scottbre 0 #1 January 22, 2002 I am pulling this questions off of a comment made in another post. But I think it is a good question that should have good responses.For me, I haven't actually been on a rollercoaster since I started skydiving, because I started in late September and amusement parks are closed this time of year (except in places like Florida and California). However, I don't think my enthusiasm for them has changed in the least. They are a very different experience than skydiving. In skydiving you are in complete (at least you should be So even though it will dip into my jump money, I will still probably have to spend a few days this summer at Cedar Point and/or King's Island. "Let the rabbits wear glasses. . . " Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma 0 #2 January 22, 2002 Dunno about roller-caosetsr, but I did a 500 foot bungee a few days ago and am embarrassed to say I was really nervous! I didn't get the mind-fuck thing I think a non-jumper would get, but standing on that was a trip anyway - I really got a buzz out of it.Although, I have heard some skydivers make disparaging comments about bungees. Like...yeh, but it's not a skydive..which is true, but it was still fun :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BenW 0 #3 January 22, 2002 Rollercoasters don't do it for me anymore, but I went out in an aerobatic plane (Decathlon) during my visit to Sebastian - and that really did impress me! Hammerheads, Cuban 8s etc, the guy knew how to fly that thing!Hmm, a pilot's licence is calling...B Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scottbre 0 #4 January 22, 2002 Not sure I would do a bungee jump. Seems a lot let safe than skydiving, and you have no backup plan."Let the rabbits wear glasses. . . " Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BenW 0 #5 January 22, 2002 Emma,I agree with you, I've done a few bungee jumps and they are WAY more scary than skydiving! Sort of like base jumping with a static line!B. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hottamaly 1 #6 January 22, 2002 I adore rollercoasters! A group of skydivers and I have a yearly trip we do to 6 Flags Magic Mountain the first week of Oct. Breaks it up a bit. There's no replacement for skydiving but rollercoasters rock anyway.SKYDIVING GAVE ME A REASON TO LIVE.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #7 January 22, 2002 I still love rollercoasters. Especially the rickety wooden ones. Those are the best! They're fun.Gotta agree that bungee is way scarier than skydiving. At least for me. Now I did bungee before skydiving, so maybe order has something to do with it, but I was far more scared doing bungee. The ground is a lot more real at 175 feet as opposed to 14000. Serious, serious ground rush.I'd like to do it again to see if I feel the same way having skydived."Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jfields 0 #8 January 22, 2002 Roller coasters really don't do it for me anymore. The only thing that I worry about is whether or not the people in front of me will throw up. That isn't the kind of excitement I want.The other turn-off is the whole theme-park experience. It is always waiting in lines, overpriced crappy food, waiting in lines, overpriced tickets, waiting in line, boring rides, and did I mention waiting in lines?A lot of the rides are shorter than a typical freefall, but you have to spend 45 minutes in line behind some bratty kid who is whining to their mother. I'd rather spend time at a dropzone than an amusement park, any day. When friends talk about getting a group to go to the amusement park, I usually decline, and save my money for jumping.Justin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyhawk 2 #9 January 22, 2002 but you have to spend 45 minutes dif to a plane lol(o)(o) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alienangel 0 #10 January 22, 2002 Rollercoasters are for poofsaa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E150 0 #11 January 22, 2002 Only ever got excited about skydiving. Have not been on a rollercoaster for yonks. I guess it could be fun and would make a good day out with friends. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hisgoofyness 0 #12 January 22, 2002 if it werent for all the jerks at amusement parks, and the enormous amounts of b.o. (enough to gag you at times), and if there were no lines, i would go, i love the ride, but it is not worth the shiiat you have to go throughjust my opinionhisgoofynessits a bird, its a plane, no wait, its one goofy s.o.b. