint. I was wearing a ski jacket, because we were in Toronto and it was cold. The ski jacket had strings hanging out the side, strings you could pull to give the jacket shape. The strings had tabs on the end. So I'm walking through Harvey's carrying the tray of food, the string hooks on one of the perma-chairs, the tray goes flying, the strawberry milkshakes end up on... Sherri.
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Well, maybe kind of depressing but it sure is giving us all some insight into the kind of things our friends here have had to deal with in their lives. And pretty inspirational to see that even when really bad stuff happens people can not just go on with their lives, but live happily.
I'm feeling pretty lucky that the worst thing to happen to me was having back surgery last year.
pull and flare,
Mondays suck

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There is nothing more tragic than the loss of a child. I for one have not had that experience but have cared for friends who have.
I have had a traumatic loss in my life. My mother was diagnosed with cancer when I was sixteen. Being a Moma's boy I went back and forth to the hospital with her for her treatments. I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas in the hospital with her while she was dying. On Christmas night we stayed at the hospital all night with her. She died early the next morning in our arms.
This was traumatic but it made me stronger and made me realize that life is short so you have to make the most of it.

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Lori - I'm so sorry to hear about your son. My heart goes out to you. I don't share it often either but I'm on a bereaved parent call list. I hadn't gotten a call in ages but had just happened to get one from a mom who had lost her 3 year old son right before I read this thread so it kind of brought a lot of memories back.
I think Zennie is right. I'd love to go back and change this one thing in my life but I can't and it has shaped who I am today and how I think. I remember shortly after my daughter died that I had gone to this support group and we were suppose to write down something positive that had come from losing our children and I thought they were all absolutely nuts! What could possibly be positive?!?!?! Today I can see many positives. Beyond the 2 other children I now have, I also have a much greater appreciation for many of the simple things in life and get a lot of joy from them. I can truly cherish certain moments... probably like we all feel during a skydive. The complete surrender to ecstacy of right now. I think my life is much richer because of it.
Thanks to all of you for your support and caring. It means a lot. I'm sorry to all of you who lost friends, parents, grandparents etc. Skymedic - sorry to hear of your cancer. I hope all goes well. Beat it again! I'll be thinking of you.
D :P

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My heart goes out to you with your daughter. With a post like this though you get to realize that there is hardship everywhere and that the peace and tranquility that we experience in the air is a gift and a blessing. Everything that happens to us makes us stronger and helps us help those in the future who have to deal with the same situation
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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****One more freeze frame****
Turns out, they plowed the lot around 5am, and in the time since then, it had been covered by about an inch. The rest was ice. and gravel.
*****/end painful flashback****

Dude you can't end a [one more freeze frame] with a [/end painful flashback] bad memory coding there.. You have to end a one more freeze frame with an /end one more freeze frame.

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