
UPT semi-stowless bag in an Infinity container. Ideas?

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Have been speaking with UPT regarding their semi-stowless bag fit for Infinity I-44.... and based on measurements we came up with trying the V348 bag.
Does anyone have experience with fitting the right UPT bag into Infinity container?
Any riggers would like to comment as to why it should not be done? I actually have the Infinity party bag but do not like it, hence the idea to fit a UPT bag in.
Has anyone done it? I'm not 100% committed on doing it, but want to try. Would like some feedback from the community.

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Does anyone have experience with fitting the right UPT bag into Infinity container?

Has anyone done it? I'm not 100% committed on doing it, but want to try. Would like some feedback from the community.

I had an Infinity Rig for a while, and as soon as I got it I took the bag off and shipped it to UPT with a note asking them to send me back a stowless.

It worked perfectly.

In my other rig (javelin), I had to send one bag back because the measure/guessing of sizes didn't work out ideally. It wasn't a huge deal, but if you have a little down time, I'd just ship them the bag.

I love the UPT stowless bags. All of my rigs have them, and I really believe they significantly lower off heading and line twists on opening.

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hmm, the person I talked to at UPT never suggested sending the Infinity bag over and I never thought of that!

I took measurements and ordered a V348 that seems to have decent fit (on paper at least). I was told that if it doesn't fit great I can ship it back and they will refund the money.

Did UPT built you a custom bag or does it have a container number inside?

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They sent me a stock one with a V# stamped on it. The way the bags are built, and the way they are measured leave a little wiggle room. Many of the bags change by as little as half an inch. My infinity bag was more rounded than the Vector, and I"m sure that makes the size for size measurements a little fuzzy. I think that was the problem I had with my Javelin bag, it was measured with a measuring tape...and what they came back with was about 1 size too small.

I figured letting them actually have the bag in their hands would let them most accurately pick the best bag.

As I remember, they didn't suggest I send it in... I just did it :)

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Yeah, I hear you about measuring!

I actually have a spare 310 bag so asked for their official measurements - matched my measurements to their, then applied the same (i hope) technique to measure the Infinity bag...
It's not ideal, seems like infinity is a shallower bag but width and length seem comparable so I will have to see ...

Any rigger can chime in here - i flipped the bag inside out to measure, and measured along the seams. Is this the way to do it?

edit: on an interesting note, I measured Infinity's party-bag I want to swap with the UPT bag and comparing the the regular one it has a noticeably different shape. It's shorter and bulkier. I found it interesting. Though if I remember correctly, my UPT semi-stowless bag for my other rig came tighter than the regular one also...

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from my 1st post :D "I actually have the Infinity party bag but do not like it, hence the idea to fit a UPT bag in. "

out of curiosity what is it about the party bag you didn't like? so that others can be aware of the similarities/differences and pros/cons between the two semi-bags?

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