
USA trip

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As long as you bring good beer (like that Maximum Ice stuff), I am sure the party will follow you *heh*
Otherwise, I'm guessing you will showing up when the weather still frigid in PQ, if so I guess Florida, AZ, or Calif. are the places to look - like SD Seb, SD America, SD Arizona, or Perris would be good places to start. They're all listed here in the dropzone listings.
All the larger DZ's have large crowds with lots of loads and really friendly people (well, small DZ's have really friendly people as well) - since we are one large happy (if not disfunctional) family.
And don't worry - the rudest Yanks you will meet are at the border. I think it's a hiring requirement for INS.

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Allo Philippe,
Deux questions.
In english, because my french sucks.
What method of transportation were you planning on using?
If you're driving, why not stop by The Ranch in New York. The Montreal -> New York drive isn't that bad. After the Ranch you can get back in your car and drive down to Cross Keys, again - not a bad drive.
Secondly, when were you planning on going? If it's soon - well, it's winter now. It's cold in the North. This means you'll probably want to end up in Florida, Arizona, or California - the three winter Dropzone Mecca's. You'll obviously want to fly to these locations...

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DO NOT...I repeat DO NOT come to FL over the summer...you will be bored out of ya skulls...all the DZ's are closed for 2 or sometimes 3 days a week....except deland...there open everyday of the year...but really no one is here in the summer other than the locals...if your coming in the late spring up till about april or early may it is still pretty busy...afther that.......the ranch in NY, Xkeys in NJ, and Skydive chicago are a few of the big ones...but there are a ton of em....
"...a mind stretched with new idea's will never regain its shape"

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