
Bad American?? Ted Nugent?

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Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001
Written by Ted Nugent, the rock singer and hunter/naturalists, upon hearing that California Senators B. Boxer and D. Feinstein denounced him for being a "gun owner" and a "Rock Star". This was his response after telling the senators about his past contributions to children's charities and scholarship foundations which have totaled more than $13.7 million in the last 5 years!!
* * * * * *
I'm a Bad American - this pretty much sums it up for me. I like big trucks, big boats, big houses, and naturally, pretty women.
I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some midlevel governmental functionary with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts squirting out babies.
I don't care about appearing compassionate.
I think playing with toy guns doesn't make you a killer. I believe ignoring your kids and giving them Prozac might.
I think I'm doing better than the homeless.
I don't think being a minority makes you noble or victimized. I have the right not to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird or make me mad. This is my life to live, and not necessarily up to the expectations of others. I know what SEX is and there are not varying degrees of it.
I don't celebrate Kwanzaa. But if you want to that's fine; I just don't feel like everyone else should have to.
I believe that if you are selling me a Dairy Queen shake, a pack of cigarettes, or hotel room you do it in English. As of matter of fact, if you are an American citizen you should speak English. My uncles and
forefathers shouldn't have had to die in vain so you can leave the countries you were born in to come disrespect ours, and make us bend to your will. Get over it.
I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry butt if you're running from them after they tell you to stop. If you can't understand the word 'freeze' or 'stop' in English, see the previous line. I don't use the
excuse "it's for the children" as a shield for unpopular opinions or actions.
I know how to count votes and I feel much safer letting a machine with no political affiliation do a recount when needed. I know what the definition of lying is, and it isn't based on the word "is"-ever.
I don't think just because you were not born in this country, you qualify for any special loan programs, gov't sponsored bank loans, etc., so you can open a hotel, 7-Eleven, trinket shop, or any thing else, while the indigenous peoples can't get past a high school education because they can't afford it.
I didn't take the initiative in inventing the Internet.
I thought the Taco Bell dog was funny.
I want them to bring back safe and sane fireworks.
I believe no one ever died because of something Ozzy Osbourne, Ice-T or Marilyn Manson sang, but that doesn't mean I want to listen to that crap from someone else's car when I'm stopped at a red light. But I respect your right to.
I think that being a student doesn't give you any more enlightenment than working at Blockbuster or Jack-In-The-Box.
I don't want to eat or drink anything with the words light, lite or fat-free on the package.
Our soldiers did not go to some foreign country and risk their lives in vain and defend our Constitution so that decades later you can tell me it's a living document ever changing and is open to interpretation. The guys who wrote it were light years ahead of anyone today, and they meant what they said - now leave the document alone, or there's going to be trouble.
I don't hate the rich. I help the poor. I know wrestling is fake. I've never owned or was a slave, and a large percentage of our forefathers weren't wealthy enough to own one either. Please stop blaming me because some prior white people were idiots - and remember, tons of white, Indian, Chinese, and other races have been enslaved too - it was wrong for every one of them.
I believe a self-righteous liberal Democrat with a cause is more dangerous than a Hell's Angel with an attitude.
I want to know exactly which church is it where the "Reverend" Jessie Jackson preaches and what exactly is his job function.
I own a gun, you can own a gun, and any red blooded American should be allowed to own a gun, but if you use it in a crime, then you will serve the time.
I think Bill Gates has every right to keep every penny he made and continue to make more. If it makes you mad, then invent the next operating system that's better and put your name on the building. Ask your buddy that invented the Internet to help you.
I don't believe in hate crime legislation. Even suggesting it makes me mad. You're telling me that someone who is a minority, gay, disabled, another nationality, or otherwise different from the mainstream of this country has more value as a human being that I do as a white male. If someone
kills anyone, I'd say that it's a hate crime. We don't need more laws! Let's enforce the ones we already have.
I think turkey bacon, turkey beef, turkey fake anything sucks. I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child - it takes a parent with the guts to stand up to the kid and spank his butt and say "NO!" when it's necessary to do so. I'll admit that the only movie that ever made me cry was Ole Yeller. I didn't realize Dr. Seuss was a genius until I had a kid.
I will not be frowned upon or be looked down upon or be made to keep silent because I have these beliefs and opinions. I thought this country allowed me that right. I will not conform or compromise just to keep from hurting somebody's feelings. I'm neither angry nor disenfranchised, no matter how desperately the mainstream media would like the world to believe otherwise.
Yes, I guess by some people's definition, I may be a bad American.
But that's tough.
Ted Nugent
My New Website with 24hr Chat

