
PLEASE help me out.

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Best advice, Go to your local DZ, Talkt to the DZO (Dropzone Owner), explain your situation, and ask him if you could pack to pay for your jump. It might take a month or two to afford it, but that way you make friend at te DZ and learn alot about jumping before you take your First Jump Class.
A rainy day at the DZ is better then a Sunny day at work

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If you cant find a job, then you shouldnt plan on jumping. It is a very expensive sport to start off in, so dont get your hopes too high now. Find a job and save enough money then.
There is one more solution. Credit Cards. But this eventually could lead to bigger problems.
Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life!
Omar B-24801

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i cant help you out i am not a jumper yet im am a wannabe

OK this is getting downright obnoxious.
It's bad enough that you keep asking the same questions over and over even though people have clearly and exhaustively answered them. But posting under a pseudonym and holding conversations with yourself just to keep your threads at the top is totally out of line. >:(
Hey Bossman, Skybytch. Y'all should know me well enough to know I have a very long fuse, and I'm generally against censorship. But this kind of behavior seems to be an appropriate justification for a site ban.
"Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control. Unable to forgive. And we're sinking deeper."

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ok two words patience and work....its me and im working to get my stuff,i'm new to this just like you except that i have my own personal coach my honey!! that teachs me alot!! thanks sweetie! ... and i'm sure that you have friends that can help you look around for a job.
How high? So high that I can kiss the sky! :)

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Okay Clinton...If you fly out to one of the local dz's out here, I'll donate 50 dollars toward your first jump.
The catch: You can't post again until after you do it!
I'm sure there are some lawns to be mowed, cars to be washed, dogs to be walked, dishes to be done, or a couple spare baseball caps that you can take down to the nearest corner, turn upside down, and start talking to people until they pay you to stop...
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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I can think of funner ways to pimp out my body, but all of them are illegal (execpt in Nevada). :o And it would deffinatly increase the first number of my weekend ratio B|
Just remember with blood donations and Plasma, you should be grounded for at least 48 hours to give your body time to recover....
A rainy day at the DZ is better then a Sunny day at work

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You might want to consider medical experiments, too. A few days ago, I saw a guy putting up a sign-up sheet for unspecified medical experiments ("$8 to $12 per hour!") in the common area of my dorm. That was right after breakfast. When I came back that night, all of the spaces were filled, to the tune of 40-50 names, and it had spilled over into the margins for another twenty or thirty names. :o

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The kick-ass ones are if you can get on in a sleep study at a medical college. You get paid to sleep!!! Sure you are hooked up to 3 or 4 machines, but thats a small price to pay to get jump tickets while you sleep :)A rainy day at the DZ is better then a Sunny day at work

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When I was in college I did like 5 of these medical studies.
I specialized in tropical disease vaccine testing. They were trying to find the most effective dosing schedule. I just had to get shots and give blood like 10 times over 6 months.
I did Chikun-Gunya Fever and some others I forgot. At the time, it was pretty good beer money. :)Justin
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