
Good Stuff!

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You're talking about that big way that looks like it's about to plow into those houses, right? I think that's more of a lense thing then anything, but I'm willing to bet they're pushing sub 3k...
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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its just like the pics you see in parachutist. the ones where it looks like they are jumping from outerspace. it's the lens/focus that makes em look like thier gonna land in the pool!(but im not sure how high they actually pulled
Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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Its a photo trick...if you zoom in on something from really far away, it makes the background seem to be really close to the subject. If you listen to the directors commentary on the DVD, Joe Jennings mentions it. I think the camera is on another plane or a helicopter.
A really cool trick to do (having nothing to do with the dvd) is to zoom out on someone while walking towards them...it makes the background seem to jump away.
Personally I think that camera angle is used a bit too much in Good Stuff...It makes it look like the people are hauling ass but i think it's cooler from closer up.
By the way, how'd ya like the extra stuff on the DVD? I loved the plane to plane stuff.
blue skies

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If you ever watch Baseball on TV you may notice the fact that the pitcher and the batter look like they are standing only a few feet away from each other. Same thing here. The video in Good Stuff where the jumpers look like they are about to eat dirt was taken from either a helicopter or another plane. Jennings' commentary on the DVD explains this quite well.

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It is a pretty good DVD. The plane to plane footage was almost worth buying the thing again (I had it before on vhs)
Radio :"Uh.. the drogue broke"
Pilot: "Tell me about it!" (translation "No shit Sherlock!"
Never argue with stupid people.They just drag you down 2 their level & beat you with experience

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The DVD is definitely worth it, in my opinion. More Stuff (the supplemental material) is an hour long. It has the plane to plane stuff, the creation of the couch segment, camera flying stuff, the IMAX thing he did with Troy Hartman and some other commercials and stuff. Also, while the directors commentary isn't spectacular it does add to the video in a lot of places.
blue skies

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"the Imax Thing...."
Wild California
AH! Got a date to come and see this with me next week. She does'nt jump but i'll probly convince her with this flick. Maybe she's a keeper? LOL This shoot is great on that technologie too bad i can't have this sort of screen at home.

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