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That's pretty much the Libertarian mindset. And I agree with most of it.
I think the "not some midlevel governmental functionary with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts squirting out babies" line is a bit of an oversimplification, but yeah welfare is supposed to be a safety net, not a way of life. Education is the solution to that problem.
On a personal level, I've found him to be a bit too mean-spirited for my tastes -- but I do like "Stranglehold" :D. It's like he phrases things in a way designed to piss people off. And I'm not into that.
But hey, to each his own.
"Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control. Unable to forgive. And we're sinking deeper."

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I really think you need to explain that comment favaks? Let's hear your thoughts.

Typical ignorant white male with an attitude!

Wasn't a very intelligent statement? Have you ever really read some other things Ted Nugent has said or wrote? I may get flamed for this but I kinda agree with some of the thoughts and ideas he has and some I disagree with. But, does that make me a "Bad American?"

My New Website with 24hr Chat

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flyhi asked favaks:
What is typical; the ignorant, the white, or the attitude?
Keith responded:
I believe what favaks is referring to is the fact that white men have traditionally been favored in this country, and because of that favoritism white men have been ignorant to the fact that black people, women and other minorities have been refused jobs because of who they are. When they are hired, women especially, are hired at a much lower wage than white men are. White men have been ignorant to the fact that black people, native Americans, gays, lesbians, and other minorities have been refused housing because of who they are; that white men have been ignorant to the fact that black people, native Americans, gays, lesbians, and other minorities have been beaten and killed because of who they are. I could go on and on . . . I believe the attitude favaks is referring to is that some white men act like everyone else wants favoritism when it's traditionally been white men that have been getting all the favoritism in this country. When Ted Nugent spouts some of the stuff he does he is clearly ignorant of his fellow Americans. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all white men are ignorant, 'cause I'm a white man, I'm just saying some.

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"white men have traditionally been favored in this country"
Dude? This is the year 2001. That statement may have been true prior to about 1965 but not now. I grew up in the south and racism was pretty bad. Probably worse on the part of the non-white community. I never walked around with a chip on my shoulder. I treat people equally until they give me a reason not to. I am very prejudiced against stupid people. I can't stand em. I refuse to "give" anyone a damn thing except a chance. I'm white, 29 years old and nobody ever "gave" me shit. I work for every dollar and I have an education that allows me to have a decent job. The race card is bullshit. Times have changed. I am now the minority. There's a bite for the troll! :)"The sky resembles a back lit canopy...with holes punched through it"- Incubus

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white men have been ignorant to the fact that black people, women and other minorities have been refused jobs because of who they are. When they are hired, women especially, are hired at a much lower wage than white men are. White men have been ignorant to the fact that black people, native Americans, gays, lesbians, and other minorities have been refused housing because of who they are; that white men have been ignorant to the fact that black people, native Americans, gays, lesbians, and other minorities have been beaten and killed because of who they are. I could go on and on . . . I believe the attitude favaks is referring to is that some white men act like everyone else wants favoritism when it's traditionally been white men that have been getting all the favoritism in this country. When Ted Nugent spouts some of the stuff he does he is clearly ignorant of his fellow Americans. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all white men are ignorant, 'cause I'm a white man, I'm just saying some.

This ain't the fifties. Like a lot of white men nowadays, I grew up in a largely liberal, intellectual middle class suburb during the 70's and 80's. The history of the suffering of non-whites and women was pounded into me from as far back as I can remember. This is not new info to me, nor do I believe that it is new info to many people who grew up in recent times. That's why I question the stereotype of "typical ignorant white male". No doubt there are plenty of ignorant white men out there, I just question the stereotype. Just as I would question stereotypes about other people, even if there are a few individuals who may occasionally fit those stereotypes.
I don't think Nugent's ideas reflect an ignorance of the inequities in our society. Maybe he's just indicating that sometimes society's reaction to those inequities is inappropriate or unbalanced.
Speed Racer
Firewalk with me!

