
by god if this aint wierd!

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friend of mine emailed this to me, dunno if someone just made it up er what.
> Open a new Word document
> Type in Capitals Q33NY (the number of the flight that crashed in New York)
> Then change font size to 26
> Then change font to Wingdings(just plain wingdings, you'll know it when ya see it)
> See what Happens.....
righteous indignation is the ability to be mad without swearing" :)

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It's hard to believe that after 6 years of widespread internet use people still can't recognize eBS (electronic Bullshit) when they see it. Obviously someone played around with WingDings until they could draw that image, then converted it into regular charcters, and sent it out in an email saying "WOW isn't this an AMAZING coincidence?"
This is just like that email going around with the fake Nostradamus quote. (One dead giveaway from that one: the date on it was approximately 90 years AFTER Nostradamus had already died!)
Come on, people. :)Speed Racer
"Come up to my lab,
And see what's on the slab!"

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Legend: Typing certain particular letter combinations into Microsoft Word
using Wingdings and Webdings fonts produces some eerie results.
Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2001]
1. open MS word
2. type "NYC" in uppercase letters
3. change the font size to 72
4. change the font to webdings
5. change the font to wingdings
Apparently "q33ny" - supposed to be the flight number of one
of the crashed planes - gives an aeroplane, two buildings, a skull and
crossbones and the star of david. Again, no comment, although whether this
is in fact the number of one of the planes seems unlikely.
I've heard a few people suggesting that this is a sign that
Microsoft were involved in the terrorist attack.
Origins: The first set of instructions is a gimmick which
has been known for years (since at least 1997): Typing the letters NYC using
the Webdings font in Microsoft Word (or similar Microsoft word processing
application) produces, as shown below, an image of an eye, a heart, and a
city skyline, which some people read as "I love New York" (although the last
image could really be any big city skyline). Switching to the WingDings font
produces an image of a skull and crossbones, a Star of David, and a
thumbs-up symbol, read by some conspiracy-minded folks as a symbolic
approval of the killing of Jews.
The last "coincidence" is strictly a manufactured one. Although typing the
characters "Q33NY" using the Wingdings font does produce the string of
images shown below (an airplane, two pieces of paper that sort of resemble
buildings, a skull and crossbones, and a Star of David), there was no flight
"Q33NY" involved in the terrorist attack on New York City. The two flights
who planes were crashed into the building were American Airlines Flight 11
and United Airlines Flight 175.

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Geoff spoke thusly:
and do send an e-mail to that poor dying kid,

This is one of my favorite urban legends, because there actually was a kid dying of cancer, and he asked for greeting cards to be sent. Unfortunately, this was in 1989, and in 1991 the boy's tumor was successfully removed. According to Guinness, by 1991 the "boy" had received over 33 million greeting cards.
From the snopes article, this is my favorite part:

Cards continue to flow in, though, and the latest guesstimate has it that over 200 million have been received. Years ago Craig's Shelby Road home was granted the British equivalent of its own postal code.

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