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My imaginings of a pair of sweat slicked, heaving, erect nippled breasts have been replaced by some guy fondling a sheep.

If you can actually imagine someone fondling a sheep, you are sicker than I am.......
"We cannot do great things, only small things with great love" Mother Theresa

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I just mean nicely filled out, the way a woman is supposed to be. I don't usually want 'em to be too skinny & stick-like, like most models & actresses you see on TV. I think that super-lean, skinny, almost boyish body type is not meant for regular guys, it's only preferred by gay fashion designers.

Amen, brother. I love girls that look like what I would call the classic American girl next door. She doesn't have huge breasts, or a super-model/stick figure physic, she has nice curves and a good laugh. Those damn guy models, geez, I bet even Slappie could kick their ass...(j/k man :D). Seriously, though, I'm sort of the typical midwestern/southern American guy by the way I'm built and I love the girl next door type of girl. :)Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

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i know what ya mean. it's nice to be able to ask a woman if she wants to go out and she can throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt or sweatshirt (bra optional, another nice thing about smaller boobies:)just another red-blooded canadian's opinion.
"Jumping out of planes for the thrill of it all."
-J.Geils Band

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Can we talk about . . . . firm mens butts and flat, muscular (hairy), sexy torso's now . . . .

Sure.. as long as you tell what you're doing when you think about them....
Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....

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