
Possible device for Lost Cutaway canopy

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Where is this fantastic dz?

I used to pack for a while.

Jumper: I just had a cutaway, it was spinning.

Me: Why the fuck did you land in the main landing area? Do you know where your main is?

Jumper: It is over there somewhere.

Me: Give me my 5 bucks and go find your main. I pack for the canopy to be closed not for its opening.

Jumper:You are an asshole

Me: Fuck you dude, I fly velo and I fight my linetwist to 1500 ft. and still land next to my main. You chopped some bullshit at 2500 ft and you were flying Specter 190. Give me my money before you disappear and never be seen again.

Jumper: Are you serious right now?

Me: Yeah, I collect money from the kid who hooked himself in and it has happened before. I didn't work my ass off in 109 degree heat and not to get paid.
Bernie Sanders for President 2016

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Tokyo Skydiving Club. Our cutaway percentage is far less than a lot of other DZs because we don't have the super-high-performance canopies and everybody packs their own gear, so it doesn't even happen very often. I'll participate (and have) in a search for a canopy for ANY jumper at the club, not just my closer friends, and I'm sure they'd do the same for me. I'd be shocked if anybody gave me any crap for landing in the LZ after a malfunction. We actually help each other out.*

*(It's what the Americans often refer to, in a derogatory manner, as "socialism". It's known in the rest of the world as being a decent and helpful person to your peers, knowing that they'd do the same for you.)

"So many fatalities and injuries are caused by decisions jumpers make before even getting into the aircraft. Skydiving can be safe AND fun at the same time...Honest." - Bill Booth

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ETA: I should add the caveat that the BluTracker site shows no updates in over a year. Their facebook page appears to have been scrubbed. So although what they promise seems like it would be great, it looks like there is a strongly possibility it's going to turn out to be Vaporware. Oh well...

And as a followup late 2014: it looks like Blutracker is dead. They say they will be carrying on, but they are offering refunds to anyone that contributed to their Indigogo fund. So (IMO), not a good sign that this product will every materialize. See https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/blutracker-long-range-bluetooth-gps-tracker-with-no-monthly-fees-water-resistant#activity

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