
Gotta quit skydiving for awhile

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Dammit, I gotta quit skydiving. >:(
I'm going to try to buy a house soon & there's no way I'll make the downpayment without selling my rig. I'm really bummed out about this. But ultimately I'll save money & maybe I can buy another rig in a year or so.
Ultimately owning a house is going to be better for me financially than continuing to rent, especially with the way rents are going up around DC. I figure my mortgage payments will actually be LESS than my current rent payments. So someday I'll be able to skydive again (sigh).
Owning my own house is one of my dreams, especially because when I was growing up, my Dad never owned the house we lived in, we always had a landlord. So at the age of 36, for the first time in my life I will live in a house that isn't owned by a complete stranger!:)Speed Racer
"Come up to my lab,
And see what's on the slab!"

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Speedy....I understand that you feel terrible about stopping for awhile but know that it will work out in the end. You can always jump rented gear every once and awhile to stay current and keep you altitude adjustment in balance. Good Luck and take care. Keep us informed.

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try living at the dz, mowing the grass or something in exchange for a roof. jumping is a priority. you don't need a house, just sky

If only it really worked like that. However, reality intrudes. To most people, the "DZ bum" lifestyle isn't even a fantasy. It is a joke. We have jobs, responsibilities, and families in some cases. They aren't always compatible with a lifestyle of "just sky". Sometimes we keep a hobby we love on a back burner to look beyond ourselves or to plan for the long term.
Speed Racer, I understand where you are coming from. If you want to hang at DZs I can get to, you can get some jumps in on my rig if it fits you.
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It's easier to say than to live, but don't feel too bad about your decision. Sometimes life gets in the way of your jumping. I had to take 10 months off (not due to an injury) and came back working on my A. And if I'd quit hitting that darn step on the C-182 I'd get off my duff and have it by now! So, you're still way ahead of the game as far as I'm concerned. By the way, you don't have a 160 or 170 do ya?
Just keep in mind that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. You gotta have some fun too!!

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You don't have to give it up entirely! Don't forget there are people out there (like me!) who would be happy to loan you a rig so you can get your swerve on! I don't even live that far away! Owning won't make you happy if your soul isn't flying the friendly skies!

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Divadiver: Yeah, my Javelin rig has a PD170. F-111 fabric. Reserve is a PD143, I think. Cypres just had it's 4 yr maintenance done in Feb or March.
Great canopy for a beginner b/c its very stable. One time my rigger gave me a f^&*ed up pack job on my main, and when I opened up it twisted up like a wind-up toy :o !!
I took a long time to kick out of it b/c it was so twisted up, and I glanced at my altimeter to decide whether I should cutaway. But the parachute stayed straight up & steady as a rock the whole time, until i finally kicked it all out!! :)And dove: Owning my own home is one of my dreams. I've already achieved the dream of being a skydiver, and I will come back to it. But I think I gotta look longterm here & fulfill my other dream of owning my own home.
Ultimately I'll probably be able to afford MORE skydives, but not for a year or so.
(Just trying to make myself feel better about it now LOL!)
Speed Racer
"Come up to my lab,
And see what's on the slab!"

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I know it's frustrating, but you'll be happy achieving your dream and now having equity going to you instead of your landlord.
You'll be back soon enough! The sky isn't going anywhere. ;)
"I know the pieces fit. 'Cause I watched them fall away..."

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I'd like to get $2400 for it. As I said, it's a complete system w/ cypress. Main had 200-300 jumps on it when I bought it, maybe more, I'm not sure. I've added about 35 to that. The main has almost always been packed indoors and shows no sign of getting more porous. You still have to roll the nose well if you don't want a hard opeining.
OH God. This is so painful to talk about selling my baby!! It's saved my life so many times!
Does anyone else here feel an emotional attachment to their parachute??
Speed Racer
"Come up to my lab,
And see what's on the slab!"

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Does anyone else here feel an emotional attachment to their parachute??

Oh yes. I hug mine when I get it back from a reserve repack, I pet it while I'm checking my gear, and every time I pitch, I look up at my open canopy and scream "HI BABY!!!!"
So yes, I think so.

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Hey man, if you're ever gonna be down in Central Florida, drop me a line.. You can jump one of my rigs, if the canopies are suitable for ya.. If not, I could probably find one for ya to borrow..
I know what the home buying thing is like - I'm in the middle of the process right now..

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Looks like I'm done for the season, too. The financial situation at my work has broken the barrier between 'scary' and 'probably won't pay me anymore'.
I wish I was doing it by choice, but as it looks, I probably won't be able to get that A before winter hits. Give me hugs, folks.

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Hey Fred and everyone who is looking at winding down their season here shortly.... Just remember that one of the leading causes of injury or death to skydivers is lack of currency. Try to swing by your DZ and go over emergency procedures if you can't jump. Take this time to earn your riggers ticket. Do some thing that keeps you aware of the stuff that could save your life when you start back up. Try to make currency dives during the winter at least once every few weeks if you can't make it to flordia or someplace warm. And in the Spring, take some time to do solo dives to get warmed back up into the swing of things. Dont rush out and hop in big ways for your currency dives. Try and hook up with a coach or someone that can handle how rough you flying will be with 5+ months to forget the little things.
Be safe, be smooth and be Phree :)Flying on your belly is great..... if thats all you can do! ;)

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Good luck with buying your first home Speedy!!!
BTW are we all invited to the house-warming party? (and are you familiar with the very fine South African tradition of 'wetting the roof' of a friend's new house at the house-warming party???) ;)
PS ladies are NOT excused from the wetting of the roof tradition....

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