
Drunkards poll AKA (insomniacs sleeping shots)

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ok see here its 2 am and my ass cant sleep so I figure the psycchiatrists office down the street has my prescription ready(read...liquor store =warstiener and cheap vodka)
need les to say 3 shots later after some brews and the world is beautiful, I mean I love it here!
oh yeah BTW pyke we're just joking bout the gayness and you super secret sex obsession with short stubby dudes, ....or are we, sometimes I wonder about you bro, get your neew job rich ass out here to texas and jump, I need someone to do rw with since I suck at anything else more than that! :)ok 4 shots now- damn I smoke to much
anyway freaksis go see the psychiatrist
pyke drink extra beer for me this weekend - and get everyone to come to texas er something just for the hell of it- cokeman will come- f it
oh yeah the poll I was gonna make, what was I thinking again.......................morebeer
best pooll yet
welcome to our ool, notice theres no P in it. please keep it that way

Best thihng to do drunk alone with everyone asleep
Fuck it- drink more
drink more and wake everyone up to drink with you
think about stupid shit
concentrate on how to fuckin kill terrorist bastards and get all evil-n-shit
think about airann asleep all by herself ...grrrrr. (sorry ann) ;)
make more gay pyke jokes
email random people all your thoughts about world peace and lifes probelms
keep drinking
Fuck with roham about his collection of boxcutters (monroe joke)
stop thinking about airann and go climb in the bed with her (sorry again abbe ;)
see if chocolate exlax really works
shutupcyber your drnk again you bastard!

ok whatevere the fuck I just said (five shots)
quit yer bitchin anbd fucking get your head out yer ass and go jump (me to)
deal with it
feel free to add poll options
feel free to make cruel jokes and improvise ya slack bastards-LOL :)I'm crawlin in the bed, you would too ;)

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?

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what kind of music ya got goin on right about now?
me I got some jummy hendrix- most of youz nevber heards it
the cry of love cd - last complete album before he hit the big time (died)
and a cd I got from my cousin, its a bob marly tribute album
kick ass !
6 shots now I think - cheap vodka
still smoikin
Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?

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Ya see, this is the kinda thing that happens when a skydiver goes to sleep and other people are drinking.
You get an eyebrow shaved off. You get a wet knukle.
or even the more creative Blind Folded Sit Ups.
Hummm.... Wonder what happens to Cyber tonight at the DZ.... 'all eyes staring at the beer light'
Its on! ITs ON!!! .... Party time.. Excellent.. Dangerous.... Party time... Excellent....

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hmm what did i do last night oh thats right
finish work 11:15
go to mates party
party shit leave with a coule mates go back to my place
add all of our money together ( $5.60 , australian lol ) yeh we are rich
Go for a pointless drive and get petrol
go back to party find mate fuking best friends/ nextdoors neighbours sister
get the fuck out of there quik
Get stopped by mate wanting a franger
Take off
Drive to other mates place 40 min away
come back
find mate crapping himself
tell him he is dead anyways so go fuck her again
drive around
crash into bed at 5am
reliese both my mates have to be home bout 8
wake up 8
drive them home
fall asleep for 5 hrs
come on here :-)
what will happen next ????
oh wait i know i go back to fuken work yahhhh
i live my life 14000 ft at a time, nothen else matters, in that 60 seconds or less im free

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Why would I need to see a psychiatrist? I'm a psychology major!! LOL and I think psychiatrists suck ass...there IS a difference you people know...:)I figure this way I can analyze myself without paying someone else to do it! Believe me I'm weird!!!
The Freak Kitty
I lust for the ultimate rush...

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Ah, sis, no one here doubts that in the least

true..corse we are all also a fry short of a happy meal so who cares!!........i was crazy once, they put me in a rubber room, i died there, they buried me with worms, worm, worms make me carzy i was crazy once, they put me in a rubber room, i died there.....and repeat untill you have every one in the room thinking your are a little wierd...

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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