
mardi gras boogie

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I'm going to New Orleans Friday night (actually, we're leaving the dz around 2 pm so we can get to New Orleans in time for the festivities.) We'll be coming back to the dz sometime Fri. night. I can fit 2 or 3 more people in my car. I haven't heard anything about a bus, though....

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Can't wait to get there!
I'll be rolling into town early Friday evening, heading for my sister's place. I will be out at the DZ Saturday morning. Then away again on Sunday going to New Orleans for Bacchus and perhaps back at the DZ on Monday.
Let's give one last call on who will be there when and a good meeting place. If I recall Kreg (sp?) said he will have a banner on his Pop-up??
I'll be armed with the digital camera so we can all pose :-)
Stupidity is a crime.

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i'l be showing up around 7 or 8 on friday night...ya can't miss my van... it's 5 colors and looks like a 16 year old pot head should get out of it, got a yellow smiley on the radio antenna and a disco ball on the rearview mirror......... if anyone is leaving the dz around that time and has an extra seat...i'm all for new orleans......(pulls out i.d. and cash and says 'show me the beer and boobies"...) but don't ait arounrdr i might just rend up drinking my self to sleep in my van.....(bust out air matress for the back...)......... man i can't wait only 2 more days.........

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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will have the banner on the back and side of the pop up
knock and i might answer if ya dont see a teal green dodge dokata beheind it or around im probbly not there see ya all there
its not my fault,my mind was not clear
its all because of the heineken beer......

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