sangiro 25 #1 December 11, 2001 Guys,If you haven't read the article on Taya Weiss on the homepage yet, please do so. I don't have to explain to you guys why Africa is near and dear to my heart. It's also a continent silently under siege. The number of people in Africa who face death through AIDS this year dwarfs any disaster that may be playing off a lot more publicly on your TV screens every night.Taya is only one of a lot of people who are volunteering her time to help. But she's a skydiver and you can help smooth her path. Just to give you an idea of exactly how bad this is (and I'm no scare-monger) here are the year 2000 numbers form the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS.For each statistic below there are two numbers. The first is worldwide, the second is which part of that is from Sub-Saharan Africa. It's a bit of an eye-opener...Aids Deaths: 3 million - 2.4 millionInfant Aids deaths: 500, 000 - 440,000Persons with Aids: 36.1 million - 25.3 millionChildren with Aids: 1.4 million - 1.1 millionNew HIV infections: 5.3 million - 3.8 millionRead the article, contribute or at least drop her an email and say "Hi, you kick ass!" Thanks for your time.Safe swoopsSangiro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airann 1 #2 December 12, 2001 Thank you so much Sangrio for pointing that one out. I am all over this. I so love to see our masses getting behind something that will be good for other people. It is like my favorite thing. This girl is essentially going it alone, to do what she can to help out in this world. That is so awesome! I cant believe these numbers. It is mostly Africa. Why is it that the world organizations are not hacking away at these numbers? Why isnt this on the news every night? Why is it that I only vaguely remember this topic in America, who likely has the most reasearch regarding this matter. Well, I think the European medical community has research as well, but still..... are we (countries with science and medical knowledge) just doing the trials on our own people and not helping other persons? Whats the deal with this. For example. Every night on the news I hear that Houston's medical community has broken another record. Denton Cooley did the frist heart transplant here. We have Dr Red Duke and they made a TV show after him. The only plane allowed in the sky after they shut down the aircrafts on 9-11 was a C130 bound for Houston with an already harvested Liver for a transplant into a Pakastanian child. This only hours after the buildings were hit. And that had to be ok'ed by the President. My point is this... I only know about Houstons Medical community and it is extensive. And I havent heard a thing about African Aids being helped and it seems to me if these numbers are anywhere near accurate it should be looked into. By somebody smarter than me. And that wouldnt take too much to be smarter than me. LOLAirAnnBAWAHHH! and click on Hey Jude! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #3 December 12, 2001 Ann.... hate to burst everyones bubble in TX abou this one....QuoteThe only plane allowed in the sky after they shut down the aircrafts on 9-11 was a C130 bound for Houston with an already harvested Liver for a transplant into a Pakastanian child.But there were actually quite a few planes still in the sky. There were 3 civilian planes over Ohio alone. One in route to NY with Blood within 3 hours of the first building being struck. Another 2 were on medical fights too. Granted they were just little LEar jets, but there was no restriction placed on medical flights, just lots of paperwork and hoops to jump though.I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freaksister 0 #4 December 12, 2001 Those statistics are really scary!! I had no idea...Thank you Sangiro...SisI feel so alive,for the very first time-and I think I can fly! - P.O.D. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #5 December 12, 2001 Nice, boss man! I agree wholeheartedly. While I haven't yet met Taya, I work with Steve Sanderson (aka SBS), who met and was very taken by her at the Chicks Rock boogie, and he's told me a LOT about what she's done and is planning to do. This girl is flat amazing... with her smarts and degree from Harvard she could be bringing down some serious coin, but instead she's dedicated herself to improving the lives of other people - currently she works as a rape crisis counselor in San Francisco, she was teaching English in Africa when she was 17 and now she's off to Johannesburg to try to help more people. Please everyone, buy those raffle tickets!!! The prizes are pretty cool. If you can't afford to buy a few, send Taya an email and tell her how awesome she is. From the little I know of her, I think she's an incredible person, one that I wish I was like, and even though I can't afford much I'm going to help support her in this undertaking as much as I possibly can. I hope you'll all join me.pull and flare,lisa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnischalke 0 #6 December 12, 2001 wow! that lordoftheskyfreak's post disappeared quick!