Slappie 9 #26 October 31, 2001 Your a bull headed twisted-ego-maniac!! I'm not a flamer but you just pissed me off. This thread had nothing to do with skydiving! I personaly know Zennie and jump with him on a regular basis. He is a good guy and doesn't need some asshole like yourself trying to goad him into some contest of flight skills. You need to see a doctor about your Rectal-Craniumitist!! If you can't understand that it's HEAD UP YOUR ASS! DICK! So lets see some of your award winning photos and the website huh? I see a very lonely junior high school mentality in your post. Didn't your mother ever teach you to THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, now go crawl back under that rock you came out from under to screw up a good thread with your useless rantings and stupidity. I also think your a danger to anyone you jump with. You haven't the faintest idea what your doing by the way you post!! argh! I'll shut up now! My New Website with 24hr Chat Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airann 1 #27 October 31, 2001 Richard....AirAnn also trained at Spaceland just as you did, only before you did. -but matters not.Freeflying... Fly Cam? I could write a book. At least from my opion and from my mistakes. .. It likely wouldnt be very good, but still. This is just a tip, dont come in this forum with an attitude. Its a nice place. Wreck dot is for challenges. Not this place.You got it all wrong here. And I am sorry you misunderstood. But it happens some times. Zennie is vRW stable. Zen is more than fair. Zen is a good photographer with his digital camera. He is showing skydivers having fun. It is not all about Spaceland. That just happens to be where he jumps because it is close to his home. Zen has had FF coach jumps a long time ago, just like you had recently from Tim. (Tim's at Dallas now., btw) Zen is a highly intelligent person. If you knew him, you would know that this misunderstanding is regretable.But know this...please...There is NOT a place in skydiving for a "sky fight". Quote let's go! come out to skydive houston in waller, lets see whats what.this is a challenge by the way.If you would like, I will take this challenge. Any day. I jump Waller and Spaceland and everywhere else. I have no "home dz" to defend. Any place with an aircraft of anykind and a good pilot is a good DZ. The rest is your impression. I love Waller & Spaceland. -both for different reasons. Both have some situations, by which, I do not care for -as you well know. This is not the place to list them, however. Drop Zones have different personaities. It is not Personal.And -you know I have been jumping camera. So I can film whatever you like. And I can do it very well. I am wearing at least 2 grand worth of stuff on my head. In addition, I did not just 'stick it on my head' and say "There, I am an excellent vidographer." cause I spent a ton of money. Just like -you can not get trained at _____ and be and excellent skydiver because you have a rig on your back. You can go to and check multimedia and see my first video of my friend Nick from Scotland, who jumps at Waller, as well. And know this..... on that jump it resulted in 5 fractures to my right leg/foot.I have paid DUES to get where I am. BIG TIME, by making serious mistakes. SERIOUS mistakes. I am friends with every single freeflyer in Houston. Ask them. And we do not always agree with each other. Just like real people do -in real life.I can get other vidographers to film me -AND- you. Dont even think about your fall rate. You are a lot bigger than me, but I can match anyones fall rate up to 200 mph. (According to my Protrack, in a stand.)I will not be so vain as to list my accomplishments.But, if you still insist on a "challenge dive" ... I will take it.On a friendly basis only. Skydive~Friends~HappinessAirAnn Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleJumper 0 #28 October 31, 2001 Zennie: Dont know if you'll get this before your trip, but here are a few suggestions for restaurants. There's Tadich Grill in SanFran, 240 California Street in the financial district. There's also some great places at the wharf and at Pier 39. If you go to Oakland, there's Kincaid's, Scott's and Yoshi's all at the Jack London Square. Great dining with view of the bay.San Fran has been foggy in the mornings, and we also have some light rain...perfect weather!! Enjoy your trip, you'll love it out here! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ramon 0 #29 October 31, 2001 Read the post Newbie! Why don't you come to Spaceland, apologize to Zennie and test your diplomacy and Flying skills.2 second delay after Zennie exits and I bet beer I will dock on him first.jump highpull lowsurf longramon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slappie 9 #30 October 31, 2001 I'll back ramon!! I got his beer! hahahaha My New Website with 24hr Chat Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #31 October 31, 2001 Nah, no apologies necessary. But thanks all for the sentiments.Nevertheless, my money's on Ramon & Ann. "Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control. Unable to forgive. And we're sinking deeper." