
Funniest reasons you have had to buy beer

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i have way too many to list, but here's an excerpt:
1st, horny gorilla (not my idea...a surprise horny gorilla), 1st skidmarks left on asphalt, 1st grass stains through a jumpsuit onto clothing underneath (ouch), 1st time having sex in a plane, 1st night jump (fell out of the same plane as previous "1st") the list goes on and on...

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On my 3 rd square jump I decided to land THROUGH 50 ft pine trees at Raeford after making my final FAR too long. PLF'd onto the volley ball court about 30 ft from a bunch of people drinking beer. They were quite suprised when I "Dropped" in......:D I was torn though....Was it a beer line violation or my first off DZ landing?
"I only have 133 jumps, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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1st naked jump out of the B-17 this year at Quincy (jump#242). 1st PLF through a mailbox while landing out (jump#16). Score: Me=1, Mailbox=0. Totalled the mailbox and wooden frame, I walked away without a scratch. 1st golf course landing (on the fairway) at Skydive Houston (jump #64). 1st time getting laid in the Otter (hump#327....LOL). 1st time throwing up under canopy(jump#23). 1st time waking up a family at 6am in Lake Wales to let me out of their locked backyard that I landed in after a balloon jump. (jump#94) (I had to walk through the house to get out the front door, they were sooooo not happy with me.) That's it, those are my best beer stories.
"I live to EFS"

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Not the funniest reason but jumped in some pretty strong winds and had to land in the EXPERT landing. It was either that or the taxiway. Everyone was outside just waiting to see what was going to happen cause I had hardly any forward movement. As soon as I touched ground everyone started clapping and yelling BEER!!!. Hell I was happy to be on the ground. It was like jump 16 for me!!!!!

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I don't know the funniest thing I have ever done to buy beer, but at the Dz I started at and at the DZ I am at right now we have a tradition for AFF grads.
1st when they gradumacate we send them to the local liquor store wearing a cap and gown and must wear it the whole time. We do check!
2nd they must wear the gown whenever they are present on the DZ unles they are leaving or going on a load. Anytime they are caught without the gown it's a six pack or more of beer. They must wear the gown until someone else graduates. So it could be for weeks or same day. Either way thats a funny way to have someone buy beer :) Dude were's your gown? :D .........
I got spring fever.........I can't come in today.....B|.........

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Do not let your beer duties slack! Beer karma is one of the most important factors in skydiving. I often tell students that if they have good beer karma they will not have mals nor will they go in.......:P
You my friend better go get some beers if you want to make through the weekend.:D:D:D:D...j/k...j/k....:D
I might hit three hundred posts today and I'm going to do it with meaningful ones......:P.....well of course except for this one.......:D
I got spring fever.........I can't come in today.....B|.........

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Yup Tom I do remember that...................
Hmmm where's Tom?
Well he was out late last night drinking.
The night before the AFF certification course?
That was classic since we were all hung over but all made it in time. So Tom bought beer. So hard to have a boogy going on and your sitting in a class room.......:P
I got spring fever.........I can't come in today.....B|.........

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the dz is in city limits and they wont allow alcohol to be drunk at the dz
That is possibly the saddest thing I have ever ever heard. I am so so sorry..............

Me too. I'm speachless . . . :(

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It was a pretty windy day and we decided to go ahead and make a load. One of the Instructors taking up a tandem and told us to not go to far off of the airport because of the winds.
Had a nice four way and I "had" to track away from the airport at the 4k breakoff. I tracked a little too far...deployed a little too low...and knew there was no way in hell I would make it back to the dz.
I found a road that I could land by with a nice clear grassy area right next too it. The dz already had someone on their way top pick me up. As I was approaching I eventually noticed a set of power line 5 feet below me. I flared all the way down until I was standing on a powerline. I jumped off the line and my canopy was still inflated because of the high winds so I floated to the ground not hurt. The truck that was coming to pick me up stopped in the middle of the road and their jaws were to the floor. "How in the hell did you manage to do that they asked?" My reply was, "I owe beer. First landing / walking on power lines!"

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