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"Maybe he's just indicating that sometimes society's reaction to those inequities is inappropriate or unbalanced."
Very true and nicely said BTW! Sadly it will always be this way as the pendulum of power swings.
"The sky resembles a back lit canopy...with holes punched through it"- Incubus

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Why is it he has an attitude?
And where is the ignorance? Does it sound like he hasnt put any thought into his statement. Ignorant would be those who want slavery reparations and who are still looking for their "40 acres and a mule." If it were a "person of color" making a statement about their views and perhaps their pride in their heritage im sure they would be applauded. I am not a fan of all Nugents views, but I find nothing ignorant about his statement. I think the most unamerican thing out there is telling someone what to think, what is "pc", what is acceptable. If you think I'm paranoid read 1984. Now somebody please yank this soapbox away from me so I can return to thinking about jumping my new canopy as soon as it gets here dammit.

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this is the response that I would have expected from anybody who feels that they have been put oout at any time in thier life. I want every one to take a step back and understand exactly what he was saying....this is not about his views, it is about his right to have those views. The statement was made to show that he had an opinion, and that it might not have followed the main stream views.
Now the ignorant one is the oerson who decides to say that his opinion his wrong, or other wise stupid, or "ignorant". You have the same right as Mr. Nugent does, express your opinions, but lets remeber that everyone is entitled to thier opinion, and just because it doesn't agree with yours, doesn't mean that it is wrong.
I am proud to say that I serve my country in the US Army, now I protect your right to have an opinion, if you feel that I am an ignorant white male, feel free to drop me a line. However do not step on anothers opinion just because it disagrees with yours.
oh, and by the way, I am a bad american!
sorry for the soap box,
Blue Skies!!!

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I respectfully disagree... yes, I fully support everybody's right to have an opinion and to say what that opinion is. I think it's great that we have a country in which we can debate things, and publicly criticize rules and officials. But that doesn't mean that every opinion is right.
If someone tells me that it's their opinion that we should violently take over Canada, they have every right to believe that... but I'm sure as hell going to tell them it's a stupid opinion, and tell them why I think so. Just like when people say it's their opinion that George W. is a moron, I'm going to say they're wrong. That's my opinion. I'm not going to force my opinion on them, but I'm not going to sit by when what I believe to be flawed logic is spouted as "the way things should be"...

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guinea, dago,wop, pollock, mic, jew, etc etc
dont they all fall into the WHITE color. wtf is white anyway.
i havew never in my life considered my self an Italian american. not once. i am of italian decent but to say you areanything-american is asking to be grouped in with a crowd. and usually it is a small crowd because eventually it will be i am a heterosexual-italian-american that limits the group a little more then it will be i am a skydiving heterosexual italian american. smaller yet. oh wiat i forgot the religion thing too. i am a roman catholic-skydiving-heterosexual- italian american. oops wait i forgot my affiliation.. i am a roman catholic-skydiving-heterosexual- italian american in the military. there are only four 4% of us. can i get a speacail cause now.
i know that was WAY OUT THERE but I will support, defend (and on most piont agree with) his right to his opinion. im not a huge NUGE fan but all this cry-babying is ridicluous.
if any one thinks that ANY new or minority group that came to the u.s. had it e-z maybe you should look again. and as far as color...wtf does that have to do with anything. in the summer i get dark if im in the sun...does that make me african american(yea,i have a huge unit haha but) its just a color folks.
we(america) are a country that believes in colors. those colors should not be used to separate us.
they should be limited and as of late they have been, thay should only be red, white and blue
i know i left a lot of open ended things for you guys to tear into me but dont worry i wont be offened. just curious.
as always....
have funLIVE FREE,skydive

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Ok everyone. Since when did this post become a "racism" discussion? I don't think Ted was saying anything derogitory about race. He was just stating that this is now 2001 not the mid 50's That no matter what color you are we should all be treated EQUAL! Just because your of a different race color or greed doesn't give you MORE Rights then anyone else living in this country. I know that favaks started with the white ignorant thing. ect..ect.. What I really posted this thread for was to get everyone thinking. I see it worked, just not the way I thought it would.

