
What have you givin up for skydiving?

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Why don't I just take the damn bus?

Hey, my $800 car is way better than the bus. Just cuz the registration expired six months ago cuz it's gonna cost $400 to make it pass smog (damn California DMV - $400 is a lot of skydives!), the seats are cracked and it only has an AM/FM radio in it doesn't make the bus better! At least it doesn't smell and I can choose my fellow passengers. And I can put the back seat down and pull out the sleeping bag for those Saturday nights when it's just too dangerous to drive home too! ;)
pull and flare,

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I haven't given up anything, even money, it' snot like it was ever a hard choice...jump! I will say that I am constantly gaining and learning so much from everyone that I meet. Thanks everyone!

Hey FfPm,
When can ya take me flyin in yer Cherokee?? :)Mg

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Speaking of bars...any of you elsinorians been to the Hide Away? Good god...all I can say is it was worth the experiance just to say you been there ....but thats about it!!!!

Ha ha ha! I guess your experience is complete. Musta been a slow night at the dz; or really cold out doors. :)

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I have given up every morsal of life before skydiving. and its BY Far the BEST thing that has ever happened to me.!! Life at the DZ is so natural that if for some ODD reason I'm home on a saturday nite. i'm not sure what to do with myself.
my family thinks I've disowned them, my three year old neice can spell skydiver., my work thinks the walls in my office are of some skydiving cult., and as long as there is jump tickets in my gear bag or my account full at the dz.. ITS ALL GOOD!!
Blue skies & sunset jumps

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