Jeji 0 #1 November 17, 2001 I made a jump on Monday and followed a four-way w/ camera out the door. I gave 7 sec. seperation as I was told. Well, as it turns out I counted a bit fast ( about 4 or 5 ) and opened a little to close to the camera man. I spotted him as I was kicking out some line twists, when the line twists were gone so was he. After the jump he caught me in the hanger and asked me if I had seen him. He also asked how long I gave them before I jumped. He very politly told me to make sure I slip in a Mississippi between seconds and if I happen to see anyone close to me while under canopy to open and close my legs until I get the same response in return, just so both jumpers know the other has seen them. Turns out a few others with considerably more jumps than me didn't know about the leg thing either. As a very low # jumper ( #20 yesterday) I have to wonder what other little points I may be missing? The stuff that just never makes it to the books and class info. but is still really nice to know?? Jessi Ü Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #2 November 17, 2001 i never heard of the leg thing either. no one has ever told me of that. i was just taught to keep an eye on them and keep an eye on yourself. is here!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #3 November 17, 2001 Hmmm....never heard of that. I don't waste any time wondering whether or not they see me.....just turn away. If you open up really close and on a collision course always turn right to avoid collisions. I do see people every weekend that will swear up and down that they gave "A good 5 sec seperation" when it's really closer to 2-3. I wish I had a dollar for every time I've been in the door on a 7-10 sec (high winds aloft) seperation day and only been on 5 or so and have EXPERIENCED (I only have 106 jumps I have been urged out by people with thousands) People telling me to GO!!!!! I just stand there and wait until I get to my count. Screw them! It's my ass in the door and I'll go when it's safe. P.S. This might be better off in the safety and training forum.....Que hermana pinocha gratis?-Clay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #4 November 17, 2001 QuoteLisa is slippin!!!!Lisa is in it's almost time for vacation mode... one more week! Besides, we need a little bit of signal in the Talkback forum now and then.pull and flare,lisa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RemiAndKaren 0 #5 November 18, 2001 I've either never been told about the leg signal thing in my 10 years (geee I'm old...) in the sport, or I've forgot about it (which would not be a good thing, but I doubt it)...RemiMuff 914 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brokeneagle 0 #6 November 18, 2001 I agree with the 'mississippi' trick on the count, it will help with seperation, but I've never heard of the leg signal bit either; when we were taught, it was not to try to signal other jumpers, but to turn away from canopies on collision courses, keep your head on a swivel all the way in, low man has right of way, etc. Bottom line: Be aware at all times of where other canopies are... oh, yes, and PAY YOUR BEER! Don't let this person add confusion to the list- Brokeneagle. I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rgoper 0 #7 November 18, 2001 Jeji:this teqnique was taught to me at skydive spaceland in rosharon, texas. but now that i jump a different dropzone, they obviously don't know about it. it's referred to as "russian radar" it's a good teqnique, and should be imployed in my opinion. just yesterday at the dropzone, we had an 8 way go out, a sitflier, then myself, i counted to 12, mississippis in between and all, while at 6K i did a 360 to check for traffic, the 8 wat was to my right, a standflier was falling past me, flew under me and deployed, i dumped right then and there (at 4K) no decision, no second thoughts. always be aware of others in the air, and tell the other sky divers that jump before, and after you what you intentions are, disscuss these things on the ride to altitude. never mind them "skygods" rushing you out the door, a 7 second delay, or a 45 degree angle is acceptable, but when winds aloft are high, you definitely need to allow more time for seperation, give the count, check the light, make your move! and if in freefall someone deploys under you, don't hesitate, dump! (the guy that dumped under me yesterday didn't even wave off, but my decision was made very quickly!Blue Skies, Hot Days:Richard"Gravity Is My Friend" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FallingMarc 0 #8 November 18, 2001 I've been told that kicking your legs under canopy is the universal signal for "I see you" to whoever you're looking at... I think it's a good idea too, if you've got traffic all around and need to slip behind someone, it's good to know that they're at least aware of you...The best thing is, of course, to stay as far from other canopies as you can, as several people mentioned. Nothing like a little unannounced CRW to get the adrenaline pumping...Marc Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aviatrr 0 #9 November 19, 2001 Quote I've been told that kicking your legs under canopy is the universal signal for "I see you" to whoever you're looking at... That's what I was taught several years ago, and I see a lot of people use it - so I guess they must understand it.....I just kind of assumed it was taught in most FJC's..Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #10 November 19, 2001 It was included in my FJC......I'm not sure what to put here right now..