
Ok who has had a Mal how many and what kind?

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Just thought i would make a thread were people can discuss there 2for1 jumps :)me i got into line twists when i was doing a spiral......IN A STUDENT PD 260!!!! am i the man or what ;)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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I had the same mal as you Vicking, line twists in a Manta 260 (AFF level 5), but I couldn't kick out of mine, because they were all the way from top of risers, to the top of canopy, the canopy didn't even inflate, it was just a big ball of nilon. Damn student rigs!

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2 total:
1.Took a 260lb tandem one time. Broke 4 lines. Spinning wildly with half the thing inflated. Funny thing was the canopy was supposed to be grounded end of that day to be relined.
Damn I'm thirsty for some air and some brew.........

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So are Para-Commanders, but have you ever seen anyone swoop the pond with one?

Give it to Chuck.....he can do it! ;)
Honestly, though.....I've seen somebody LAND in the swoop pond on a PC.....we still don't know if he was trying to swoop it or not..

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I've had two canopies out twice. The first time they were in a side-by-side, so I chopped the main and landed the reserve. The second time I had a nice biplane, so I landed em both. Touchdown is awfully soft with 560+ square feet of canopies over your head!
Mike D-23312
"It's such a shame to spend your time away like this...existing." JMH

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Well, then if there are only, for instance, a couple [linetwists] and you cutaway, is it still a mal?

Yeah, I've seen a few students forget that part of the training and cutaway from a pretty simple line twist, but I think they count.
I, myself, have had a half dozen openings with line twists, but thats because I can't learn to fall stable (er, not spin). I don't consider them mal's. They're more like "D'Oh!'s".
IMO, they're mal's if you cutaway or should have cutaway.

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# jumps - almost 800
# choppable mals - 0
# close to chopping - 2
And that includes 120 tandems (hey, we had really good packers :)Have had line twists numerous times, a couple reaaaaalllly slow openings and several 360 degree openings, but (knocking on wood) so far they've always been fixable. .
pull and flare,

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they're mal's if you cutaway or should have cutaway

If that is the working definition, I have had two..
One I cutaway, one I should have. The should have was line twists which I fought, never checking my altitude (I know, WAY bad) I was finally out of them just over 1000 ft. I landed fine, if a bit off the DZ. Probably should have chopped, or at least considered it at the proper altitude!
Blue skies,
"by stitches, cloth, and cord,...a god of the sky for those immortal moments."-Lindbergh

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I've had 3 mals that resulted in a cutaway and reserve deployment.
jump 35 a line over under my big fury 220, went to my 5 cell swift..hehehe
jump 1103 tandem tension knots front a lines causing a bad turn..lots of handles
jump 1560 sabre 150 massive line twist with a diving spin.. went to a pd126
breaking 1700 jumps soon.

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almost 450 jumps... no chopped mals yet. buncha close calls though that maybe if i hadn't given that extra second- a line over once that luckily i got to clear with a good riser yank, a hard pull that came out on the "extra" try, and my first jump on the main i have now, finger stuck in a brake line, put me in a wicked spin (ellipticals are good for that!), hand on the chop handle when i popped my finger out. that one hurt. =c)

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MY DZ teaches line twists as a mal. Same thing with a line over, stuck slider, collapsed end cells,, etc.... All correctable for the most part but all with the potential to lead to a cutaway.
Personally, I don't really consider a line twist as a mal, but hell, everyone else was posting theirs and I didn't want to feel left out :(

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