
What have you givin up for skydiving?

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ooo,ooo,,, it's my turn.... i gave up a zero balance on 3 credit cards and lots and lots of drinking.......... and many times hanging out with my wuffo friends.........................i know it's not the best thing to do but what would happen if two uncurrent people did thier check-out "jumps" together?... how would they know if they messed up??????......at his point skydiving is much better than sex....course ya have to be getting some to make the compison...............

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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given up...HA!
um a really successful BF. oh well, he is still a WHUFFO!
gave up manifest job for 4way team
gave up having spendign money for 4way and skydiving in general
gave up my former HA social life for the DZ (which is incredble!! I love Cross Keys!!!)
Been out dancing and partying tonight..... will i regret this tomorrow? prolly.. oh well

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In a nutshell. My horse.
I have ridden for 18 years. It's a big part of my life gone. It was not a concious decision. In the last 3 to 4 years I've had nothing but bad luck with horses.
Its impossible to compete at the level I wanted to compete at, have a fultime job a social life and skydive. (miss it :( )
Ive also given up my posetive bank account.

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Well done, on 19 days. One less smoker for the time being means more for the rest of us :)Legalise it coz the laws are killing the yoot and the families and the aging hippy's trapped in 60's timewarp. Just stupid laws by stupid people. All those environmentally clean products that could be made.
Rooftops and sunsets

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"Or, we have me... tumbling gracelessly through formations, funneling exits, and freezing my ass off... still having a blast with my friends!
I gotta agree with Clay on this one--I'd much rather have my own fun with my friends than watch other people throw balls around, that would quit playing if they stopped getting paid millions of dollars for it...
but i thought you liked throwing balls around marc???

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Gave up a husband and lots o' money.

Me too...
I gave up kid's birthday parties on saturdays, Baby Showers, Weddings - All social events that do not include skydiving.
I gave up a attitude of the Typical Material Girl, for a motto of "I'd rather do things than have things". I gave up National Lampoon family vacations for Boogie Vacations. My kids gave up soccer to hang at the DZ on Saturdays instead. I gave up expensive clothes for new jumsuites and Skydiving T-Shirts. Life is really good.
P.S. Thank God I didn't have to give up sex....
Fly Your Slot !

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I have to SECOND the comment "I narrowed down my dating pool by 99%"!!!!
and it was hard enough to find a good man amongst the general population, now to find one amonsgt skydivers...
again... sigh.....
although i have an amazing knack for finding one 2000 miles away...
anyone want to go skiing since it's too cold to jump here?

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although i have an amazing knack for finding one 2000 miles away...

I hear ya lew! Boy do I ever hear ya! I just found the man of my dreams - 1,000 miles away! Just keep telling yourself "absence makes the heart grow fonder"

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I have to SECOND the comment "I narrowed down my dating pool by 99%"!!!!
and it was hard enough to find a good man amongst the general population, now to find one amonsgt skydivers...

Amen, sistah. Sucks, don't it? Whuffo guys, as promising as they might seem at first, just won't do.
"Oh, you skydive? Why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" Then I never hear what he says after that because I'm banging my head against the table to take away the pain.
Or he might say..."Skydiving? I've always wanted to try that." So you say, "Really?!!" your eyes lighting up, and you offer to take him to the dz this weekend.
"Ohhhhh..." he says, his eyes darting about nervously. "I don't think this weekend would be good...but hey, wanna get together and watch 'Everybody Loves Raymond'?"

although i have an amazing knack for finding one 2000 miles away...

Oooh...there's a story there...:)Pet me! I'm harmless and cute!

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I haven't given up anything, even money, it' snot like it was ever a hard choice...jump! I will say that I am constantly gaining and learning so much from everyone that I meet.

I have to second this one.. I don't feel that I've given up a damn thing, but I've gained a hell of a lot..

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