
This sucks!!!

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My wife and I were planning on going to the DZ to jump today, but when I call to find out if one of the instructors is going to be there (to show us how to PRO pack), come to find out they went from being Wed-Sun to only Sat/Sun.
We were gonna go jump our news rigs since it is coming to the end of November and it's gonna get up to around 55 today. For Ohio, that is pretty nice. I just hope that people start using more CFC, aerosols, and freon so we can get this damn O3 out of the way and keep it warm here for longer.
Damnit!!! >:(
"oh no. Not another one"-Alienangel

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I feel your pain. I was at Elsinore last weekend and it must have been around 75 on the ground and in the mid 50's at altitude. I even had to put on a t-shirt under my jump suit to keep from getting a chill on the way to altitude! Seriously though, I feel pretty lucky even though the cost of living is a bit high here in so-cal. The coldest I've ever had to jump was around 0 deg. f. A bit nippy but at least we can jump year around.

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Don't get me wrong. I don't mind the cold, there's nothing that a few extra layers, neck gator and full face helmet won't keep out.
Also it means when its very cold, there probably isnt much cloud, and the ground hardens up (we suffer from a soggy runway in winter!)
It also keeps away the fair weather summer jumpers ....yippee shorter queues! :)Lintilla
--so long and thanks for all the fish....

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Thats what I'm talking about. I'm getting sick of this "it's not over 60 so we can't jump" shit. I'm ready to fukin jump!!!

What's that about? What's stopping you from jumping when it's below 60? Hell, cold weather jumping exciting enough that we have a freakin' boogie in the middle of Febuary!

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OK, how do you Canadian & other folks deal with these fuckin' cold skydives? Do you order extra baggy jumpsuits so you can fit a lot of clothing in them? (That's my problem. I'm a slow faller, plus I got measured in Florida, so I have a snug jumpsuit) Or do you forget about the jumpsuit & just jump with insulated coveralls, or what?
I've lived in Massachusetts & Maryland, & never considered myself a cold weenie until I started skydiving!
Speed Racer
What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork from my lunch?!
-WC Fields

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So wait, then you have an extra baggy jumpsuit to accomodate all those layers? (I do RW and I fall slow, so I have a tight jumpsuit. I can't fit much under it, especially around the chest, shoulders, and arms) Or do you have a different jumpsuit for winter & summer?
Speed Racer
What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork from my lunch?!
-WC Fields

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Us Canucks come with an anti-freeze additive in our blood :)
But seriously, if you have the cash, and REALLY hate the cold - the MET5 Jacket from North Face might be of interest:
It'd be great for Green Bay home games come Decembre. :)

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I found it also helps to drink a cup or two b4 jumprun ;-) Juskiddin, Someone here also found a pretty good site (sorry can't remember who u are but thanx!) anyway check it out it's
www.underarmour.com/ua, Looks like good stuff.
"Sydiving puts a perminant SMILE on my face"

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Northe Face North Face North Face.. blablabla
I know, Its good gear, BUT COME ON!!! there's expensive, then there's overpriced!
And Grumpy, for a canuck, you dissapoint me! Mountain Equipment Coop!
have a look at this product for comparaison (its CDN $.. so it doenst have a hood...I can get a pretty good hood for 300 $US! http://www.mec.ca/Products/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT<>prd_id=17073 )
Backcountry grade, and cheap as borsh (ok, maybe expensive borsh, but not anywhere close to North Face or Mountain Hardware or Patagonia or even Kanuck or Chlorophile)...
Muff 914

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