
Only of interest to riggers Spekon PEP

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Have a person who just purchased a glider from Germany.
Two Spekon RE-5L ser. 5 pilot emergency parachutes.
Lives here and needs inspection and repack. He says the German req. is 360 days.

I am aware that skydivers can bring their rigs of foreign mfg and properly in date acc to the rules of their country and jump here. But...

How can this guy proceed? For example: If someone with gear of foreign country origin goes beyond that country's packing interval, what does he do - send it back to be repacked? If he continues to jump here, who can pack it?
Can my pilot get repacked in US?

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I would say that the rule of the country of residence apply (generally). Some exceptions depending on where the rigging is done
Yes you can repack it in the US. US rules will apply.
We need a Max Validity column on packing documents. I generally write down the max validity in the remarks. For example if the AAD needs a revision or expires during the theoretical lifespan of the packjob
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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The FAA website shows that Spekon holds an approval for.the RE-5L under TSO C23d. As does the manuf. web site. Pack it according to.the manufacturer's instructions and as an FAA TSO'd item it follows FAR's for 180 day repack. As a US resident (I assume) he has to follow FAR's
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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I am aware that skydivers can bring their rigs of foreign mfg and properly in date acc to the rules of their country and jump here. But...

In this particular case it is handy that the rigs both have TSO certification and the guy isn't just visiting but is a US resident.

For emergency rigs, the FAA unfortunately doesn't have exemptions as for foreign skydivers.

(Hey, let's give 'em a call, maybe they can fix the problem in 5 working days... or 20-30 years...)

I guess that wouldn't be a problem for situations where one could classify the rig as a seat cushion, but for some flying an emergency parachute is required, and the US rules say something about making sure a rig that is available for emergency use is actually certified and in date. (Otherwise everyone could use non-TSO'd, out of date pack jobs and claim exemption from the rules because they used it in an emergency.)

Not having the foreign exemption for emergency parachutes has been awkward for international events in the US for aerobatics. I asked some championships organizers about it one time and they basically just ignored the issue because they had no solution. Foreign pilots probably just wear what they have. More modern foreign bailout rigs often get a TSO for better international recognition but there are plenty of older ones from smaller companies that only have some more local certification.

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Hi Peter,


I asked some championships organizers about it one time and they basically just ignored the issue because they had no solution.

It was either late '71 or early '72 that I wrote a letter ( long before the internet ) to Dan Poynter about how USPA was going to handle the foreign rigs that would be used in the '72 World Championships that were to be held in Oklahoma that year.

He responded that 'like minds think alike' & that USPA was going to contact the FAA on how to deal with the issue.

And I am guessing that everyone just ignored the issue for the '62 World Championships at Orange, MA.



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Oh great. It looks like I can pack them. If I do all of the searching stuff. Not too enthusiastic, as I don't have the packing instructions. Guess I can fumble bumble around the internet for an hour or three and find the instructions? I hate that exercise. Maybe I can get lucky and he has the instructions? Oops. Oh no. They would be in German language. Maybe there are pictures.

Ok then. Off to google for Spekon packing instructions. Maybe I can hire someone to do all of that internet crap. I dislike the keyboard, the search, the dead ends, the guessing on how to find stuff, etc. And then...what if there are Service Bulletins since the instructions were published......? I'd rather staple a dead skunk to my forehead and go to a three day banjo convention!

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C'mon, it took about 60 seconds to find and download the RE-5L instructions.

...But yeah I know what you mean about gear you have zero history with, especially PEP's where you really want to read every line to make sure things are right.

At least, six months later, you'll be the local go-to guy for those rigs.

"Und ze instruktions are in English, vit ze pretty piktures, did you not vin ze war?"

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Terry All I need is the packing instructions. Googled spkeon german parachute RE-5L etc. Got a picture of it. And, a Service Bulletin about cracked grommets "Spekon 01/2008" So far so good. Finally. But not until I got a picture of a red diesel engine and other silly stuff. No packing instructions though. bailoutpilot@hotmail.com. Can you find the instructions and attach to an email gizmo?

Yes I am grumpy

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I can't stand to watch (listen?) to you suffer anymore. Click on the link to the Spekon manual download page, Grumpy.

In German, that'll make you even Grumpier. But lots of nice colour pictures.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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***Have a person who just purchased a glider from Germany.
Two Spekon RE-5L ser. 5 pilot emergency parachutes.
Lives here and needs inspection and repack. He says the German req. is 360 days.


That 360 day requirement is quite common for parachutes in wintery countries where they only fun-fly 6 months out of the year. In practice, this means that all parachutes get re-packed in a mad rush the week before the flying season starts.
Since SPEKON has TSO approval, they can be re-packed by any FAA-licensed rigger.
SPEKON parachutes should be maintained in accordance with German regulations (even the German-language manual has plenty of photographs) except where German regulations are repugnant to local laws, then local laws apply.

For example, if the FAA says that emergency parachutes must be re-packed every 180 days, then Spekon PEPs should be re-packed every 180 days when used in the USA or flown in American-registered airplanes.

Just to mess with you ...
I don't know how most North American riggers can get around SPEKON's instructions about "re-certification by a German prufur every 2 years."
I have never met a German prufur working in North America. When I started re-packing SPEKONs, they named me their "North American Technical Representative" giving me honorary "prufur" status.

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Hi Terry,


I'd say it doesn't apply to a US rigger under US law under the US TSO.

Probably true; unless they submitted that req'ment at the time of submitting for TSO certification.

Sort of like the 'johnny-come-lately' life limit req'ment that the FAA says is a no-no.


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