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Freeflir29 chill out and I can spell. Its hard to finish a post when your at school in a lecture and the teach catches you chatting and boots you off line in front of the class. To finish me message Slappie I know its got to be tough for you, been there with my leg and currently watching a fellow jumper go through the same thing only he's lucky to be alive after his mid air collision and burning in. Get well soon and take it easy. Speaking from experience the alcohol may dull the pain but it only slows the heeling.
Blue Skies

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Heh, on the ride up on Saturday my jump buddy commented "Hey, there are 7 freefliers on this load and nobody has a camera. How weird is that?"

on my first jump back since my incident the other day, out of the 15 guys and gals on the otter Me and a consol jumper were the only two withOUT cameras....freeflyers gotta love em..
Res Firma Mitescere Nescite

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I just got back from my follow up visit with the doctor {Nazi Bastards} Sooooooooo I'm definetly grounded for 5 more weeks in the figure eight brace.. Then he said he doesn't want me to jump for at least 2 to 3 months after that. Says I could break it again, because the new bone won't be strong enough to handle the pressures of skydiving. So here I sit all gloomy... Wishing I had the cash to get drunk and forget the bad news :( I wouldn't wish this on anyone cept maybe a certain person here... I'll not mention user-names but I'm sure you can figure it out "Tool #2" as a certain person called them. :D Seriously everyone be safe..
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Sorry to hear about that. Here's what I would do though...put aside all the money you would have spent on jumps anyway into your DZ account...so when you come back you can jump your ass off!! Also, finish learning to pack so you can get your A license. I'm sure you can at least do that even if you can't skydive.

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Orrrrrr, you could donate the jump money to an able-bodied student who would be sure to jump for you! (No one in particular *wink*wink)
But, if you insist on keeping your money, plan on getting "whuffo neck" like I did at the boogie LOL.
Get better soon!
PS. I was THIS close to jumping the CASA, but I, instead, got the Cessna! LOL. That was an adventure!

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Sorry to hear about your injury Slappie. But speaking from experience here (not with collar bones, but with injuries) it will go a lot faster than you think. And I think my ribs healed faster than predicted cause I drank truckloads of milk and ate all the calcium I could! Hope you feel better soon and are back in the air!

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Tell that doc to take his temp w/ a broomhandle-sized rectal thermometer, consume a cocktail of Xanax, Dilaudid, and Dimerol, wash it down w/ a couple pints of Guiness and shut the fack up, 'cause you're jumping in no less than two weeks. Got a song to make your openings nice and soft, because you KNOOOOOW you're not going to hold out no stinkin' 3-4 months. Goes like this.....
Roll, Roll, Roll your nose, shove it to the tail,
Sniveling, sniveling, sniveling, it opens like a dream.
Seriously Dude, no BS.

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