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haggis 0 #11 November 19, 2001 "... and if in freefall someone deploys under you, don't hesitate, dump! "Are you nuts? If you see somebody below you deploying, track. As soon as your release your own pc, you've lost your ability to move any way in the air except straight down. Then all you can do is hope your canopy opens quicker than the lower person. Twice I've had people open below me. First time I saw a pilot chute being released what looked like 1000 ft below me. I had my pilot chute in the air in the blink of an eye but by then the lower canopy was already inflating and slowing. It felt I could have reached out and touched it as I went past trailing a snivelling mess behind me. Second time I was just coming out of a track, saw (the same !!) pc, went back into my track, dipped a shoulder to jink left, no sweat. You don't have to move far to go around someone.If you see someone dump, chances are, it's too late to stop. Take evasive action. That's what I've been taught. That's what I've seen to be true. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RemiAndKaren 0 #12 November 19, 2001 QuoteIf you see somebody below you deploying, track yes...RemiMuff 914 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rgoper 0 #13 November 19, 2001 you kind of missed the point. i surely didn't mean if someone is 10' under you. you should never have been in a position like that to begin with. this guy was 1000' below me, i know it takes my canopy 500' to deploy, and i had a fucking 8 way towards the dropzone, yeah, good decision, track over an 8 way? i think not. before you go critisizing, know ALL the facts. you track to the highway if you want. i took the action i deemed approiate, we all lived and everything was kewel. and to tell you the truth, the other diver should have never flew under me, he was just showing his ass. (he jumped out after me, i was headdown, he was in a sit part of the way, then transcended into a stand) would you propose "tracking away", if a big way was "tracking" away under you? i'd like to see that shit! it wouldn't work out to your advantage, i gaurentee you! (we had 20 mph headwinds that day)Blue SkiesRichard"Gravity Is My Friend" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RemiAndKaren 0 #14 November 19, 2001 Richard,I really dont mean to pick on you (between this tread and the RSL one, it sure seams so, but trust me, I'm not).I'm not talking about the specific of the jump you had (as you said, we weren't there)... I'd rather keep it general.Triatlons (and pretty much any canopy) sometime snivel. Depth perception is VERY diffcult to master especially when you've got other things to worry about (like keepin g on heading in a track, and watching all around you for traffic). What may look like 1,000 feet may be 1,500 or 750 or 500... Again, maybe you can. I know I dont want to trust myself with that kind of a call.Bottom line: Dont open directly above someone else. If you can see them in a scan while tracking, you're close enough to colide into them.RemiMuff 914 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chickenhawk420 0 #15 November 19, 2001 I've heard that shit before, a good way to work out if everyones on point. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aviatrr 0 #16 November 19, 2001 Quote you kind of missed the point. i surely didn't mean if someone is 10' under you. you should never have been in a position like that to begin with. this guy was 1000' below me, i know it takes my canopy 500' to deploy, and i had a fucking 8 way towards the dropzone, yeah, good decision, track over an 8 way? Think about this.. Somebody deploys 1000' below you.. You see it, and dump immediately.. You have a bag lock.. Uh oh, that other canopy is coming up mighty fast.. Tracking is the best course of action.. You don't have to track over the next group.. If you are near pull time, you probably won't be able to track far enough to get to the next group anyways.. Just track far enough to ensure separation with the jumper below you(and other people, of course) - that's all..Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #17 November 19, 2001 "Tracking is the best course of action.. "I'm with ya there. No way I'm going to open right over someone unless I'm at 2,001 ft. "Shut up Dummy!"- Fred G Sanford Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #18 November 19, 2001 >never mind them "skygods" rushing you out the door, a 7 second delay, or a 45 degree angle is acceptable . . .Using time for separation works pretty well, but the 45 degree thing just doesn't. It does not allow for wind. It gives you incorrect info on separation from RW vs freeflyers. In general it gives you bad information.-bill von Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkymonkeyONE 4 #19 November 19, 2001 Quotein my 10 years (geee I'm old...) in the sportErrrr...That's not old, brother.ChuckMy webpage HERE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RemiAndKaren 0 #20 November 20, 2001 I'm just happy there's REAL old folks around! Thx Chuck RemiMuff 914 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #21 November 20, 2001 "I'm just happy there's REAL old folks around"Yeah.....I KNOW Chuck had to learn how to pull tension when he learned to pack....."Shut up Dummy!"- Fred G Sanford Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gemini 0 #22 November 20, 2001 Uuh ooh! I think I see a little "old folks" stuff starting. Just remember it is not always the old folks smelling up the jump plane!GeminiCo Van My Tuong Huu Dong Nam A Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites