
Why do you choose your DZ?

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If you Weston jumpers see Helen Stavely, tell her I said hello. I believe she still has her caravan parked there.
Anyway, I choose a DZ primarily for it's people and it's facilities. It helps very much that my home DZ has three turbines (two otters and a CASA), two cessnas and a Twin Bo in the Hangars. It also is terribly cool that we have a full service restaurant and bar (all ABC permits) on the premisis which is frequented by skydivers, bikers, and locals. Having some boozehag selling bagles or cold sandwiches out of a shack does not count in my book. Tons of proper 30-amp RV hookups make me very happy, too! I hate it when I go to a place, no matter how "cool" they say they are, and can't plug my RV into decent power. I guess I am spoiled.
That being said, I really like jumping at my Dad's little two-cessna DZ in Alabama too. No permanent buildings, but a fantastic vibe. Great swoop canals! The barter system is in full effect there. One chick brings like 10 pizzas from her shop in exchange for her jumps (chow problem solved!). One guy owns a computer shop and trades hardware for jumps. The list goes on.
My webpage HERE

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"I hate it when I go to a place, no matter how "cool" they say they are, and can't plug my RV into decent power. I guess I am spoiled."
I think it's the fact that you risk life and limb starting your generator with a freakin wratchet!!!!!!!! I'd want a plug in too.........:D
"and I'm not easily impressed...Ooohh look...a blue car!" -Homer Simpson

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I think the same reason most people jump their dz... great vibes, good people most importantly. Always have a blast doing whatever discipline--- I'm all around: freeflying, skysurfing, RW, Crw, and even pond swooping (or attempting).
Always have fun after jumping hours as well. The folks and Aggies are why I'm there. Extra conveniences are the proximity (35 minutes) and of course, an otter :) C ya!
Blue Skies,
Brittany S!

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the first dz i chose, i chose because i didn't know any better. (as i had never seen one before) but it wound up being one of the top DZ's in the state of texas, facilities wise. C-182, ok, we changed out otters probably 3 times during my AFP progression. and my dive masters were TOPS! (chris/derek) BUT from the "sky god" stand point, that's a whole nother story, i won't even go there. i trained there, bought my first rig there, etc...huge landing area, nice swoop pond(s) but on several occassions, i drove over there (even after calling first) and didn't get to jump, a REAL bummer after 190 mile drive, through houston. there is a drop zone 16 miles from my house, with an otter, and a C-182, but when all they have for facilities is two trailer houses, well, nuff said. so i visited two other drop zones the same distance from my house (both 74 miles away) and settled in on my final choice. the drop zone i now call home is Sky Dive Houston at Waller Texas. 1-800-JUMPOUT. Kewel DZO, kewel otter, great C-182. there is no rush-rush, hurry-hurry over there. laid back, and you don't have to worry about illegal substances out there. i love watching catfish and his CRW, they pull some amazing stunts over there, he's a big draw! The Tandem Masters and the AFF instructors, along with the video guys are good as it gets. they have skyboard coaching, RW work coaching (Thanks Deb/Bob) and we have brit! plus if you have to land off, there's plenty of alternative landing areas, as there is a golf course next door. i haven't had to use it yet, but ya never know! the packing area leaves a little to be desired, but hey, ya can't have everything, well maybe ya could but you'd have to drive for hours to get there, and then after all that, maybe not get to jump, for whatever reason. i forgot to mention the PAVED runway, it is a plus, because if it rains the day before, and the runway is muddy...hmph, well? been there, done that, made the 190 mile trek, and didn't get to jump for this very reason.
Blue Skies, Hot Days!
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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i'm drug and alchol free my self. but i have seen illegal substances used, and alchol being consumed during sky diving hours/operations, and wound up on the same jumpship with them, didn't like it. just my .02 as far as myself, i wish to not be around this type of activitie(s)

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I jump at archway. I don't have that many jumps yet, but i already would rather jump there than anywhere else. I'm getting to know more and more of the regulars and they are always very cool to me... always answer questions when i ask. Also, i'm really happy with there devotion to saftey. I just took the packing class down there and the owner of the dz basically hung out with me and a friend all day long and answered questions, gave us tips.... just over all helped us out.

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Hey Mountainman! I'm definately coming down to Richmond this summer (when my course load is light and when I actually have cash!) It's one of the few dropzones (or the only dropzone) in Indiana that has demo gear available (which may be handy since I plan on downsizing soon.)
If you ever get a chance, head up to Skydive Indiana-it's a friendly, safe dz that I enjoy calling my home. Hopefully this awesome weather we've been having keeps up and I can go there this weekend (I don't really need to study for finals...right?)
Homer:No tv and no beer make Homer something something. Marge:Go crazy? Homer:Don't mind if I do!

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the first dz i chose, i chose because i didn't know any better. (as i had never seen one before) but it wound up being one of the top DZ's in the state of texas, facilities wise. C-182, ok, we changed out otters probably 3 times during my AFP progression. and my dive masters were TOPS! (chris/derek) BUT from the "sky god" stand point, that's a whole nother story, i won't even go there. i trained there, bought my first rig there, etc...huge landing area, nice swoop pond(s)

Richard, glad you found a home at SkyDive Houston. My home
DZ, Skydive USA closed down this year. I jump at Spaceland in Houston 1) proximity, 20 minutes from home 2) Good load organizers 3) Excellent Aircraft
For those of you who say " no one was friendly, no one talked to me"..... Remember, those of us on a "Big Drop Zone" have dozen of Spectators, Tandem 1, Kids. Ask manifest to be hooked up with a group to match your skill level.
Spaceland recently started putting Name Tags on Tandem Level 1 Students. At first, I thought it looked corny, but now, I can go up and talk to a student, Identify them as Tandem Level 1's and know what to chat about. It's really cool now that I'm used to it. It's these kinds of inovative idea's that will sell the general public on our sport.
Fly Your Slot !

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This is great... a polite dz debate.... (that i didn't start :)i've been to 16 ( i think) dropzones... and all of them have been great... Group Member or not, grass or paved, Cesna or SuperOtters, big or small, I have had wonderful experiences. I love dropzones, I love skydivers and dropzone families, that's why i love to spend most of my free time there, not to mention how i love skydiving....
even travelling between competitive dropzones, I've been welcomed everywhere... even though i've been told by some people that other places aren't safe for one reason or another, and i've been told that's not true... i've decided that i will make my own decisions based on what I experience. unfortunate accidents and politics can be anywhere. lately i've been following people, boogies and aircraft, enjoying jumps with new people, talented skydivers and at various dz's...
I highly encourage experienced (licensed) skydivers to venture out and try other dropzones, especially boogies... while it's more favorable for a student to stay at one dz for a while.
and Richmond will always be my original home...

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well ive jumped at daytona,deland, palatka, texas,Ok city and atlanta.
i cant hoenstly say if any of em were better then the next but i think atlanta was the last place i called home and unfortunatly i wont be living in the sme mside of the states(world) for a while but it most say something for me to be plannig a trip back there in APRIL. even though the only reason i was down there was b/c uncle sam put me there(3 hours south)
Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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