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A freind of mine just bought a watch while in Sweeden. He showed me that it had an altimeter on it.. I couldnt belive it. But it read an altitde how correct it was who knows.. i dont think i would use it skydiving unless i could set the altimeter at the DZ's. if it reads see level which his did it wouldnt work to well at various DZ where 0 alt. might night really be 0 sea level. And man that would be hard to read that small type while in free fall.

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There is a dude who has one of those same (suunto?) watches at my dz. He uses it for jumping, so apparently its accurate enough, you know? Have you ever watched your alti compared to others, or listened to your audible? Most are about one to three hundred feet different...not a big deal...you shouldn't be relying on the instrument THAT much!
The Freak Kitty
I lust for the ultimate rush...

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