
Jan. '02 Parachutist

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What? You guys already got your January 2002 issue? I just got my December issue, WTF!!!
tell me about it . i get my issues at the end of the month over here. i'll catch up with you guys eventually
Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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I have to rub it in...I got my January in the mail today. I got home and there is it was sitting on the table greeting me! It was an awesome surprise...it got me so excited, I ran out and bought new shoes to jump in!....don't ask! I almost got a pair of Airwalks (the brand name seemed appropriate), but I ended up w/ a pair of Adidas skateboarding shoes (errrrr...skydiving shoes)...in a very pretty dark blue w/ a touch of red. Don't mind me, I'm bored and sleepless and thought I would share my day with the rest of the world!
On another note, I wanted to let Lisa (skybytch) know that her letter hit home...I ended up calling Para Gear & ordered the Skydive U. Basic Canopy Flight tape! I think I just spent all the skydiving money I got over the holidays.
I'm a pschydiver!

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There's an article about AirAnn too.

talk about a surprise! We didnt think the article was going to be in there so we pretty much forgot about it. So Ann's been tooling around playing with web design of her site. Now MY ass has ta get her site back up pronto! ................so I'm here ;) -lol

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Nuthin like starting the year off with a swift kick in the butt.
I am proud of all of us DZ dot commers. Lots of us are getting our little faces and articles in the Mag. This is a good sign.
2002 will be a good year... Now, everyone cross you fingers for AirAnn to get the super duper job that I am interviewing with the CFO for on Friday. YAHOO, that way I can keep on doing my Goody Two Shoes thang.
Ugly Girl #6

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WHOOOO HOOOOO!! Bout damn time.. when will my B be in there? LMAO!! oh yah.. after i take the test this weekend!!
I want my parachutist.. I've never been listed in anything before.. ok.. maybe the "America's most wanted" .. but this is WAYY MORE FUN!!
Peace, Love & I'm off for 4 days after tomorrow!! WOO HOO..
Tina Wilson... A39411

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OK this is a little off topic, but I'm amazed at how many new skydivers there are. Slightly more than two years ago my name was in Rising Fallers for my A license. A33527 The last number listed this month is 39611--over 6,000 A licenses issued since I got mine. It's great to see so many people getting into the sport.
Mike D-23312
"It's such a shame to spend your time away like this...existing." JMH

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