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LORDOFTHESKY 0 #7 December 12, 2001 deleted by sangiro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #8 December 12, 2001 What, just cuz sangiro isn't online and I am you all assume that I did that? heh heh heh...This isn't the thread for what you posted, treetop. I didn't consider it humorous, regardless of your disclaimer, and I'm sure Taya and her friends and family would also not consider it humorous. Start a thread titled monkey fuckers and go off if you'd like. Taya is doing a good thing, AIDS is a horrible disease that has killed too many people worldwide, joking about her and it is in very poor taste period, but especially on a thread that asks us to help her go do a good thing.imho, of course. But sangiro trusted my opinions enough to ask me to help him out here, and while he may or may not agree with my decision to delete that post I think he'll support me in it.Oh, btw everyone, that would be beer as that's the FIRST post I've deleted. pull and flare,lisa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleJumper 0 #9 December 12, 2001 I sent Taya a supportive email...I'll do what I can financially. It's a great thing and she embarking upon an adventure that will sure bring tears to her heart and wisdom to her soul!.TerriWhat you "think" you cannot do CAN if you "think" about it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airann 1 #10 December 12, 2001 PhreeZone: I am just reporting what I saw on a nationwide special that was on tv the other day. Had nothing to do with Texas or anything else. This was about a liver that was already iced. They were reporting what happed just after. Not the ones already in the air or what happend after 3 hours I dont know. However, it was a tv special thing and I dont remember what made me watch it as I am sure I was glued to at the time and I only caught this one part. So, granted I could be horribly wrong. Main thing is Houston has this giant Medical Center and I never hear anything about the helping of African Aids patients. And the numbers that Sangrio reports could choke a mule.Whats Lord Treetop doing in here. Thought he was a Wreck Dot only Dude? Next thing you know Peanut will be in here messing with me. AirAnnBAWAHHH! and click on Hey Jude! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sangiro 25 #11 December 12, 2001 QuoteTREETOPS' MOST EXCELLENT DISCLAIMERAs I have posted before I enjoy being antagonistic orargumentative solelyfor the purpose of arguing. The intended purpose of my postings are for myown entertainment .They are not meant to be informative or enlightening.They may not even be factual. They may not reflect my own true opinion.Theyshould be considered for entertainment only. I would hope in the future youwill disregard anything I may post in your consideration of any subject,*especially* when forming opinions of others.SKYDIVING IS A RISKY UNDERTAKING! DON'T TAKE ANY INFORMATION ASFACT WITHOUT FIRST CONFIRMING ITS' VALIDITY WITH AT LEAST TWO OTHER KNOWNLEGITIMATE SOURCES, AND THEN CONSIDER IT SOME MORE IN YOUR OWN MIND. AFTERALL , IT'S YOUR ASS!!!These posts are meant to offend everyone equally. If, for somereason you are not offended, please write me with a description of yourselfincluding your name, race, weight, religious views, political party, strongopinions, physical disabilities, weird sexual preferences, or anything elsethat you are touchy about, and I will try to offend you in a future post.If you would like to e-mail me with your complaints concerning myviews the address isbitemehard@suckmysphyncter.comSorry mate, this disclamer may fly on rec.skydiving but over here it's just a waste of my bandwidth. Remember you are new in this community and fools rush in where angels fear to tread.... These are moderated forums - not a platform for the verbal diarrhea that goes on in the wreck.SANGIROS' MOST EXCELLENT DISCLAIMERI have deleted posts in the past simply to make the point that the kind of behavior that turned rec.skydiving into what it is today will not stick here, and I'll do it again in the future. Deleting these posts are meant to offend everyone equally. It takes me one click of a button to get rid of you and you'll have to fill in that whole long stupid registration form again just to be able to play with us.Safe swoopsSangiro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brokeneagle 0 #12 December 12, 2001 LOL!!!! Ooooohhhhh, now THAT is funny! Treetop (lordofthesky) is the captain/demo member for a local PRO-rated skydiving team- he isn't usually caught off base like this- Brokeneagle. I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDekker 1,465 #13 December 12, 2001 Wow, what a great story......Always nice to read something like that and give me a nice warm feeling inside, especially at this time of year.Would love to help, think she will accept canadian dollars? I know they are not worth very much in the states :-)"We cannot do great things, only small things with great love" Mother Theresa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NathanL100 0 #14 December 12, 2001 Head Honcho and Skybytch, you guys rock!! Thanks for keeping the peace!! Blue Ones,NathanA# 39553 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taz 0 #15 December 12, 2001 Sangiro, Thank you so much for your support. I have already gotten lots of incredible emails from skydivers all over the world, and it's impossible for me to describe how good it feels to know that this community is behind me. I'm just humbled and honored that so many people are willing to take a few moments to wish me well, or to buy raffle tickets. I also have to thank Steve Sanderson, the kind of friend who comes along once in a lifetime if you're lucky.Africa is definitely a "continent silently under siege". The statistics are scary, but the people