
Watcha ya gonna be for Halloween??

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I'd like to make an germane rejoinder, using profuse concinnity; this bacchanalia is conducive to fecund oblations to the hoi polloi. I suppose however that my perorations could be seen as nothing but a bloviating tirade... but in all this histrionic hullaballoo, I am of course furtively approaching an appelation to further separate myself from the neophytes!
Yes, I'm a post whore... but it's just because I'm BORED OFF MY ASS! Can you tell? :D

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I'm a Halloween baby too! I was born on Halloween night. My Dad drove my Mom to the hospital at night while all the kids in the neighborhood were trick-r-treating. My actual birthday is November 1. All Saint's day. How appropriate!;)
Unfortunately, this Halloween I'm going as a whuffo. :( I just gave my rig to my rigger & he's going to sell it. I'm buying a house soon & I need every dollar I can get.
I'm trying to console myself w/the fact that this is a pretty good time to buy a house, b/c of low interest rates.
Oh well. Happy Halloween!
Speed Racer
Firewalk with me!

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