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I have been trying to pack this damn canopy and it is impossible (for me). I keep getting to the part where I push the middle into the canopy and then pull the center cell over it to make the caccoon(sp). When I try to roll the back so it won't fall apart, it doens't roll!! Ahhh!!!! I hate new ZP and I hate PRO packing.
Ok, I'm done ranting....for now. Back to try it again. ;)
"oh no. Not another one"-Alienangel

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I dont know how your doing it but this is what I do (I am a lefty so you may have to do this with your other hand ). After I'ver rolled the nose and everything is in its place I hold the lines (up to the slider ) with my left hand bend over and grab the center of the trailing edge with my right, pull it over the canopy and hold it with my thumb of my left hand. Then grab with my right hand and bring one side around. and with that same hand bring the other side around. Now when I 'm ready to roll the tail I still have it ( the canopy lines) in my left hand I turn 45 degrees to the right, grab both edged of the tail and use my foorward leg which will be my left leg to roll the tail against . This keepes pressure on the roll and keeps stability while I'm rolling it . I dont know if that works for everyone but I get a nice tight roll all the way downand its never fallin apart when I set it down. Hope this maybe helps. Coarse you 'll probably want to ask someone with more exp!!!

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I tried it again and it is still hard as hell. I actually got it sat down without TOO much "spread". I still need to work on that. This time, when I did my fold, the whole thing went "splat". Oh well....they've only got 2 jumps on them.
I'll keep at it and thanks for the help!!
"oh no. Not another one"-Alienangel

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Wish I had an F111?? HELL NO!!! Those suck!! :P
If we had packers at our DZ, I would give it to them for the first 30 or so times till it ain't so damn slick. Oh well.
One question......when I keep laying it out in the cocoon, some of the lines go slack, how do I keep that from happening??
"oh no. Not another one"-Alienangel

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Keep all your lines taught from the very beginning.
I always turn around toward the container as I put the line bundle over my right shoulder and pull up all the droopy lines to the rest of em. I hold the bundle in my left hand and then stroke in the slackers with my right. (Clay, please leave that one alone)
As I pack, I also try to keep a hand on top of the lines in the canopy to keep them both tight and in the center of the pack, where they should be. I then grasp the lines tight (double checking for loose lines behind me) above the slider as I pull the tail up and under my grip.
Is that what you were looking for?

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>I have been trying to pack this damn canopy and it is impossible (for me). Ikeep
> getting to the part where I push the middle into the canopy and then pull the
> center cell over it to make the caccoon(sp). When I try to roll the back so it
> won't fall apart, it doens't roll!! Ahhh!!!! I hate new ZP and I hate PRO packing.
Don't sweat it. Someday you'll be packing in five minutes without thinking about it while you watch some other poor slob struggle with a pile of fabric. Packing an oversize new ZP canopy into a small bag without much packing experience is just another rite of passage in the sport. It's _supposed_ to be painful. It builds character or something. (At least that's what everyone told me.)
-bill von

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Amen brother, I know your pain - one of the packers taught me to line up the two tape edges, then do the roll with just the thumb and forefinger on the right and left hand really tight,- sorry, I'm trying to visualize this and put it to words. :(
Of course, as long as the slider is unstowed and against the stops, the lines are straight, the brakes set and the pilot chute cocked - the bloody thing should open - even if it requires a bit of uncermonious stuffing into the bag :)
As one instructor told me - even if a $5 packer can do the job better - there's good karma in doing you own pack job - since it's your neck on the line, you will do everything you can to get it right - the packer may not.

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(IM KIDDING!!! I just KNOW somebody's not gonna read this far and actually TRY this...)

Nah, the lines always get all messed up when I do that. I usually just toss it in a bathtub full of bleach for a couple of hours. The canopy packs like a breeze after that, and the openings are so soft you won't even notice it's there -- mainly because it won't be after all 9 cells blow out at once.
Seriously though, the best thing for packing ZP's is to keep at it. After packing brand new ZP tandems around the 360-385 sq ft range all Summer, I don't get too intimidated by most canopies anymore. ;) Some of the meager advice I could give you though is:
- Only put 2 S-folds in. Make the first ones at the lines, put your knees on it, and then bring the rest of the canopy up along the top of your knees, fold it in half, and put it on top of the first S-fold. I used to try doing 3 and that made it almost unmanagable.
- DON'T kneel on top of the S-folded canopy. It'll blow apart if you put too much weight on it. Just use light pressure from one hand.
- Try and put the canopy in the bag from the side and turn it. This tends to make it a little bit off-center, but IMO not enough to cause concern. And once you start getting it in the bag, keep at it.
- Also, if you got a few extra bucks, a way to make your life a lot easier is to get a ZP D-bag. It makes the canopy slide in really easily when you load it in the bag sideways.

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it's all about your knees...
PSYCHO pack it!!! trust me, i just got my new safire in june, took it to a boogie the first day i had my rigger get it all together... after spending about 1/2 hour wiping sweat and tears away, i took it over to the icarus demo tent, and the icarus staff said, "here, i'll show you how to psycho pack it..." i paid for packers the rest of that day, but with 4 jumps on it a couple weeks later, i printed the photo description of psycho-packing from icarus's website, and packed it in my living room... you will be amazed how much easier it is to get in the bag. (it may not be pretty, but it works)
and 100 jumps later, nothing more than an occasional (less than 1 in 10pack jobs) line twist, i have reliable openings, and can pack the whole thing in about 6 or 7 minutes... i would NOT recommend psycho packing for everyone though. i've psycho packed a couple other canopies and heard of slams to 1000 ft. snivles... But it is recommended for a safire. (and don't roll or push the nose in)
tip 2: closing your container, use your bare feet, not your knees...
if i get to Richmond before the bandwagon heads to the party saturday night, I'd be happy to show you how to do it...
...for $5 dollars - JUST KIDDING :)(i'd like to thank Sean C., Johnny S., Ty, PacMan, Suave, LittleJoe, Rob, BO!, Treeboy, bobo and Ed for helping my packing endevours over the last 4 years)

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Awesome guys!! Thank you so much. I am getting better at some parts of this, but I think I need a demonstration for some of these parts to psycho pack it. All that air in there is just making it all sloppy and the pics I've seen has some wornout canopy that is like 2 in. thick. haha.....
Oh well......this weekend will be the education for us. Thanks again!! :)-------------
"oh no. Not another one"-Alienangel

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When i first got my new canopy(Triathalon) and had to learn to propack it i wanted to burn it i was so frusterated.. but i was able to get a hold of the Triathalon packing video i watched it a couple of times and packed it everyday until i got to jump and by the time jumping came i packed it without a problem...

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