
Where are all the OUTS??

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I have landed out there now twice....once on intl.highway...(watch out for rotors)....and one time in the soccer field to the south....It does seem to me that this DZ has more people landing out than most that I have been too....so there are area's to land out.....just make a decision and stick with it...and CHECK THE SPOT!!!......oh and if ya make a cutaway make sure it isn't in the neighborhood to the northeast...the natives over there like to rip off peoples shit.....
"...a mind stretched with new idea's will never regain its shape"

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It does seem to me that this DZ has more people landing out than most that I have been too....

I've actually noticed quite the opposite......very few out landings, comparatively.. I attribute it to the fact that the airport is huge, while some entire DZ's are only the size of the main landing area..

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"oh and if ya make a cutaway make sure it isn't in the neighborhood to the northeast"
Yeah, I'll second that. Your talking about the area near the baseball diamonds I assume, right? Rumor has it people wait there with open trunks for falling canopies to grab and sell (or whatever it is they do with them). And from what I've heard theres definitely some truth to this...one nice thing that I've seen a few times is that people are usually chasing a cutaway canopy as soon as someone spots it....

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