
This is pissing me off..

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Click here WTF?? I thought we were supposed to have armed air marshalls by now. What's it going to take for us to get real about this problem?? If this had happened on an Israeli flight this guy would have been toast. Instead, the passengers had to deal with it. >:(
Speed Racer
What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork from my lunch?!
-WC Fields

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We can't have marshals on all the planes coming into the US. Also do these guys actually think the passengers are going to sit back and let somthing like 9-11 happen again? I am not a violent person but I know for damn sure if i am on a plane and the guy accross from me starts trying to light his shoe on fire he will be getting the shit kicked out of him!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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Another news article mentioned the sedatives were stored on the plane, I guess they are standard issue in First Aid kits on International flights? But g/f once ripped into one once out of curiousity and didn't find anything other than the normal, asprin, bandages, etc. *shrug*

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I read somewhere that they had an "on board" medical kit that the MDs used.
Also, if I'd been sitting next to that MF, I would have had a handful of his hair, twisted it and him into the aisle and tapdanced on his windpipe. And then I'd REALLY get mean.
"That which does not kill me makes me stronger."--Nietzsche

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