
aussie's (once again i need your help)

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O.K. here i am it's getting close to my trip to australia. im planning on going to see (at least) Sydney. but what are some places close by that i can sight see. (this includes sight-seeing from 13,500ft above the earth) what dz's are close and is there public transportation that'll get me there?
i was in touch with a dz down under but i forgot which one. im on my way to retrace my steps. any advice about things to see and dz in the area will put a big stupid smile on my face (o.k. an even more stupid smile)
Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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so far this looks like this place to me.http://www.sydneyskydivers.com.au/transport.htm
i hope they have a rigger. my reserve is in need of a repack. and they have no rentals.
they'll even pick up us travelers. how cool is that!!
Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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G'day mate.
I live in Sydney, and yes the best drop zone would be Picton, we operate a largest Turbine Aircraft carrying up to 22 skydivers.
when your in town, give me a call, and I'll take you down or book you in. Check out my site www.medi.avs.net.au
Hope that's helpful mate.
talk to you soon.
Medi's Frequent Flyers: http://www.medi.avs.net.au
Sydney most affordable skydive booking agency

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Barwonheads, about 1 1/2 hours S.W. from Melbourne and Bridgewaters, about 2 1/2 hours N.W. from Melbourne...Bridgewaters is a good little DZ with a 182 and good people...Barwonheads is larger, has a helicopter sometimes and overall is a good place...except sometimes, like last weekend, there was some "industrial haze" (no one ever jumps through clouds...we know no one would do that)...it's on the coast too, so ya' can see the water pretty good (except for when the "haze" is present.)

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Barwonheads, about 1 1/2 hours S.W. from Melbourne and Bridgewaters, about 2 1/2 hours N.W. from Melbourne...Bridgewaters is a good little DZ with a 182 and good people...Barwonheads is larger, has a helicopter sometimes and overall is a good place...except sometimes, like last weekend, there was some "industrial haze" (no one ever jumps through clouds...we know no one would do that)...it's on the coast too, so ya' can see the water pretty good (except for when the "haze" is present.)

awesome looks like i'll be doing some traveling when im there. i gotta get a darn map.
Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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Public transport in Oz is generally pretty good - Sydney is really good and outside Sydney there tend to be regular trains and buses. There are a few DZ's around Sydney, I liked Hunter Valley Skydive (See www.tandemskydive.com) but then I'm biased because I did my AFF there! They have a good turbine though and the Hunter Valley is one of the big wine regions so you could combine two pastimes!
Have a great time - extremely jealous this end!

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In Sydney you have Sydney Skydivers, which is a large and sometimes busy DZ located at Picton (60mins from CBD). Aircraft is Skyvan. If you can't get a lift from another skydiver; Get to the train station ( www.131500.com.au for train details )@ Picton and call the DZ - they'll send the bus down. Open 7 days, a few loads each weekday and around 20/day on weekends.
Personally, I'd check out Byron Bay - awsome beaches and a great place to hang out; And, it would be [very] rude not to skydive while your in town too! DZ is short ride from town ( 10min ). www.skydivebyronbay.com + www.byron-bay.com
Toogoolawah in Queensland is a real nice DZ too. The DZ is about 2hours from Brisbane, for the Nationals the DZ was doing pickups from the Airport. Maybe they do them @ other times. ( www.ramblers.com.au )
Most, if not all, DZ's have a PackerA or rigger that can do your reserve. Or you could look up www.apf.asn.au/apf_services/rigging.asp. Parachutes Australia in Sydney is near a train station ( Ingleburn ).
Just in case you don't know; The APF ( www.apf.asn.au/skydiving/overseas_visitors.asp ) does have some op-regs that apply to OS skydivers. You'll need an AAD if you don't have less than a C license + If your greater than B license, but less than E license (500jumps) you'll need a RSL and/or AAD.
Blue ones, Benno

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cool, thanks for the info. it looks like i'll be covered i still got my rsl and a i have a cypres. this is really helping me plan my visit. i cant thank you all enough!! im hoping to go to at least a handful of dz's but im planning opn sight seeing on the dys that i cant jump!!
Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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the huntervally is no longer mate, from what I hear they got taken out of biz by the cousoul. so now they are diverting all of there calls to Sydney skydivers.
It sux, I really like the DZ @ the hunter, sad to see this happen to them.
Good luck to them all.

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