
i could kill my boss

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sorry just need to sook or i will kill them
as alot of oyu know i work at a cinema now i am finished school i am availible full time this they know. A sheet was put up a couple of weeks ago to roster permenant time off (i.e college, high school etc) as im availible 24/7 i didnt write anything i had my shift canceled on tuesday ($90 worth) and therfor hadnt been there since sat night and hadnt seen the new memo saying you had to tick the days you are availible. i go in today to check my roster and guess what
no hours this week
like most of yu i have bills to pay im not on any welfare so that means this fornight i made $40 most fornigths i make $200- $350 luckily i had a little bit of money saved so i can pay the bills but i have my car rego and insurance due in a couple of months at the moment i have no health or ambulance cover and a skydiving comback is totaly out (i jumped once (oct last yr) since july 2001 they know that i have expenses but they dont like me.
even worse im only 17 so i cant even borrow money and ive already borrowed money off my olds (for the rig) so i dont wont to annoy them for more (i pay them $30 a week i.e this fornight im digging into my savings $20)
oh well by by social life my mate called me and asked if i wanted to go out he would even shout me, to bad i cant afford the petrol lol.
anyone know of anyjobs i can do lotsa stuff and i work cheap:)
"disclaimer im not really after nothen if you want you can send me money :)(o):P(o)

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I've heard construction work pays pretty well in Australia. Can't you get an apprenticeship somewhere for a trade? Electricians, plumbers, carpenters etc. all earn good money in Oz (so my mates tell me). How about packing, can't you get a job at one of the bigger Australian DZs?
"Don't die until you're dead"

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"NOTE TO SELF: pray you don't have to teach 3flier's fucked up kids"
Why its easy - they are so quiet its a pleasure in teaching them - but that might have something to do with being smacked up on 1 gm of some real decent white china injected into the eye ball............... !!!!..... ;op
any how they dont need to go to school.... they earn good money pimpin' their pert bodys to pay for the decent stuff!
"In a world where we are slaves to gravity I am pleased to be a freedom fighter"

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Why its easy - they are so quiet its a pleasure in teaching them - but that might have something to do with being smacked up on 1 gm of some real decent white china injected into the eye ball............... !!!!..... ;op
any how they dont need to go to school.... they earn good money pimpin' their pert bodys to pay for the decent stuff!

Hehehe....no comment. :D
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Sell heroin to kids!.............. ;op

or you could sell kids to a heroine! kid nap em and sell em for ransom. works for m----oops i mean i saw it in a movie i think! it pays for skydiving and food!
Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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Yeah spain was cool............ nice freeflying.......... nice hooks............. cheap beer.............. nice people.............. all in all a great 4 days................
Cya soon dude?
"In a world where we are slaves to gravity I am pleased to be a freedom fighter"

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im tring to get an apprentiship as a cameraman or editor at the moment

Go to college for 2 years ... get an education!!! Then you'll have a chance to get a job that pays well. Keep working nights at the cinema to help pay your costs. It'll be well worth it.

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