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scottbre 0 #13 January 22, 2002 Quoteif it werent for all the jerks at amusement parks, and the enormous amounts of b.o. (enough to gag you at times), and if there were no lines, i would go, i love the ride, but it is not worth the shiiat you have to go throughOn rethinking the waiting in line issue, I think I would rather spend a day at the DZ than at an amusement park. Although, I think the fart factor cancels out the BO factor. "Let the rabbits wear glasses. . . " Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #14 January 22, 2002 hell yes, rolercoasters still get me a buzz.... just thinking of the drop on the magnum 2000 xl at cedar point gets me going.... haven't been up there in a couple or years but it was always fun...and i would really like to go ride son of the beast at kings island... both parks are about 2 hours away...only thing is skydive greene county is on the way to kings island and aerohio is on the way to cedar point.....damn it alll if i have to stop before i get to the parks....... now, a non rainng overcast day would be perfect to ride roller coasters....and for bungy jumping...did the one in vegas 3 times....the ground rush got me every time....i was much more buzzed off adenaline from those jumps.....maybe i just need to downsize to a 109 and i'll get the ground rush thing......."up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro boogie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,028 #15 January 22, 2002 If you can ever manage to sit in the front line of seats on the "Batman" ride at Six Flags/Magic Mountain, there are a few places in the ride where it feels almost exactly like a hook turn. Since you are standing, and your feet aren't touching anything, it's pretty realistic.-bill von Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #16 January 22, 2002 QuoteI still love rollercoasters. Especially the rickety wooden onesThe Texas Giant, Zennie, though I'm sure you've ridden it. God I love that coaster...Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slowfaller 0 #17 January 22, 2002 Rollercoasters are still fun. Waiting in lines is a bummer but when you finally sit down in that car (preferably the back) and start to roll my adrenaline starts to flow. There are always hot girls there that you can comfort when they're scared and then take them on a water ride so their shirts get all wet and then go to the food court and drink some beer. There is no law that states you have to be sober to go on rollercoasters, you just need to have a strong stomach.CHris Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fonz 0 #18 January 22, 2002 QuoteBut I think it is a good question that should have good responses.Wheeee! I asked a good question! Have I won something?More seriously though: I find the bigger rollercoasters enjoyable but not particularly exciting. Maybe it's just because I know nothing bad is supposed to happen, who knows. The smaller rollercoasters I just find plain pukkin' boring.And as for bungee jumping: never tried, but sure want to. Anybody know of a good place to jump in or near Holland?Alphons Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jfields 0 #19 January 22, 2002 QuoteWheeee! I asked a good question! Have I won something?No, but if it is the first time, you owe beer. Justin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #20 January 22, 2002 QuoteThe Texas GiantThat is a badass rollercoaster. The only thing that sucks is the wait. "Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fonz 0 #21 January 22, 2002 QuoteNo, but if it is the first time, you owe beer. You mind coming over here to get it?If you're used to American beer I'll open up your eyes Alphons Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #22 January 22, 2002 I went New Years day once, for winter in the park. The temperature was in the high 50s, great outside. Rode that like 8 or 9 times, the wait was literally 5 minutes. That was great, there was no one in the park and all the rides were like that.Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jfields 0 #23 January 22, 2002 Alphons,I'll take a rain check on the beer the next time you are in the US. But when you do get the chance to even up, it can be with the European beer of your choice. Justin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fonz 0 #24 January 22, 2002 Quotenext time you are in the USI plan on going back to Perris as soon as I can afford (a 6,000 mile plane trip doesn't come cheap you know). You ever go there?Quoteit can be with the European beer of your choice.On a slightly more serious note, it it hard (if at all possible) to bring foreign beer into the U.S.?Alphons Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jfields 0 #25 January 22, 2002 Perris is a long way, but hey, if you bring good beer..... I live near Washington, DC, so it is on the opposite side of the country.No clue as to the regs on bringing good beer into the country. I know if it was up to Miller and Anheuser Busch, it would be illegal. They don't know beer from skunky pond water.Justin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites