
Newest Manover: The Rodeo Swoop

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Well, first you gotta be in a Marroon Rodeo going about 50 or 60.
Then you have to try to make an exit at that speed. Pick one that is really high up in the sky. (Wear your rig)
Then while making a left carve hit the divider thingy with the left front - then get airborn on the right 2 wheels.
After you have accomplished this ... keep thinking real fast...
Gently correct the airborn position by turning the steering wheel a little to the left, but if you go too far you will do a dramatic carve into the guardrail and wreck the front again.
Lucily for me I bounced off that and back into my carving manovers again.
So then, when you get airborn again on the left 2 tires- gently turn the steering wheel to the right - dont carve too much or you will "appear to almost go over the guardrail" plundging downward onto the street. This apparently scares persons in the cars behind you.
Pretend the guard rails are airblades. It worked for me. I hit every airblade. But, I dont think it was an accuracy event.
Actually I hit 3 or 4 airblades. I came to rest on top of airblade #3.
I am thinking I did not win this event.
But dont worry about the business men in white Mercedes they will leap out and start handing you cell phones. And say stuff like.... You sure have a good attitude about this.

While waiting for Houston's finest to arrive with all the flashy lights...
Entertain yourself by watching the wrecker drivers figure out who is taking your totally whacked paid off Rodeo to the burial mound.
Then play math games about how much the ticket will cost. Lets see... out of date inspeciton sticker, out of date license tag, out of date drivers license, out of date insurance card.
Texas Blonde, tall and skinny with a nice white smile = NO TICKET
Thats about it for the 2nd day on my new job. Nothing exciting. Except, for when the Mercedes Dude told Cyber the directions on how to come and get me. Well, she is a little shook up, but get here by way of ... here, .... uh.. there... if you get to Dallas or Austin you went the wrong way.
All I said was- #1 make sure the dogs are in the house and I crashed my car and come and get me.

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You could try my girlfriends method of approach...
Go down the parkway at 60 in a blizzard in your 68 nova with suicide drum brakes and do a header into the divider, but I guess yours works too. maybe I should carry a blonde wig and to mellons in my car from now on, couldnt hurt to try!!

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The officer asked me ...
What happened?
SO, I told him ... I crashed my car.. the one .. you know...... right here.

What happened.... Well, "I was moving from that lane over there.. to this lane over here and .......my car almost tipped over! huh ! ! ?" (Little finger nail... being chewed on.) ...I shake my head, "Tippsy little cars arent they?" ...Huh ! !
I feel like I have had a bit of a hard opening, thats about it. I believe hitting the 3rd Airblade is the one that hurt.

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don't do that!!!! i think those airblades wern't really airblades!!! and it's good to hear no permenant dammage was done to you.... so ya want to retell your story..you forgot the first line..."no shit there i was, though i was gona die......"

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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Thanks Everybody, this morning I am a little sore.
And my bike has a flat. Guess AirDan is driving me to work.
But, I made some Jet Fuel ! ..AirAnn Coffee..
It was just like my cutaway sorta- I was looking at the ground outside my passenger side window and I thought
Left toggle!

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This thread inspired me to look on your website, and I had to warn you about possible stains on your reserve resulting from actions in from the following picture:
Here's the sequence of events:
1. You pose like that with one thumb in the reserve
2. "Friend" sees camera out, comes up behind you and gooses you
3. You flinch and fire your reserve
4. PC hits friend in the mouth
5. Friend's lip starts to bleed
6. Freebag flops out
7. Friend feels bad and quickly picks up freebag, dripping blood all over it
Not that this ever happened to me, of course. (Additional safety note - do not forget to take off your rig before you start to chase said friend)
-bill von

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disclaimer: Sign this WAIVER
HEY Bill DO NOT look at that picture I am FAT as hell from the winter. By pass to...
Maybe this one:
At least that one is what I really look like. Ask Cyberskydiver. I believe he has seen me in real life.
Yikes, Here I will attach it for you. Stay outta the gallery!! I am not finished making changes in there!!

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