
Funniest reasons you have had to buy beer

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After I started skydiving I got really drunk one night and decided I wanted a tattoo. Of course I didn't want to get a generic one off the wall, but couldn't decide what to get, then it dawned on me, it was my 'first' tatoo, so I got BEER! tattooed across my back in 8 inch tall letters

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After I started skydiving I got really drunk one night and decided I wanted a tattoo. Of course I didn't want to get a generic one off the wall, but couldn't decide what to get, then it dawned on me, it was my 'first' tatoo, so I got BEER! tattooed across my back in 8 inch tall letters.

Sorry, gratuitous reference to the 'B' movie known as "Dude, where's my car?".
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I got BEER! tattooed across my back in 8 inch tall letters

I know why girls get tattoos on their backs (so guys will have something to look at during sex), but why do guys get tattoos there? ;)
Note to Newbies: If you're not sure, it's probably sarcasm. Just keep walking. If you don't touch it, it won't hurt you or try to follow you home.
Just take it one day at a time, like the drunks do.

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Nathan as ya get older and more mature ya can probably have that modified to read "BOOBS!" Last winter we did a jump with a bad spot,, landed N, S, E, and W of town, I was walking along the highway and a cop spotted me,, with a yellow chute draped over my shoulder and thought somebody ripped off the Michalin Man at the tire store,, turned around and questioned me till he realized I was a jumper,, put me in the back seat and gave me a ride back to the DZ,, "haven't been in the back seat of a cop car for a while",, then he knew my bud and we sometimes work with his wife,, well they were outside the car yackin shit while I was in the back seat with the heater on and sun shining in and sweatin my ass off,, left me there a long ass time so everyone could come over and see me in the cop car and wave hello before he finally let me out,, so 2 cases for my first off DZ landing and the first ta get a ride to the DZ in a cop car,, by the way his wife is a hottie and I'm thinkin I should try an sedu#@ her,, no I guess that wouldn't be right,, did I mention she's a hottie??

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Last winter we did a jump with a bad spot,, landed N, S, E, and W of town, I was walking along the highway and a cop spotted me,, ............

This has got to be the greatest run-on sentence of all time!
I think that's a beer-able offense.
Never argue with stupid people.They just drag you down 2 their level & beat you with experience

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I was gonna post sumthing really witty and intelligent but my friggin dog just farted and I gotta get the fuck outside!! Wow ,,, DeJaVU,, It was last year about this time when I posted the same thing,, I was advised not to light a match...

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