
What have you givin up for skydiving?

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So you can't think about sex anymore? Wow, that would suck

Right now my wife is pregnant........so I'm on her time which makesme not have to think about it......when she wants it she lets me know ;)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I've been having sex for 12 yrs now however I've only been skydiving for 11months so I just I could say that becuase skydiving is still so new to me that it holds a little bit more excitement right now.....................Not that I wouldnt pass on a trip to tuna town :S ....OHHHHHHH THAT WAS BAD!!!!!!!!!:)sorry

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tomorrow i have to go to the Cardinal's Winter Warm-up, where a bunch of the Cardinal players sign autographs and there are a ton of vendors....that'll keep me away from the DZ most of the day.
Then the rams play on Sunday....playoffs....WHEN DO I HAVE TIME TO JUMP?????
What do I make? Teachers make a difference. What do you make?

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Hmmm...On one hand we have an afternoon filled with sitting on your ass drinking beer, stuffing your face with all sorts of heart attack food (OK thats the end of the good part), and watching OTHER people run around and play a stupid game.
OTOH.....We have me.....flying gracefully through the air at 200 MPH standing on my head. Swooping like a crazy Mofo and having a blast with my friends. Then drinking beer till I pass out. Hopefully, not before seeing a magnificent pair of Boobies!!!!!
I don't know........you make the call........:)"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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"Clay, Are you a sports fan at all???"
Not unless I personally know the players.....I watched a few Braves games cause I know one of the players. I watched a couple Jaguars games cause I know one of the players.....Other than that...NO...I can't get excited about other peoples accomplishments.
"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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OTOH.....We have me.....flying gracefully through the air at 200 MPH standing on my head. Swooping like a crazy Mofo and having a blast with my friends.

Or, we have me... tumbling gracelessly through formations, funneling exits, and freezing my ass off... still having a blast with my friends!
I gotta agree with Clay on this one--I'd much rather have my own fun with my friends than watch other people throw balls around, that would quit playing if they stopped getting paid millions of dollars for it...

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I gotta agree with Clay on this one--I'd much rather have my own fun with my friends than watch other people throw balls around, that would quit playing if they stopped getting paid millions of dollars for it...

Well, hell, their salaries are paid by the fans, so more power to 'em if the market will bear them.
I have tons 'o fun with my friends at/talking about sporting events, personally. Except football. BLEAH
Pet me! I'm harmless and cute!

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Yup. Just finishing up day 19. My mother is very proud of me. :)I'm not saying that this is forever, I have no problem with anyone else smoking it (although I'm not sure how I'd handle someone burnin' one in the same room as me right now...), my overall views on the subject have not changed (it should be legal!). But for what I want to do in my life over the next year or so it just doesn't fit, financially or emotionally.
Kinda interesting to actually have to feel things and deal with my emotions instead of living life in a fog....
pull and flare,

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I have no problem with anyone else smoking it

I'm with ya there..even though I dont smoke the stuff,although there is a time and place for it.. and the time and place isnt before a jump and you forget your golves and altimeter half way to altitude........:S This happened with one of the people I came down to elsinore with. we're in the plane and its was like "hey wheres your altimeter........." ? "Uuuhh I guess I forgot it."
"so what are you going to do....still jump"?
"Uuuuh yeah....I have my dytter in my helmut"?
I'm no advocate for smoking or not smoking , hell I dont care but please be carefull and think about what you may be doing in the next 1/2 to 1 hr away!!
By the way lisa this wasnt directed toward you... just telling about an experiance I had!!!! ;)

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Pickup line: "Excuse me, but I haven't had sex for 60 days. Will you go on a checkout (bad word) with me?"

I think "Sex. Now!" is about all you'd need for a pickup line.
Just don't do any serious formation work until you've done a couple hop'n'pops. Otherwise if you have a mal you may have problems with your cutaway procedure.

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hey wheres your altimeter........." ? "Uuuhh I guess I forgot it."

Like you've never jumped without an Alti...One of the funnest freefly jumps I was on once, only 2 out of the 5 had Altis. We determined a break off alti, broke off and counted till pull time. Worked like a charm.
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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Like you've never jumped without an Alti...

I never have jumped without an alt..... its not that i wouldnt someday, but if your going to jump stoned then I would think you need all the backup you can have. Although you probably shouldnt even be jumping at the time.

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