I will not be frowned upon or be looked down upon or be made to keep silent because I have these beliefs and opinions. I thought this country allowed me that right. I will not conform or compromise just to keep from hurting somebody's feelings. I'm neither angry nor disenfranchised, no matter how desperately the mainstream media would like the world to believe otherwise. "Ted Nugent"

This to me sums it up...... I hope everyone can join together because what is going to happen in the world from now in starts here in the Greatest Country on Earth the USA!!
[disclaimer] sorry to all of the readers who join the forums from overseas I mean this as no offence to any of you :)My New Website with 24hr Chat

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> I want every one to take a step back and understand exactly what he was saying....this is not about his views, it is about his right to have those views.
I agree he has the right to express his views, but this is about his views and it is my right to say that he is wrong.
> Now the ignorant one is the oerson who decides to say that his opinion his wrong, or other wise stupid, or "ignorant"....but lets remeber that everyone is entitled to thier opinion, and just because it doesn't agree with yours, doesn't mean that it is wrong
Tim McVeigh's view was wrong. So is Jerry Faldwell, Adolf Hitler, Bin Laden, etc... Their opinions don't agree with mine, and according to what you said, their views aren't wrong? They are wrong, and if you think I'm being ignorant for saying that, then so be it.
> And where is the ignorance? Does it sound like he hasnt put any thought into his statement.
No he hasn't!
> I don't think being a minority makes you noble or victimized.
Give me a break. Try being a minority and you'll find out. Trying to explain it is like trying to explain skydiving to a whuffo.
> I've never owned or was a slave, and a large percentage of our forefathers weren't wealthy enough to own one either. Please stop blaming me because some prior white people were idiots - and remember, tons of white, Indian, Chinese, and other races have been enslaved too - it was wrong for every one of them.
Many of the founding fathers owned slaves. To name a few, John Dickinson, Ceasar Rodney, William Livingston, George Washington, George Wythe, John Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, and more. Some of them also took part in creating the Constitution and to say that they were idiots is a "MOCKERY" to those who have died to protect this country and its Constitution found by a bunch of "IDIOTS".
> Our soldiers did not go to some foreign country and risk their lives in vain and defend our Constitution so that decades later you can tell me it's a living document ever changing and is open to interpretation. The guys who wrote it were light years ahead of anyone today, and they meant what they said - now leave the document alone, or there's going to be trouble.
Who were those guys who wrote the Constitution? Idiots, or were they light years ahead of anyone today? What a hypocrite.
What I said was directed toward Mr. Nugent, and Mr. Nugent only. He proudly claims to be a white male in his quotes, and I'm just using what he said. Yes, he is very "IGNORANT". What he said was very hypocritical and inconsistent and it is my right to say so. I'm sorry for being so politically incorrect for using the word "white male". Let me rephrase it, "Typical person with a different point of view!" Wait a minute, it's so "un"American to be "pc" and apologetic. FcK it, "Typical ignorant white male with an attitude!".

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Give me a break. Try being a minority and you'll find out. Trying to explain it is like trying to explain skydiving to a whuffo.

Let's see....I'm male (that's about 49% of the population), I'm white (I don't know, that's about 75%? of the population), I'm Christian (who knows, let's say 65%?), I'm heterosexual (about 90% of population).
So, 90% of 65% of 75% of 49% = 21.5%
Guess I'm a minority!! :D
Speed Racer
Firewalk with me!

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>Dude? This is the year 2001. That statement may have been true prior to about 1965 but not now.
Not true now? Women still don't make the same wage for the same job as a man.
>I grew up in the south and racism was pretty bad. Probably worse on the part of the non-white >community. I never walked around with a chip on my shoulder.
>I used to manage a camera store. A friend of mine began managing a small business and needed to hire >some part time help. She asked if I'd help with the interview process because I have experience. After >we interviewed about 6 teenagers, the one that stood out above the rest was a black girl. When I >suggested my friend hire the black girl do you know what her response was? "I can't hire her what would >my customers think? I'd loose business". Yes, this is 2001.
I treat people equally until they give me a reason not to. I am very prejudiced against stupid people. I can't stand em. I refuse to "give" anyone a damn thing except a chance. I'm white, 29 years old and nobody ever "gave" me shit. I work for every dollar and I have an education that allows me to have a decent job. The race card is bullshit. Times have changed. I am now the minority. There's a bite for the troll!
I'm glad times are changing and that increasingly there are people like you that look at everyone equally, however there are still a lot of backward thinking stupid people out there.

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