sangiro 26 #1 September 13, 2001 spectre230 and biguns asked me to remove all their posts from these forums and delete their registrations. They were not censored. I reserve the right not to delete any of your posts even if you ask me. If you don't want stuff to be on here, best not to post it in the fist place. I also reserve the right to remove any post even if you don't ask me Safe swoopsSangiro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pyke 0 #2 September 13, 2001 that is a little over the top as far as a reaction goes...but if that is what they both wanted...then good on ya HH!I don't know what exactly has gone on with them...but in light of the situation...all I can say is..."Pussies!!"BWAAHHAAHAAH!!!!!Kahurangi e Mahearangi,Pyke NZPF A - 2584USPA C- 31879 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slappie 9 #3 September 13, 2001 [action] Falls over laffing his ass off!!!!!!!! {"Pussies!!"BWAAHHAAHAAH!!!!!} [/action]I'm on the floor rolling!! My New Website with 24hr Chat Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #4 September 13, 2001 I sure will miss all of his "experience" and reading about how he made TONS of HAHO night jumps every night. *sigh*I think I'll be OK. --------------Boogie pics coming!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pyke 0 #5 September 13, 2001 That's good MM....we're here for ya man!!Kahurangi e Mahearangi,Pyke NZPF A - 2584USPA C- 31879 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HotLoad 0 #6 September 13, 2001 I must've missed something REALLY deep. Oh well, thier loss. Can anyone fill me in on the high points of what happened between these two? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #7 September 13, 2001 I think yhat it is Spectre acting out because we know that he is a fake and "buguns" is a fake person. That is my take on it, but HH could only say for sure.--------------Boogie pics coming!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aviatrr 0 #8 September 13, 2001 Quote I sure will miss all of his "experience" and reading about how he made TONS of HAHO night jumps every night. *sigh* Ya want me to pick up where he left off?"No shit, there I was, exiting a 747 at 35,000ft over Libya at 2am......"DOH! Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TALONSKY 0 #9 September 13, 2001 You know, one would have to live a pretty pathetic life to have to lie about who they are in this forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skreamer 1 #10 September 13, 2001 QuoteYa want me to pick up where he left off?"No shit, there I was, exiting a 747 at 35,000ft over Libya at 2am......"Hey, Mike, is it true that when you retire you're allowed to keep one of the space shuttles you used for your ultra ultra ultra HAHO jumps??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HotLoad 0 #11 September 13, 2001 What, you mean everyone here doesn't jump from 747's @35k? God knows that's what I was doing last night...even made it back to the States in time for breakfast. No Arab nation is going to keep me from eating my Frosted Flakes. I was under the impression that everyone here was some sort of Special Ops military-person-type thingy. Seriously though, some people just can't seem to tell the truth to save their ass, and will even lie when the truth is better. Poor souls....better off w/o them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mountainman 0 #12 September 13, 2001 QuoteHey, Mike, is it true that when you retire you're allowed to keep one of the space shuttles you used for your ultra ultra ultra HAHO jumps??? yeah, you do.....but you have to take the Challenger.Seriously. That really annoyed me. I thought it was the coolest thing when he started out on that thread how he was making all this money and then gets to jump all this stuff and then gets to retire with a free plane. THEN.....I was like "WHAT???".--------------Boogie pics coming!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #13 September 13, 2001 Normally I dont do this but in this instance it might allow some people here to burn off some steam without hurting any ones feelings."No shit, there I was, exiting a 747 at 35,000ft over Libya at 2am......"on a mission that was so dangerous that the SEALS and the rangers turned it down. We dedided to static line our exits out of the plane. The plane was to be retirement present but I decieded to use it on this mission because.....Next persons turn ! Flying on your belly is great..... if thats all you can do! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pyke 0 #14 September 13, 2001 Quote"No shit, there I was, exiting a 747 at 35,000ft over Libya at 2am......"on a mission that was so dangerous that the SEALS and the rangers turned it down. We dedided to static line our exits out of the plane. The plane was to be retirement present but I decieded to use it on this mission because........the flux capacitor allows for a specific yawl rate that gives the pilot (me) enough time to bank a hard right turn...engage the auto pilot and still jump into the conflict...a mere 100 yards behind my unit. We then set off on foot (these special military running shoes that allow a human to run at 1/3 the speed faster than normal) in the direction of our target, the....This is more fun with him not here!!!!Kahurangi e Mahearangi,Pyke NZPF A - 2584USPA C- 31879 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aviatrr 0 #15 September 13, 2001 Quote Hey, Mike, is it true that when you retire you're allowed to keep one of the space shuttles you used for your ultra ultra ultra HAHO jumps??? We don't use shuttles for those jumps - we just sit in a special compartment on a TITAN IV and bail out whenever we feel we're high enough, or when we're over the target.. Figuring that forward throw is a bitch, though! Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #16 September 13, 2001 Quote...the flux capacitor allows for a specific yawl rate that gives the pilot (me) enough time to bank a hard right turn...engage the auto pilot and still jump into the conflict...a mere 100 yards behind my unit. We then set off on foot (these special military running shoes that allow a human to run at 1/3 the speed faster than normal) in the direction of our target, the....stolen nuclear materials that were stolen from secret nuclear bases in Russia, US, Antartica, the Moon and Mars. As we climbed the 50000 foot hills between our dropzone, which i flew into with my Extreme VX 64, and our target I saw.....Is'nt this better then fighting with each other? Flying on your belly is great..... if thats all you can do! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HotLoad 0 #17 September 13, 2001 ....... the massive nature of my genitalia (aka cock n' balls) began to retard my progress, so while still in flight, I pulled out my knife and severed my heretofore unused package. After I caught up with the group, we soon reached the staging area. I used a lighter to carterize the wound. I then taped my genitals to a grenade along with a little note that said "eat dick, you........" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jfields 0 #18 September 13, 2001 Quote....... the massive nature of my genitalia (aka cock n' balls) began to retard my progress, so while still in flight, I pulled out my knife and severed my heretofore unused package. After I caught up with the group, we soon reached the staging area. I used a lighter to carterize the wound. I then taped my genitals to a grenade along with a little note that said "eat dick, you........".... little Mouseketeers! I had totally screwed the spot and we'd landed in Disney World. But what the hell, I'm special ops, so I figured I might as well kick some ass and take some names anyway. Those goddamn Goofy and Mickey had pissed me off as a child, leaving me......JustinMy Homepage Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumperpaula 0 #19 September 13, 2001 Quote.... little Mouseketeers! I had totally screwed the spot and we'd landed in Disney World. But what the hell, I'm special ops, so I figured I might as well kick some ass and take some names anyway. Those goddamn Goofy and Mickey had pissed me off as a child, leaving me..........sexually frustrated and needing to find my inner most femine side. Unsure where to turn to for help, I found the nearest emergency shelter for the sexually frustrated and waited a while till I was seen by.... Where's Michele when we need her??Paula Fly Your Slot ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viking 0 #20 September 14, 2001 Post deleted by sangiro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nimbus 0 #21 September 14, 2001 You all have to stop because I have an extremely sore throat and really shouldn't be laughing so hard.Hey Viking, it sounds like he'd been watching that show "La Femme Nikita" a bit too much!Larissa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Donna 0 #22 September 14, 2001 Private messages are suppose to be just that... privateSkies,D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jfields 0 #23 September 14, 2001 So far, our story is:"No shit, there I was, exiting a 747 at 35,000ft over Libya at 2am on a mission that was so dangerous that the SEALS and the rangers turned it down. We dedided to static line our exits out of the plane. The plane was to be retirement present but I decieded to use it on this mission because the flux capacitor allows for a specific yawl rate that gives the pilot (me) enough time to bank a hard right turn...engage the auto pilot and still jump into the conflict...a mere 100 yards behind my unit. We then set off on foot (these special military running shoes that allow a human to run at 1/3 the speed faster than normal) in the direction of our target, the stolen nuclear materials that were stolen from secret nuclear bases in Russia, US, Antartica, the Moon and Mars. As we climbed the 50000 foot hills between our dropzone, which i flew into with my Extreme VX 64, and our target I saw the massive nature of my genitalia (aka cock n' balls) began to retard my progress, so while still in flight, I pulled out my knife and severed my heretofore unused package. After I caught up with the group, we soon reached the staging area. I used a lighter to carterize the wound. I then taped my genitals to a grenade along with a little note that said "eat dick, you little Mouseketeers!" I had totally screwed the spot and we'd landed in Disney World. But what the hell, I'm special ops, so I figured I might as well kick some ass and take some names anyway. Those goddamn Goofy and Mickey had pissed me off as a child, leaving me sexually frustrated and needing to find my inner most femine side. Unsure where to turn to for help, I found the nearest emergency shelter for the sexually frustrated and waited a while till I was seen by......."Keep the story going, please. JustinMy Homepage Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viking 0 #24 September 14, 2001 Donna keep in mind what i posted is Pure bullshit fiction. Its not his real life.I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
parduhn 0 #25 September 14, 2001 ...none other than the former Commander in Chief Bill Clinton. That alone was enough to give me an erection but I realized I had relieved them of their duty. Bill reassured me there was life after having your testicles removed, at least in Hillary's case there was. My heart jumped and breathing got quick when he pulled from his pants the biggest, darkest, Cuban cigar I had ever seen. Terror and pleasure collided in me when he said... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites