
Gotta quit skydiving for awhile

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BWAHAHA! Well, since I'm buying an older home in Frederick, Maryland, we could at least check the roof for leaks! But since it is in the downtown Frederick area, that little South African tradition could make quite an impression on all my neighbors!
Speed Racer
"Come up to my lab,
And see what's on the slab!"

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Ouch... well, I can't say you're doing a bad thing. IMO, it's always to put responsibilities such as those first. Finally having work, I'll be in the air a lot more, but not until I get some debts out of the way. Eight months of unemployment does that to ya. Once I'm saved up for a better rig, I'll be jumping my ass off. Mmmmm... Velocity 96... yes. Good luck with the house.
- Macaulay

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You might have to do like me I ttok off to buy a house in 1981 I started back jumping last september at age 44.I had to lose 90 lbs to start jumping again (ya gotta love beer).I also work two jobs to support my jumping.If you work during the day you might want to get a job delivering pizza .No it's not a joke I average about 35.00 a night in tips plus about 12 to 15 dollars a night for mileage.If I had it to do over again I never would have stopped jumping.You only have so many jump years before your to old or dead.I know this is a hard decision for you .The house is probably more important than jumping but look at all your options,make a plan,and good luck on what ever you decide.

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hey speed--
it looks like we're in the opposite situation. you gotta sell your rig but can still jump. i have myrig next to me but there is no dz in korea. for the next bunch of months ill be growing roots too. if i was closer, id lend ya mine so one of us could still get high. all in all, i feel your pain, bro!!
but eventually we'll get back up there, it doenst mean you gotta stop goin gto the dz, does it?
have funLIVE FREE,skydive

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Good luck with the house Speed Racer. I'm buying mine too, and it is hard at times, but good too. And when the value increases you can refinance and have money for a rig & jumps! That's how I got the money for AFF (which I'm only half way through... damn fear damn winter)
It's all good.

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