
Bad American?? Ted Nugent?

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SpeedRacer was:
-wishing I wasn't at work so I could get a beer,
Keith said:
I'm leaving at 2:30 to pick up my rig from my rigger so I can go to the chicks rock boogie this weekend. Then, I'm makin' a B line for a cold frosty one, or two. I'll tip one for ya SpeedRacer.

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First off, thanks to those who stuck up for some of my comments. As people have pointed out, hate crimes are a bogus concept not because of the crime committed, but because of the fact that everyone's life is supposed to be the same before the law, at least until proven guilty. Hate crimes really depend on where you live and your station in life there. I just had dinner with a friend from India, who stated that after several years living in the USA, he found India to be far more racist country than the United States. Anybody can be the victim of a hate crime, if you use the definition of a hate crime as crimes being committed because of skin color/sexual orientation/religion. It doesen't make it any less of a crime if it is a white male being killed because he is in the wrong part of town.
As for Fallin Woman's comment that I must be a white male because of my oversimplification of issues, that sounds like an oversimplification in itself. I have personally compared checks in various jobs and the women make as much if not more (depending on office politics). Yes there are many women who make less money than men, for a variety of reasons, not just because of evil white guys conspiring against women. As for your statement about comparing school teachers to investment bankers, when studies are done on who makes more money, men or women, all jobs are taken into account and compared as a whole. You are right there is an old boys club, but there is also an old girls club as a guy I know, who just went into elementary school teaching, just found out. In his first meeting, when discussing a policy with the other teachers (by the way he was one of 2 male teachers in the room out of about 50) the group leader turned to him and asked "what does your kind think about this?" kind meaning men. That is just as bad as statements made by men that women can't handle a certain type of job. My overall point is that it's not just white males who are ignorant or narrow minded, it's not just white males who commit crimes. We are all, men/women/blacks/hispanics/muslims/catholics/whites, what ever category you fall into, guilty of this type of thinking.

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Don't know where you are getting your facts, but they are not trur. When comparing two people of equal education and experience, the male will make more tham the female EVERY TIME!!!

First of all, please look up the phrase "EVERY TIME."
Well, I have a BS in Marine Biology and a Masters in Molecular Biology, and I have 14 years experience as a biologist, and seven publications in peer-reviewed journals. Could someone explain to me why I don't make as money much as Vanna White?;)

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"Could someone explain to me why I don't make as money much as Vanna White?"
"I have a BS in Marine Biology and a Masters in Molecular Biology"
You answered your own question. Plus, I doubt you have tits that nice! :)"The sky resembles a back lit canopy...with holes punched through it"- Incubus

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Shit, freeflir, you beat me to it. I was going to add this:

Wearing a dress, clapping your hands, and turning letters is MUCH MORE DIFFICULT than molecular biology research
Sorry, Speedy, but you just don't have as nice an ass as Vanna White
Better put on your asbestos underwear for even POSTING this shit

Speed Racer
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind

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Unbelievable?!? When was the last time a white man was beaten to death and tied to a fence and left in the middle of no where just because he was white? Do you know who Matthew Sheppard was? Yes that's right *was*. When was the last time a white man was tied to the bumper of a truck and dragged down the street until he was dismembered? Do you know who James Byrd Jr. was? Yes *was*. Also, nobody in this thread called Nugent racist/violent/etc. just ignorant, and he is ignorant.

You just dont read about it in the paper because it doesnt make headlines. Its not the news the pc hungry media wants to exploit. Dig for some real news and i'd be appauled if you didnt vomit at the sight of what goes on and doesnt make the "news".

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First of all, I'd like to point out that occasiaonally black thugs are accused of "hate crimes" justlike white thugs. There was an incident in Boston where that happened, so please, let's not think there is a preference for persecuting white thugs vs. black thugs. A thug is a thug, and that's the way it should be.
I myself was once attacked and beaten to the point of needing dental work and plastic surgery, not just because of the idea that the thugs saw me as a white person & therefore "too civilised" to fight back, but also because I "stood out" in a predominately black area. The perpretrators were never caught, this was in 1989, when there was so much crime in US urban areas that events like mine were more or less ignored.
My feeling is, even after being mugged AGAIN in 1994, that I don't believe that the crime would need to be prosecuted as a "hate crime" so long as it was prosecuted at all & the evil doers were brought to justice.
And that is my ignorant evil white male diatribe.
Speed Racer
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind

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"even after being mugged AGAIN in 1994"
Damn dude....If your gonna keep traveling in that neighborhood for God's sakes buy a gun! Or some better running shoes! Whichever suits you....... :)"The sky resembles a back lit canopy...with holes punched through it"- Incubus

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I'm cursious what the difference between the punishments for "hate" crimes, and 1st degree murder, cause aren't they really the same. I mean, if someone says "If I ever see a cracker ass cracker, I'm gonna kill him!!!" isn't that premeditated? I'm not real current on the issue, but I don't think that whoever came up with the idea of charging people specifically with "hate" crimes was saying that the victims life is worth more if a hate crime was commited against them rather than if they were just offed for no good reason. But I agree with the fact that the reason someone killed someone shouldn't matter....murder is murder, right? I mean it sucks, but you can only execute them once. Vanna white does have a nice ass, or she did the last time I watched Wheel of Fortune in like 1989 or something.

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first of all keith, if you are going to quote, enclose it in '['quote']' '['/quote']'
blocks so that we can distinguish your stuff from what you are responding to.

Again the system fails and that is why we have hate crime ligislation. The fact that you don't get it is encouraging, it shows that we are headed toward a more eqitable society.

Adding hate crime legislation wont specifically fix the system.
Adding proposals for it, may increase awareness and get to a dialogue that helps.
The statement attributed to Nuge, perhaps falsely is pretty sound.
If you kill anyone, it is ALREADY a hate crime.
It is already against the law. A racially motivated attack should merit a very serious punishment, perhaps even more so. But existing laws provide a framework for this. Adding new laws wont necessarily help.
And the "hate crime" folks are following very closely with "hate speech" laws and are fully prepared to dismantle the first ammendment.
And plenty of crimes do target white males.
I'll say it again, if they are already crimes, then you don't need another law to call it a "hate crime" because of why someone was targetted.

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I'm a caucasian scandinavian male who skydives, rock climbs, votes Libertarian, plays piano and reads books. That's gotta make me some kind of minority, too.
Just a thought: aren't there MORE women than men? Makes men a "minority" doesn't it??
"Sacred cows--they're not just for breakfast anymore!"--Me
"That which does not kill me makes me stronger."--Nietzsche

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