
This sucks!!!

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I just hate to see felow skydivers wasting their money on other things then jump tickets and rigs (gee.. you'd think I'd work for SQ1 or soemthing!)
Beside, I need to push more traffic to my..errr.. I mean MEC's site before I collapse the company and run away with the money...eerrrrrr.. I mean before their Xmas sale ends.
At last my brand obsession isnt with a certain blue pill from Pfizer... right Ben?
Muff 914

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I'm a Newfie, so I get to claim ignorance - or drunkeness, depending whether it's Sunday (sober, so ignorant) or any other day of the week (drunkeness) :)
Saw one of those MEC stores in Vancouver, figured I could do better at the trusty ol' Canadian Tire for cheaper - *AND* you can use Canadian Tire money to tip waiters/drivers in Mexico City.
The Yanks appear to have this thing called REI here, basically a MEC clone from what I can near tell. Just happened upon the MET5 thingy while 'surfing the weeb' (heh, anyone remember that Radio Shack commercial with the computer sales guy, "Look at the size of that thing, it's not a mouse, it's more like a Rat!"). But I'll give the MEC site a look see, thanks on mentioning it :)

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