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleJumper 0 #32 November 1, 2001 I would suggest that YOU read the post ramon. DAHH!! He did ask for restaurant suggestions somewhere up above. Anyway, I forgot that there is another really great place in SF. The Cliff House on Geary I think. Excellent food and ocean view! and as far as the other portions of the post, go for it!! Don't let these terrorist maniacs spoil your trip. Sounds like you're planning to go anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airann 1 #33 November 1, 2001 It has been a while since we jumped together. Ramon's skills are not to be dismissed so quickly, over the summer the guy Rocked.-And- He was good before. He has jumps with Mike Ortiz. He is truly a good skydiver. And- can turn around and do a RW jump.(Ramon is ExtremePilotFX74's constant jump partner and close friend, so I see video a lot.) I would jump with Ramon any day. He thinks smart in the air, he is safe and fun. Not to mention the fact he is BAD-ASS. See that little picture by his name...., that is what he looks like in the air only upside down. He has a different jump suit now I think. And he holds his head kinda funny.Regarding this challege issue, You could put Warren with Ramon and they would win or whatever. Ramon and I would fair very well. I know his exit and how he flys. He knows my exit and pretty much how I fly, only better now. My headdown was fine till I broke stuff and then came back training with a top mounted camera. A TRV11 in a box is like a rudder. You gotta nail it or you are off someplace else with a neck ache. Therefore, I dont go HD with people around. I care more about my friends than that, even if I can get stable and loze no alt. I might be blond, but I am not Ignerant. There are many an unspoken rule in skydiving. One is if you dont have it - dont try it in a group. Freeflying in itself is at high speeds. Its dangerous, dont do this if you are an idiot. ~I am not referring to anyone here~I do jump with all kinds of flyers, however. But I trust my OWN skills to maintain my life. I can keep a distance or come in close, dock or shake hands. Or just get the smile shot. The only way I would back outta this challenge is if it bothered me or I got nervous or agressive. I dont believe in doing this sort of thing in the first place. A fun jump ok, but not a battle. I would back out of any dive, leave the plane or not board, if I felt the slightest bit weird on any dive. Here is the kind of guy Ramon is ... I was weird on the aircraft one time, he was going to ride down with me. There are other details just as gallant.If he says 2 sec to Zennie, its 1.5 seconds. I got $5 on that one.Ramon and I in the air - heh... hands down. Dont even waste the jump ticket.Skydive~Friends~HappinessAirAnn Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleJumper 0 #34 November 1, 2001 OOOPPSS!! I have to apologize ramon, I should have read YOUR post more clearly! I see that you were flaming rqoper!! Sorry about that!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airann 1 #35 November 1, 2001 LittleJumper he was talking about the newbie post of rgroper.Sorry, you misuderstood, it happens. Skydive~Friends~HappinessAirAnn Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airann 1 #36 November 1, 2001 You are Ok, LittleJumper.I mix it up with the guy all the time. Just for fun.Skydive~Friends~HappinessAirAnn Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LittleJumper 0 #37 November 1, 2001 Thanks Airann! I realized that AFTER I opened fire! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #38 November 1, 2001 And you misread my post about ramon! I said my money was on ramon (and you) winning. I know full well how good ramon is. He's given me a lot of great advice & been gracious enough to jump with me on a few occasions."Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control. Unable to forgive. And we're sinking deeper." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airann 1 #39 November 1, 2001 Uh ......let me think..........Now what... Quote Sorry, you misuderstood, it happens. Does that work here.Whats up with the misunderstood whatevers.I know YOU know Ramon.I forgot what I was talking bout... er my point..... er whatever.I was likely on a rant. Tooting Ramon's horn. I actually had a Halloween picture done of him too, but it got so wild that I had to abort the medium. Skydive~Friends~HappinessAirAnn Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #40 November 1, 2001 Actually I reread your post after I posted my post and I might have misread your misreading them, um, er....No worries. We're on the same page.I'm outta here. See ya when I get back! "Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control. Unable to forgive. And we're sinking deeper." