
Mmm..Now THAT Will Sell It!

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Ok... interesting advertising choice... no complaints here...
But I do have an actual question. This is a BASE rig... why is there a 3-ring system on it? The 3-rings are there to facilitate chopping a bad main, and I assume when BASE jumping, what with the whole "no reserve" thing, cutting away is just generally a bad idea... right?

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They had a similar ad in Skydiving last month. You know what that means. We will all be treated to a few months worth of my-12-year-old-son-reads-this-magazine letters to the editor. I love that rag. They never dodge controversy.
Hey, at least she's not sitting in a bathtub full of hot dogs!!
Homer: Oh, yeah, what are they gonna do? Release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark, they shoot bees at you?


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I assume when BASE jumping, what with the whole "no reserve" thing, cutting away is just generally a bad idea... right?

Not necessarily. There is a cutaway-able BASE rig made by Vertigo called the Sorcerer. On the page is a link to a movie of a BASE cutaway with the system.
*Poof*.... instant canopy.
"Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control. Unable to forgive. And we're sinking deeper."

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Not necessarily. There is a cutaway-able BASE rig made by Vertigo called the Sorcerer. On the page is a link to a movie of a BASE cutaway with the system.

There is a guy that chopped at Bridge Day the past couple years with a Sorcerer.. It's a pretty cool system.. The reserve is static lined by the main(not an RSL, the main risers are actually attached to the reserve freebag)..

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