
So..how was the big Houston Weekend??

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Just a guess, but a chickway in Jan in TX, we'll be wearing longjohns, turtlenecks, and anything that'll fit under those jumpsuits... we'll let ya lurk anyway slappie!
very cool kelli on the ug site, i'll see if I can hunt up a pic without the boyz...
i'm sure we can talk scott into the camera slot, usually all it takes is the promise of calling him cabana boy in public :)

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Houston ROCKED! I finally made it home so here is my report:
Brandon and I arrived at the DZ at 2:30am so I immediately crashed in my car. Woke up about 8:30 am and the place was already packed.
Everyone that I met was very friendly and in no time, the Otter was spooling up. I did the waiver thing and then asked to speak to a rigger.
A friend of mine just sold me his 1 year-old CYPRES for an absolutely AMAZING deal but my rigger was unable to fit it into my M$-sized Mirage with my Tempo 210. The manifest girl hooked me up with their rigger, Tom. He told me that since it wasn't his pack job he would have to repack the reserve too, then he told me he could do it right then and there. I had to ask him to repeat that last part, I must have been deaf... Nope, I heard right. He repacked my reserve, installed the CYPRES (the rig looked better than before after he was done) and tried to charge me $45. Now, his willingness to jump on it on a busy Saturday with an obviously already-tight reserve was worth a bit more than a measly $45 so I give him a huge tip as thanks. He's a really great guy, let me watch the work and did a first-class job.
Brittany is still a hottie and damn can she fly. She had no problems keeping up with me, the human bowling ball, which is impressive when you realize that she's 100 pounds soaking wet.
Did some great jumps, had some great landings, surprised the shit out of some older guy as I came surfing past him at a pretty good clip (sorry, thought it was Trey :)We partook of Shiner Bock around the bonfire that night and we Okie's (Kevin showed up that afternoon) got initiated into the way of the "Wharton Wave". Yes, nudity was involved...
Sunday rained like hell but it was still a great DZ with great people. I met Ramon on Staurday but we couldn't get together for our planned dive which was fine but I missed Zennie completely while he was there. We never ran into each other.
Props to all the cool people I met:
Pablo (This guy rocks!)
Trey (That was a sweet dive!)
Ramon (Missed seeing your hideous canopy)
Jane (Queen of the Wharton Wave & Texas SCR ceremonies)
and anyone else I missed.
I'm going to bed now!

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You met Pablo? Another one of the crazy-crazy Aggies! He is one of the coolest guys you'll meet at the DZ, I'll promise you that. Hell of a freeflier, hell of a guy and a hell of a dresser...(If you've met him, you know what I mean :)AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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You guys are killing me with that ug site!! Yeah, I think balls are involved here. You go Girlz.
Thinking I could get ready for January and a chick way. I would have to practice if I was in the formation, unless Tami is there. She & I have jumped together -about a 14 months ago? oops, ...Man, time flys.
On the other hand - I say the chick way goes Totally All Girlz and you have a female videogrfer - Heh, ...let me think....... Oh yeah, ME!
I would actually prefer #8 or #10... But I will take #5 ...(I hate odd numbers), so Kelli I am sending you a pic for the slot #5.
Let me know, I am sewing sponsor stuff on my jumpsuit and I will add the number also.
"I've had a wonderful time, but this wasn't it." Groucho Marx

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Hey Ann in the old days (Nam) your 6 was your commanding officer. I guess I'm showin my age here but anyway the six is the big guy the one in charge. So what a great number! By the way if you chics are ugly, then I want to be ugly muncher one,.

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Cloud9 =Hey, I know you! Met you at the dropzone record attempt at Spaceland. Right on! How have you been? Good I hope. We need to plan another shake down someplace. Funny video!
#2-Cin! - Heh, I am around just not too airborne lately. I plan on being back out pretty quick, weather permitting.
I see the UGLY CHICKS Numbers are a hot commity at the moment. LOL
I will let Brittany know whe is #5 and I am starting to like SIX really well.
Anyway, hope to see you #2 as soon as I can get back out.
peace, AirAnn
"If you are going through hell, keep going."
- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

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