living with AIDS, poverty, and war are strong and determined. South Africa embodies both the hope and tragedy of this continent. It was only recently that apartheid was ended. A new multiracial democracy is in the making. I have no doubt that the many Africans working on the issues of violence and AIDS in this country are going to shape their own future and shape it well. I just feel honored to have the opportunity to contribute what I can to the effort. I feel privileged in many ways...privileged to have an education, to have the right as an American to dedicate my time to making the world a better place because I've never had to fight for my own survival or to experience famine or disease. Skydivers are incredible people because we do have perspectives on life that are unique. We try to live every moment to the fullest. That's the spirit in which I'm going on this journey. Once you've felt the air at 14 grand, nothing is the same. Once I started to understand the impact of violence on people's lives through my work as a rape crisis counselor and a self defense teacher, my life could never be the same. I don't think I can change everything, nor would I want to as one person. But at this point in my life, I feel a calling to do my part, and I can't turn a deaf ear. Thank you to all who are making me feel like this is the right decision! I hope to continue sharing my experiences as they unfold. And if you can, throwing a few bucks into the raffle will help me survive the year financially, and maybe win you some cool stuff!Yours, -Taya Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rgoper 0 #16 December 12, 2001 treetop:please visit aggiedave's thread on "skydiving community?"Richard"Gravity Is My Friend"P.S.i think this young woman is doing a fine thing for the people, and we should be following her example, good going taya. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airann 1 #17 December 12, 2001 Taz: And I thought I was doing something, quess not. You are a true inspiration. Write us when you can and keep us informed on your adventures, please.AirAnnAirAnnBAWAHHH! and click on Hey Jude! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SBS 0 #18 December 12, 2001 Greetings,I would also like to extend my thanks to Sangiro for his support of this effort, as well as everyone else who has taken the time to read about Taya's trip, send off a note, and/or participate in the raffle.A couple of things:Please, please, tell everyone who you think may be interested in this about the raffle. There is more than one benefit to spreading the word...1) more financial support2) more moral support for our fellow skydiver3) more importantly, more awareness! Since Taya started thinking about leaving, I have heard it many times from many people, "I didn't even know it was an issue" or "I knew there was a problem, but didn't realize just how bad it was". As members of the human race, how can we help one another, when we don't even know that we are in trouble? As Taya said in her post, she doesn't intend on changing the world single handedly, but by making people aware of the problems of the efforts of a few, she won't be working at it alone. There are lots of good people in the world, and there are lots of good people that are asking, "what can I do to help?" This is something that you can do. If nothing else, just don't allow the awareness to stop here...if you think this is an important issue, look into it more, talk about it, forward Taya's story to your friends, etc. etc. etc. Whether or not they will be buying a raffle ticket, we can use our friend's efforts and dedication as an ice breaker to spread awareness of the issue. As far as this is concerned specifically, though, keep making posts, sending e-mails, and especially sending money. :-) Remember, there are countless people who have dedicated their lives to this and other causes, and will continue to do so until the end of time...our support of organizations such as Visions in Action should not stop when Taya leaves.Thanks again to all of you.Blue Skies,Steve Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SBS 0 #19 December 12, 2001 SkyDekker (and anyone else) - I don't know exactly how it works, haven't done it myself, but through paypal you can make a payment using a credit card. I would imagine that that means you can charge US dollars to any credit card.Check it out.Again, the paypal account is Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strynx 0 #20 December 12, 2001 I've sent her an e-mail to encorage her to. I think i'ts just amazing that she is taking a whole year of her time to do it. Do you think she accepts CDN dollars or i have to send twice as much LOL! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westcoastchica 0 #21 December 12, 2001 just bringin' this to the top...thought it would slide...just this one time. hee hee.everyone catch the raffle before it's too late. taya needs all the support she can it out girlfriend...see you this weekend?Lara Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SBS 0 #22 December 13, 2001 he he rock! :-)I've heard plenty about you...look forward to meeting you this weekend.Steve Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LORDOTHESKY 0 #23 December 14, 2001 Post deleted by skybytch Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #24 December 14, 2001 umm.......right. *rolls eyes*, guestbook, and links. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites