landmissle 2 #1 December 28, 2001 In the spirit of the holiday season and the fact that it's raining here in Ca and I'm bored. I propose the following lil' contest. I'll start a story line in the fine tradition of "No shit there I was..." and you continue it. Why? Why not? O.K. here's a reason. How about two free jump tickets! Here's the rulez;The story will continue until fifty entries are created not counting my own. You can add to the story in anyway you like but must use no more than four sentences. You may only add to the story once.The entries will be judged by those who participated and up to 50 lurkers/non-participants. I can not vote. You may vote for yourself but most people will think you pretty lame for doing so.No anonymous entries accepted as story inputs or votes.Only one vote per registered login. Mulitiple logins will invalidate your entry. When fifty entries are completed, the voting begins. If yours is the final entry, you don't have to bring closure to the story, but your rating will probably go up if you do.Entries should be judged on1) Creativity2) Humor or unique twist3) Clarity4) Whatever else turns your crank.Upon the completion of the up to 100 votes or when the thread dies (in my opinion.) The votes will be tallied and winner proclaimed. I reserve the right to veto the votes and declare a winner of my choosing if I feel any shananguns have occured or if I'm just feeling pissy and think the vote count is lame. (Probably won't occur but, I can't release totally to fate since I'm a control freak.)To the winner I will buy to two normal priced jump tickets (.i.e $15-20 per ticket). Tell me the dropzone you frequent I will call them up and charge the tickets to my credit card and make sure they're waiting for you next time you arrive.Sound fair? So as they say, let the games begin...........No shit there I was, doing a five-way nakie heads-down dive with FallenAngel, Freaksis, Lummy, and SkyMonkeyOne. All was going perfectly when........... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jussi 0 #2 December 29, 2001 So there i was.. on a orbit around my Impulse 100 loadedaround 2.0......... kind of fun;) my second reserve ride.......OK, i was jumping my Birdman wingsuit once againat the Utti DZ in Finland, feeling that this is one is one of mybest wingsuit jumps so far :) until i decided that it is time toto deploy my canopy..........The first seconds seemed like normal, The canopy seemedto snivel like normal......... until...i found myself on a orbit around my Impulse, once i chopped my main canopy, but i didn`t take stable positionand i deployed my reserve around 2500 ft, with 2 linetwists..but the canopy flew fine, thank god.. it was a Tempo 120loaded around 1.66.. kind of fun landing it..;)Jussi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danno13k 0 #3 December 29, 2001 I realized that I'm doing a nakei jump, and I forgot to turn on my video cam. I reach up to turn it on... Nothing happens. I reach up again... Nothing. At this point, I must have lost track of the group... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkymonkeyONE 4 #4 December 29, 2001 ...While inverted and hanging out in the flower formation, I notice that Chuck has his gigantic member strapped to his leg so that it doesn't leave bruises from the intense flapping that would occur if it was untethered. Jesus! That was an incredible transition he did: A cartwheel to cooch dock on the Sis!My webpage HERE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iflyme 0 #5 December 29, 2001 Unfortunately, Chuckie's member broke loose from it's restraint, and took out both 'Sis and Fallen Angel during the dock with 'Sis. Being the hero I am, I whipped out MY ... hook knife, and saved the rest of the formation from further danger... but now, being relieved of his membership, Chuck was floating like a rubber duck in a hot tub... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skreamer 1 #6 December 29, 2001 Only it turned out Chuck's *member* was actually Clay who had had his head jammed up Chuck's bin laden as usual. So now Clay was in freefall without rig, luckily skreamer saw this, swooped in and got some GREAT video of Clay squealing like a little girl. Fortunately for Clay, 3flier then docked on him and repeated his party trick of getting two canopies out! They landed safely, but unfortunately the PLFking landed on them, killing them instantly, meanwhile up above the action continued.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites