
Where's Skreamer?!

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So skreamer be da sit man eh!!!! nice one have got my head up sweet now am toteming people hand docks feet docks have been let out on an 16way tracking dive and allowed to go as base on a 17 way freeflier (very scary what with all these people carving around you in head down) am having great fun at the present time when r u coming down to empuria am going to be there in 2 weeks time for a solid 2 1/2 weeks jumping which will be awsome. am planning to take a trip over to the states in march time any suggestions from anyone????
for around that time of year..
speaking of rw me and another freeflier decided to do a rw jump together for a laugh and halfway through the 7th point he went in to a stand so there i am in head down thinking ohh i see the plans changed has it quite amusing!!!
so ben skreamer wingnut anyone get down to empuria you'll have a laugh
this pidgeons gotta fly

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"planning to take a trip over to the states in march"
Florida will have VERY nice weather in March. It is windy most places around that time though. It should be nice here in Georgia too.
"The sky resembles a back lit canopy...with holes punched through it"- Incubus

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