
What have you givin up for skydiving?

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Change my BMW for a Saturn

Could be worst, I saw a Yugo at the DZ last week. You know what they called the 4-door Yugo? A Wego (We go, get it? har har, I've got a million of them...I'll be here till tuesday, try the veil...)
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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Hmm...what have I given up...
A 4-yr. degree from a private school (transferring to a state college ;)), an apartment, a car, some flying/flight ratings, my parents respect (they just dont get it, never will), a girlfriend, and maybe a friend or two (I try to stay in touch with my whuffo friends, but its getting harder and harder, they dont get it either)...seems like a lot, but definitely nothing that wasnt worth the sacrafice. All this will never compare to the people I've met and fun I've had (and will continue to have) skydiving...
Blue skies forever,
-Marshall :)

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" Certainly sounds like you have a keeper...I still stand by my first statement...LMAO Women are just that way...... "
Agreed, some are that way. My first wife was. She also got me to stop jumping for 23 years. My wife now is 180 deg. from her.
Idiocy = Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

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I've given up Tuesday, Friday and Sunday nights. Got a 2nd job working in a bar. Between paying off my personal loan and maxed out credit card, I only had enough money left over for a couple of jumps every month - not really acceptable... Now not only am I earning more, but I can't go out drinking those nights and I can afford to make 22 jumps a month!! B|
PS and I get fed! Cooooooool! :)

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I gave up a normal, un-broken skeleton!!;)
Seriously...I gave up my messed up outlook on life and replaced it with a messed up outlook on others who don't LIVE!!!!
Oh yeah....I also gave up *%&)loads of $$$$$!!!!!:)Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Pyke :P
The Kiwi Lesbian!!!
USPA C- 31879

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I gave up drugs, and subsequently all of my pot-smokin friends in school. I skipped my college graduation to spend the day at the DZ...It was a really, really nice day. Now I'm out of school, making decent money, and I still live on Kraft dinner and hot dogs and walk to work in freezing weather cause I'd rather buy a rig than a car right now.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Live to Jump, Pull to live,

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Luckly I started skydiving before I had anything to lose:D I still drive my shit box and actually gained a girlfriend who is willing to try it (already has a tandem rain check for when the weather gets better). I did lose friendships but, time has a lot to do w/ that.
What skydiving has prevent me from doing is getting a brand new car and moving out of my parents house. I did stop pot for a while but that had nothing to do w/ skydiving. I don't buy it and smoke it maybe once a month Also, I rely on Birthdays and Xmas for new clothes. I don't care though, I have a new rig:D

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selling my 2001 Acura to buy a car that is under 20K

Still too many zero's in that number. Come back when you have a brand new rig and a $ 2K car. Then you will officially be hooked.
Is it hot in here, or am I crazy? - Charles Manson

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Still too many zeros....

I think he meant $2k in Canadian dollars... that works out to about $200 in US dollars right? ;)
Personally I just love putting my gear bag with over $3000 worth of stuff in it into my $800 car for the drive to the dz... :)pull and flare,

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I just love the thought of putting my $3000 rig, $1400 camera setup in my $5000 car (that I'll be paying on for the rest of my life) for a weekend trip to the DZ and then leaving the stuff just sit out as I eat, drink, hunt for cutaways, or review a dive......
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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