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rgoper 0 #41 November 1, 2001 man, you just skeret the shit out of me, (((Shakin' in my boots))) i've seen and heard of your antics as by the way, i'd watch the name callin, we will see each other somewhere, i gaurentee it. and i'm not in the habit of letting guys like you talk to me in a condescending manner! i'm at waller every fri-sat-sun, you want me i ain't hard to find. you high-tech low timers kill me! LOL LOL by the way, you mentioned your not a flamer, i guess going from my observation of other posts here, you can't drink either? watch your mouth, it will come back to haunt you, trust me. you know where i'm at, come and get me!blue skies, black death!gravity is my friendRichard Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rgoper 0 #42 November 1, 2001 airann:if you remember correctly, we were both on student status at the same time, although you may have jumped first. my response to zennie's post was meant to be satirical. but i see only badass egos prevail.....which is just one reason i don't jump at said dz any longer. jumping is about escaping reality, we all know that. the drinking, partying, skygod crap, and all the other bs, i have NEVER indulged in, anyone can go in, at any time. doesn't matter WHO you are, or how many thousands of dollars of equipment your wearing, or how many websites we have to promote our friends/causes/issues/egos/etc... you and i have known each other a long time, we've jumped out of the same plane a lot of times, have you ever witnessed me in a mean spirited manner/demeanor?as far as slappie's wise crack...i advised him of my whereabouts. i meant no harm, but you can see the angnst of the spaceland bunch manifested in ther're was a fucking joke you spaceland skygods!plan your dive, dive your plan!Richardgravity is my friend Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #43 November 1, 2001 In the words of the Head Honcho -- "Be nice"This isn't the place for personal attacks. Please take that to private messages, emails or rec.skydiving.Thanks!pull and flare,lisa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #44 November 1, 2001 CHILDREN!.....CHILDREN!........Lisa will make all of you sit in opposite corners of the web site if you can't behave. Have a Nice Day!"There once was a man named Enis....."-Krusty the ClownClay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #45 November 1, 2001 See....she beat me to it! "There once was a man named Enis....."-Krusty the ClownClay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ramon 0 #46 November 1, 2001 I was joking too. I like Waller, I go there about every two months..Sean, Thomas, Kyle, Chris, Pablo, Freefly Derrick, I haven't seen them in a while.Please ignore comments from anyone who likes to sling my name around. I am on someones shit list. And I am continually either slammed or patronized.Come jump with me and Zennie for fun. I hate to think Spaceland is gettin clique-ish. It wasn't like that when I moved to Houston, must be a recent thing with 2nd and 3rd generation students sort of doing that.All the other DZs I have been to were atleast that bad including waller, but after Waller changed hands it seems like some of the cliques broke up and new people started jumping there.ramon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #47 November 1, 2001 "but after Waller changed hands it seems like some of the cliques broke up and new people started jumping there.".......and next week on As the Prop Turns........Will Sheila, Laura, Janet, and Melanie have Johns children? Will Dave cut away and pull? DZO Fred gets his Testicular Cancer test results........tune in next week!This program is brought to you by Major Johnson&Johnson Brand Condoms. When you need a condom as big as Texas....Use Major Johnson&Johnson brand condoms......."There once was a man named Enis....."-Krusty the ClownClay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slappie 9 #48 November 1, 2001 Well, Richard. I was not looking for a fight, I may have been a bit harsh in my comments. I was upset because Zennie is a very good friend of mine and one of the people I jump with. Yes I am still a low timer in this sport as were you and everyone else who posts on this forum. Let's not turn this thread or this forum into a debate on who's DZ is better and who is a better skydiver. I'm still learning my skills with people I know. When I am safely vRW Stable I will probably come visit Waller and other DZ's.... But at this time I'm not going anywhere and I sure don't want to come visit a DZ I've never been too where I can get bodily injury and it not be from skydiving!! OUCH PAIN hurts! Take my words with a grain of salt.My New Website with 24hr Chat Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rgoper 0 #49 November 1, 2001 slappie:we shall call it a day then! come visit us in waller! all is forgotten, and forgiven. please forgive me for any offense!blue skies!Richard"The Real Wild One"Gravity Is My Firend Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rgoper 0 #50 November 1, 2001 Ramon:Don't Worry About It! You Know Who I Am! Remember When You Filmed Chris Noel's Intentional Cut-Away With Derek's Cut-Away Rig? My Javelin J-4 Container Has My Initials "R.G." On It.But Anywho, Waller Is A "Laid Back" D.Z. Andre' Is The Kewelest DZO I've Met In A Long Time. The Otter Is Fast, And Ken The Pilot Gives Great Spots! They Have A CREW Camp Out There All The Time, And Debbie Organizing Big Ways Every Weekend. The CREW DOGZ Have A Cargo Chute, It Weighs 150#, Two Of These Guys Attach To It And Bail, Then Cut It Away And Deploy There Mains! I've Seen A Lot Of Interesting Stuff!I Had Tim Doing Some Free Fly Coaching For Me For A Couple Of Months, I Just Thought I Was Flying, This Guy Literally Flew Circles Around Me, It Was Humbling To Say The Least. Ramon, You Take Care!Blue Skies:RichardGravity Is My Friend Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites