
Need some advise

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I know this is probabley the wrong forum part but my computer is to slow to change and I don't have the patience!
In a freefall(man I love that) how do I stop potato chiping? I've been told straighten my legs- Which puts me on my ass( which is cool!!or feet down. And told not to arch so hard which puts me on my head (again way cool!!)or back! Any more suggestions for a rookie. It wouldn't be that big of a deal but it jacks up my turns and I'm being graded by JM for my A.
Thanks Guys! Heath
If your not living on the edge; Your taking up too much space!!!

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OK here is the best but silliest advice that I can give you. Smile and laugh at the person that you are jumping with. Like someone else said chipping is all about tension. Realize that fighting the earth and the air is futile and that the air will hold you and shape you if you just let it. Seriously try making faces and smile.
Chipping is falling like a flat piece of paper forward and then back and so on.
God bless us and God Bless America

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I understand now. I haven't had that happen to me yet. I've jumped 5 times so far. Are you with your JM when this happens? Did you have some video your jump? Maybe if you had it taped, you could see any problems. But, the consensus seems to be, and I agree, smile and have a great time...relax (hand signal)

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No JM on the drop and we have a small DZ so no camera man on or jumps the do the tandems for the one timers. The JM's are 1 on the plane and 1 on the ground they can't see my potato chipping but they can see my fucked up turns and loops. And our top JM is by the book there is no slack it is perfect or it just didn't happen! And he approves the license!!!!
If your not living on the edge; Your taking up too much space!!!

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Like I have a ton of experience or something......(Lookit me, ma, no hands, no suspension wires, just me!!!!!)(#23 last week. Lots of experience, me...)
Whenever I start to get out of control, or something unexpected happens (every jump I make), I have learned (the hard way) to just "rest" (aka "relax", but that's such a hard concept in the air) - stop everything, and sink. I have discovered that if you arch, the air will get you in the right place, but if you try too hard, you tense all the major muscle groups and it works against the air.
See, I manage each jump to have to pratice that resting thing.....
And have fun, damnit. FUN!!!
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Sounds like your drop zone is quite small. You might consider another one as well, if you can. I also agree with Michelle, not that I'm an expert, and sounds like Michelle has made quite a few jumps. Relaxation is the key...smile & have fun. But while in training...that can be difficult, i know.

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I'm a 1000 feet out before I get my shit together so I am pretty tense. I have Never jumped with anyone. I have always been by myself. Not that that is a problem but it's hard to correct problems when no-one is actually there to see what you are doing. I do finally get really relaxed about 4000 when when all my flailling about stops.
If your not living on the edge; Your taking up too much space!!!

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I have Never jumped with anyone. I have always been by myself. Not that that is a problem but it's hard to correct problems when no-one is actually there to see what you are doing.
Perhaps you should jump with someone. Seems that is the only way you are going to understand what you are doing wrong. Sometimes it helps to have another person with you who can give you a relax signal. You will also learn how to exit properly. Check with your instructors and ask their advice on who would be good to jump with. At many of the smaller DZs I've been to they are very busy but you can usually get someone to jump with if you are persistent.

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Actually, it doesn't have anything to do with how small the DZ is, nor does Michelle have many jumps or experience.
Heath is in SL progression unless I am mistaken and is probably at the 15 SD level by the sound of it. Where I teach, we jump with our students from the 2nd 15 SD until course completion. Still, if a student is having bad problems at a lower level and has to make several repeat dives due to instability, we will normally take them on a level IV from full altitude to fix their problem. If that works, then we plug them back into standard progression so as to better allow them to complete their A-card in a timely manner.
Also to Heath: If you are flipping over, then you are probably flying with your knees too close together (and probably low)and your hands in too close. Relaxation is critical, but body position is also very key.

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and sounds like Michelle has made quite a few jumps.

Nope. Nuh-unh, not me. And while 23 does sound like a lot when you have 2 jumps (at least it did to me), realistically, 23 is a spit in the ocean...especially compared to someone like SkymonkeyOne (who is an instructor, btw) (right, Chuck?).

nor does Michelle have many jumps or experience.

Right. What he said. It's all still "majic" to me, this thing we do.
What I was simply trying to say was that the very idea of relaxing while plummenting toward the earth has just been a really hard concept for me. I find that if I think about it as "resting", rather than "relaxing", it helps me in getting the correct body position. Go figure. I can't relax in the air, but I can rest.
(And really, I am not holding myself out as an expert, and shouldn't be thought of as one by anyone, at any time, about anything related to skydiving. I still haven't figured out to convey sarcasm very well yet....).
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Thank you SkyMonkey for the useful info. I do want to say that had I read Michelle's post a little more clearly, I would have surmised that she is NOT a frequent flyer! but soon to be! You're input is most valuable certainly because you are an instructor and you've obviously made "lots" of jumps in your position. Although I've never potatoe chipped yet, I'm certain what not to do...panick!!, just relax and check my legs.. but who knows...we will have good days and bad days.
Thanks for the advice skymonkey

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I havnet had a pringle problem but I did lose control on about jump 42. Floated on a 4way really bad. Brought everything in close to drop down to them and in the process tighten up and started spinning like beeeatch!!! little bit scary but just relaxed and came out of it. IT sucs when everyone keeps saying just relax, but thats what works. Kinda ironic that relaxing is the key to jumping outa a perfectly good airplane;)

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Everybody always says "just relax"... a good quote I read on some forum a while ago referred to the difficulty of relaxing while someone tried to "shove a planet up my ass". But it really is the important thing. On the ground, lay down and have an instructor or someone watch your body position while you arch, so you get the muscle memory there. Then in the air, don't let it be any different than when you practiced on the ground... for me, I had to think all the way up in the plane, "relax," climbing out thinking "relax," leaving the plane thinking "RELAX!!!" But once you finally get it, it's the greatest thing in the world... don't worry about it, it's not like you're risking death or anything... :D

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