Skystorm 0 #1 October 3, 2001 OK, so this coming weekend I get to jump again, the first time in three months.And I'm scared. I know everything will be alright, but I have this nervousness, just like the time I did my first jump. So could you please help me out with a little encouragment??O, and I've quit my job, found something better where they won't tell me I can't get leave because there's no-one to answer the telephones !! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nimbus 0 #2 October 3, 2001 Hey Skystorm,good luck with your jump, I'm sure you'll be fine.. I'm hoping to do my Lvl 3 this weekend. I did Lvl 2 about 2 months ago, so am a bit nervous myself! Everyone says it's not bad to be nervous, so I'll just have to go with that! blue skies and safe jumps to you,Larissa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Donna 0 #3 October 3, 2001 Hey Larissa and Sky! I'm sure you'll both do great. Believe in yourselves. Visualize a great jump and keep positive thoughts. Remember to smile. I'll be thinking of you both. Let us know all about it afterwards! Have fun!!Skies,D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumperpaula 0 #4 October 3, 2001 Of course your nervous. Your jumping out of an airplane. I get those butterflies EVERY TIME the door opens, no matter if it's been 3 months or 3 hours since my last jump. Just plaster a big smile on your face, it really does help. Blue Skies, Paula Fly Your Slot ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymama 37 #5 October 3, 2001 The same thing happens to me too sometimes, it's normal! Just remember that you know what to do, and practice your emergency procedures. Keep the first dive simple, smile, relax, take a deep breath.....and jump! When you get to the ground safely, you'll wonder why you were so nervous, and you'll be so glad you overcame your fear. Good Luck!AndreaThe brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #6 October 3, 2001 Back in March of this year I took my first leap in about 6 months. I was pretty nervous. I had a right to be. I hadn't jumped in 6 months. I had never jumped this rig before. The canopy was the smallest size I had ever jumped. I had never jumped at this drop zone. I had an antique 5 cell reserve. (although freshly packed) Talk about nervous! Well, I practiced my emergency procedures near 100 times before I got to the aircraft. Luckily it was a short ride in the "Mullins plane" I was even having a conversation with the DZO on the way to alti. He really wasn't all that happy about me stacking so many things against me but encouraged me to pull high. All that crap was out of my mind as soon as I got out the door. It was way cool once I was flying again. Did a few PRCP's just to make sure I was stable. Then a few flips and a sit. "Just like ridin a bike" I thought to myself. That one went great! It was the next one where I came within a microsecond of cutting away that was a little scary! Have fun, be safe, you'll do fine!"The sky resembles a back lit canopy...with holes punched through it"- IncubusClay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freaksister 0 #7 October 3, 2001 yep, been scared since day 1...but the more I jump the better it gets...I still get the first jump of the day jitters but overall its lots better than it used to be...I used to need LOTS of its OK to ask! HANG IN THERE!! The Freak KittyI lust for the ultimate rush... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kaseybec 0 #8 October 3, 2001 Have a great time!! I am working on levels 5 and 6 (hopefully) this weekend (after a long and slow struggle on L4). I completely understand the butterflies you have but once you are out the door-that deep breath and beautiful sky around you will have you feeling right at home again! Like they all say**smile and relax**I'll send my best while in the skies as well!!Kasey We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creaturesof excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! WE CAN LEARNTO FLY!-Jonathon Livingston Seagull Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumpervali 2 #9 October 3, 2001 Give the sky a big wet kiss, Gravity still loves you!jumpervali Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabeln79 0 #10 October 3, 2001 I remember one time i went 3 weeks without a jump i know thats not too long of a time but when i got into the plane on that 1rst jump i was more nervous then the on my first jump. as soon as i left the door it was one of the best feelings ever as soon as i hit the ground i went right to manifest to get on the next load. Since then i havent gone more than 2 weeks without a jump. Every body gets nervous , its part of the sport im sure your jump will go great...joe Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skystorm 0 #11 October 4, 2001 Thanx to all off you. Reading this tread really helps a lot with the uncertainties. Sis, the part about we're all together in the sky.. really beautifull words. Two days to jumping and counting every minute. You've should've seen me last night. Arching on my bed practicing my 180's. I must be losing my mind... Wonder why? Hang onto Heaven, when hell is on your back Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites