Milo 0 #1 September 12, 2001 Like most Americans, I am shocked, saddened, and sickened by the tragedies in New York and Washington. My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of the people killed or injured in these attacks.However, I refuse to allow these terrorists the victory of making me change my lifestyle or actions in response to their senseless, misguided acts.Will the DZs be operating Wednesday when I get out of work?Milo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lazerq3 0 #2 September 12, 2001 First off no terrorist is trying to "change" your lifestyle. And second the DZ's will be open when the FAA lifts the ban off. ANd then its up to the DZ to decide when to open. So i doubt anyone here will know if you can jump after work! Personally I could care less if anyone gets to jump after work tomorrow!! God people where are these posts coming fromjason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Milo 0 #3 September 12, 2001 In response to lazerq3:"First off no terrorist is trying to "change" your lifestyle. "Terrorism is all about changing people's lifestyle. Innocent people, with nothing to fear. Terrorism is, by design, aimed at the largest audience, who are typically least susceptible to danger bust most easily manipulated.It's your choice to be terrified. It's my choice not to be.Milo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viking 0 #4 September 12, 2001 The FAA grounding will last untill atleast noon tomorrow. They might extend it they might not. If they don't then its up to the DZ if they want to start up again or wait. I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #5 September 12, 2001 I will agree with Milo on this. Like the Prez gotta live your life like before, and not let these bastards do otherwise. I know that it is hard to do your regular routine, but sometime you just have to tell yourself that you need to get back into it. However, I know that NYC/DC and their families will be on my mind for a very long time.Hope I didn't offend anyone. (That's gonna be my new signature.)--------------Boogie pics coming!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lazerq3 0 #6 September 12, 2001 Quote It's your choice to be terrified. It's my choice not to be.This incedent has not made me terrified. But the people that are going through it has every right to be! They are not trying to change your lifestyle. there purpose is to take out as many people or things that they can to prove some kind of piont what ever it me be . They didnt come over here to say hey lets fuck up milos life so he cant jump. to me your hole post sounded like a kid that got introuble with his parents, and couldnt go to the party this weekend. So then came out of your room trying to say something noble only to sound nice so you could ask to still go the party!! I 'm not trying to take away your sincerity but dont come out and say "I'm sorry for yada yada yada......but....umm.....when can I jump?jason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Milo 0 #7 September 12, 2001 Hey Jason!You are partially right. The main thrust of my post was , surprisingly enough, the title. When ARE we going to get to jump again???But, I am seriously concerned about the shit that happened in NY and DC. I hace two friends in NY who are OK. I have a friend who works in the Pentagon who I can't get a hold of. This is serious shit.I'm in Michigan. I'm not a potential terrorist target. My DZ is tiny. I doubt anyone wants to comandeer a Cessna 182 to attack anyone.Even though today's events will weigh heavily on my mind for a long time, I will not allow them to scare me into doing things differently tomorrow. I am lucky. I have a choice. I get to choose whether I want to be a victim of today's events, or choose not to be a victim. Milo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpeedRacer 1 #8 September 12, 2001 Well, I believe that skydiving is for me the ultimate celebration of life. So this weekend we should all do a "Fuck-the-Terrorists" jump!!(And if these attacks were caused by Islamic terrorists, we should all eat pork products & drink lots of alcohol, just to spite them!)Speed Racer"Come up to my lab,And see what's on the slab!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #9 September 12, 2001 Rather than go to the DZ, you could always give some Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lazerq3 0 #10 September 12, 2001 Milo,i guess when it comes down to it we both have our pionts. You see mine and I can see yours. I do hope your friends are all right and I apoligize for coming down on you. Some of us are just seeing things differenctly than others , not that either are right or wrong just differently. I too hope to get back into the air soon. Probaly not till friday but owell they cant take the sky away!! Buy the way what part of MIch you from ? ever here of LOWELL? thats where I grew up!jason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Milo 0 #11 September 12, 2001 In response to quade:"Rather than go to the DZ, you could always give some blood."-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some more daring jumpers using dangerous rigs might be able to do both at the same time.Milo(I can't give blood, (malarial risk) I went to Mexico in January) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viking 0 #12 September 12, 2001 Quote Well, I believe that skydiving is for me the ultimate celebration of life. So this weekend we should all do a "Fuck-the-Terrorists" jump!!LOL come down with two middle fingers flyin in the breeze HELL YES!!!!!!!I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbbilly14 0 #13 September 12, 2001 I want to get in the air as bad as anyone. In fact, I was going to jump today. I just hope you all realize that the air wasn't shut down to piss off skydivers! My God, at least 4 planes were hijacked and 3 were used as bombs against us all! A cessna, loaded with a bomb, has as much potential for mayhem as the 757s and 767s that were used today! Especially from a private airport! So sorry for the language, but fuck you for being pissed off about not being able to jump! I can't believe some of you are as shallow as to wonder when you can have that again! We'll have it when it is SAFE to let the air be open again!Those of you from rural areas probably don't understand how really, truely strange it is to hear NO airplanes, except for military aircraft! I live in Chicago, and pretty much the entire commerce of the city closed today. That incites fear. I know that we don't want to feel it, but who's to say that an hour after the World Trade Center was attacked, there wasn't a plane or two labled to hit the Sears Tower or the Amoco Building, or the John Hancock tower. I have friends and family in all of those!I've babbled a bit, as I tend to do. And I hope I didn't piss anyone off too much. I'm just saying that we should all thank God that we are able to read this rambling right now! Think of our brothers and sisters who died or lost family members today! Understand that tomorrow might not come for all of us!Most of us will live to jump again, and I look forward to that as much, if not more than anyone! (it's been 3 weeks, goddamnit!) But for now, simmer down, and do what you can to make this a better situation! Give blood if you can, and DON'T make rash judgements as to who did this. We'll find out soon enough. And may God have mercy on their souls when we do.Too much babling. Love,Billy"Light a candle for the sinners---Set the world on fire!"Marilyn Manson Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dutchboy 0 #14 September 12, 2001 I'd have to disagree. The main point was to kill as many innocent people as possible, but that was intended to make the rest of us live in fear. So, yes, they are attempting to change our lifestyles.I think the FAA will lift the ban today, only because of what it means to this country and our economy if this ban continues for any length of time.The Dutchboy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,028 #15 September 12, 2001 >A cessna, loaded with a bomb, has as much potential for mayhem as the 757s> and 767s that were used today! Especially from a private airport! So sorry for the> language, but fuck you for being pissed off about not being able to jump! I can't> believe some of you are as shallow as to wonder when you can have that again!> We'll have it when it is SAFE to let the air be open again!It will not be safe. There is no way to prevent someone from loading a cessna (or an old biplane, for that matter) with explosives and flying it into a building, no matter what precautions you come up with. The FAA will open airports again when they get enough pressure to do so, not when aviation has been rendered unable to deliver bombs.We have been lucky so far that there are few smart terrorists. Apparently, there is at least one very smart one. Any precautions we come up with will not stop him.-bill von Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flyingferret 0 #16 September 12, 2001 Well I agree with all points in this discussion. A massive tragedy has happened, and I recognize that. I did not want to jump on Wed, or Thurs. I was too solemn to pay much attention in class on Tuesday. However, I am eager to see general aviation reinstated. I understand the commercial ban. However...nothing will change at small airports...NOTHING. They are not sending FAA marshals there. They will not be monitoring any more than ATC has in the past. So they are not waiting to put anything in effect at the airports. My hunch is that they are trying to find all American (and I use that word in a strictly geographical sense) connections to this tragedy before opening airspace. It makes finding someone easier if they cannot leave the country. And spotting an illegal plane is a lot easier when all planes in the sky are illegal. But they will have to lift the ban soon...aviation is too important to our economy not to. AND...they are. FAA WX Brief (for DFW area) told me earlier this afternoon that general aviation will be reinstated "mid-day tomorrow"Malachi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trace 0 #17 September 13, 2001 If you want the latest word on when GA can return to the air, I would suggest you keep checking the AOPA site ( They have been posting NOTAMS, and will probably continue to do so. The media seems to be reporting on FAA decisions regarding air transport operations, but the rules will probably be different for GA. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
keefusa 0 #18 September 13, 2001 Actually changing people's lifestyle is the entire point of terrorism. Osama Bin Laden hates the United States because of our way of life. A way of life that I'm quite proud of. If we didn't live in a free, democratic, capitalist society, we wouldn't have been the target of these senseless acts. Of course we're not going to give up everything that this country believes in because of some nutbag that would make a good posterboy for cowardess, but people work in different ways. If we live a life in fear of the other side, then we fall into his game. This isn't an attack at your post. It's just a reminder that this is what he's trying to accomplish. If the FAA thinks it's a security risk, then don't fly. However, don't watch your back if you didn't watch it yesterday. Perhaps the skydiving community could be of some service though. We could all hook turn into Afghanistan with pistols and shoot his ass. Maybe Mullins will fly us in there. He's probably the only one that's nuts enough to do it.No offense Mike. That's actually a bit of a compliment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NathanL100 0 #19 September 13, 2001 Quote A cessna, loaded with a bomb, has as much potential for mayhem as the 757s and 767s that were used today! Especially from a private airport! Don't give anyone any ideas!!! Did I Hear Someone Say BEER?? Nathan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lazerq3 0 #20 September 13, 2001 Quote We could all hook turn into Afghanistan with pistols and shoot his ass. What about us low timers. If we dont feel good hooking can we do a HAHO and maybe drop some bombs? I'll leave those low turns to you pros!!! Plus I suc with a pistoljason Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prost 0 #21 September 13, 2001 Sorry but the USPA requires at least a D liscense to shoot up afghanistan from a sport rig. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aviatrr 0 #22 September 13, 2001 Quote If you want the latest word on when GA can return to the air, I would suggest you keep checking the AOPA site ( Thanks, I didn't even think about that.. I've been checking with FSS for up to date info.. I will continue to do so, but the AOPA website will be good supplemental info.. I'm stuck here in Denver(APA), waiting for the ban to be lifted.. Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aviatrr 0 #23 September 13, 2001 Quote Sorry but the USPA requires at least a D liscense to shoot up afghanistan from a sport rig. Afghanistan is not a USPA Member DZ - therefore, the rules do not apply there.. Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbbilly14 0 #24 September 30, 2001 To everyone,My first reply to this post was to be my last. I was so offended that one of our own could be so shallow. So now, two weeks later, I'm back, and content again. I didn't and don't believe in letting terrorists get their way, including stoping us from jumping. But they are not done with us yet. Think about this, That pig-fucker has declared ALL Americans potential targets. That means my 2 nephews and my neice. What did they do? Well the only proper response to that question is what am I willing to do to THEM? Yesterday, Our Special Forces started it. We will continue "it". We WILL see this thing through. Fuck you Bin Laden. And count every day as if it were your last--it IS! Target me? No, noooooooooo. Target YOU! Holy war against America? Fuckoff! HOLY WAR ON YOU, Bin Laden! We WILL win!Um, to those who got offended at the "harsh"language, pick up a copy of "Sing loud, Sing Proud" by Dropkick Murphy's. (Irish Angst). ("Cause we LOVE it... the angst, that is)Love,Billy"Light a candle for the sinners---Set the world on fire!"Marilyn Manson Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites